
All Is Not Forgotten Quotes

All Is Not Forgotten by Wendy Walker

All Is Not Forgotten Quotes
"The ground was littered with winter debris, dead leaves and twigs that had fallen over the past six months and decayed beneath a blanket of snow."
"An acre of green grass, slippery and wet. Big open skies with puffy white clouds."
"The rape lasted for close to an hour. It seems impossible that they could know this."
"Fairview High School was small by most standards, even for suburban Connecticut."
"After years of what I have come to think of as adolescent cocooning, she felt she had come into her own."
"He had invited her to the party on a Monday in the hallway between Chemistry and European History."
"The music was blaring and she would have heard it from the scene of the attack."
"When he was finished and had slipped away into the darkness, she used her arm for support, lifting her face from the brush."
"Back to her hands and knees, she began to crawl again."
"She said she had always considered herself a strong girl, an athlete with a formidable will."
"What was removed from her mind lived on in her body, and her soul."
"I had recognized her walking in town, coming out of the movie theater with friends, in a concert at the school that my own children attended."
"The hospital lobby was empty when they arrived."
"The nurse smiled at them sympathetically as she released the lock on the door to the treatment rooms."
"They walked through the security doors to triage, and then to another circular desk."
"Charlotte Kramer asked Jenny the question one evening in the following winter, eight months after the rape."
"I was a beautiful girl. I had blond hair and blue eyes and my body was quite developed around that time."
"He cried harder as he stood up, stepping around the blood. 'I love you,' he said. And then he left."
"Insanity is just a word. The men I treat are violent offenders, and they have illnesses ranging from depression to severe psychosis."
"Our prisons are overflowing with the mentally ill. Whether the illness led them to commit their crimes, or the prison environment created their illness, is not always easily determined."
"I suppose it’s akin to addiction and the choice to be in recovery. Would you rather live a life of total sobriety or be in a constant state of inebriation? I would certainly choose sobriety."
"We need our parents to love us without condition, without logic, and beyond reason."
"We are small, inconsequential beings. It is only our place in the hearts of others that fills us up, that gives us our purpose, our pride, and our sense of self."
"Reading parenting books—and all self-help books, as far as I’m concerned—is the equivalent of learning math from a dog."
"A patient sits before you. He has lost his arm in battle. He has lost his memory of the battle. And now he has lost himself to his own mind. Is this man not worthy of your time?"
"I’m quite certain this is why the girls noticed the car. Everyone was again talking about Jenny Kramer."
"I am angry that Sean Logan suffered for nine months before he was sent to me."
"It's like inputting data into a computer. I didn't want the hard drive to crash."
"The human desire not to be alone in the world is powerful. More powerful, perhaps, than reason or conscience or fear."
"We say we would die for our spouses, or at least some people say this, but I do not believe it is true."
"It's amazing how we all lose sight of that. Maybe life would be unbearable if we did not."
"I have considered the possibility of genetic weaknesses, as these would affect my own children and might be cause for some early precautions."
"Every time we recall a memory, it is altered and then returned to storage in the altered state."
"The world is not a just place. I have already said this many times."
"Memories can be stored and subsequently lost or erased. Memories can also be saved but misfiled and therefore difficult to retrieve."
"I knew right away from the tone of her voice that she was worried."
"You can’t believe anything either of them is saying."
"I want to find this guy, I do. I just don’t want to find him here."
"I was on the verge of having an anxiety attack."
"I let the pill kick in; then I calmed myself with slow, steady breathing."
"Fuck them, Tom had even said one day about three weeks ago. Seriously. Fuck them."
"I feel less of something. In fact, last week I actually felt irritated."
"I don’t know why, but I just didn’t like the feel of his hands on me that day."
"It’s just regular stuff! It doesn’t make me a rapist!"
"I’m sure he did that—called his wife. She reminded him they were at a club function."