
Managed Quotes

Managed by Kristen Callihan

Managed Quotes
"I’m guessing it’s due to overbooking, and who knows why they picked me, but they did. First fucking class, baby."
"I’m one of the first people on board, so I give in to temptation and rifle through all the goodies they’ve left me."
"You know those people who Lady Luck always seems to be kissing on the cheek? The one who gets a promotion just for showing up to work?"
"I’m so giddy, I practically dance to my seat."
"It’s a window seat, sectioned off from my neighbor by a frosted glass panel I can lower with the touch of a button."
"But today? Lady Luck has finally turned her gaze upon me."
"We can count each other’s nose hairs back there."
"The flight is overbooked, and all seats are spoken for."
"I’ve always done what I thought was best for the band, protected them first and foremost."
"I know what it is to lose yourself in a job."
"We were all spinning out of control before Jax."
"I've never had anyone call me by my last name."
"Sophie, why are you upset? This is standard procedure."
"I love Spain. It’s something in the air. I want to go dancing, eat tapas, get drunk on Sangria."
"We can’t control the actions of others. We can only control our own."
"I’ve never been affectionate or normal, Sophie."
"I love that I see a side of him no one else does. I want to know this man."
"I live for this. It’s more than a career; it’s a dream come true."
"Sophie will be traveling with me on my coach. And it’s none of your bloody business why."
"I’m not going to lay into him something good. I thought we were… well, not friends exactly."
"You’re living here now; it’s not as though I can hide my viewing preferences."
"I want to be so exhausted that my body gives up asking for what it can’t have."
"I capture as much as I can, little slices of life held forever in an image. Pure, honest, and good moments that will never happen again. That I have saved them fills me with pride."
"Such power Kill John has in this moment, holding thousands of people utterly in thrall. It’s a thing of beauty."
"His eyes meet mine, a one-two punch to the heart and gut."
"He stands in the shadows, so beautifully sculpted, he appears untouchable. A rock. But that smile is my undoing."
"I realize he loves this part of the life; he’s just never shown it. He lets me see it now. This is the man behind the curtain."
"One day I’m going to get it. Screw pride, I’ll push and I’ll tease. It’s the only way I know how to break down his walls."
"Anticipation zings through me, and it’s not because we’re going out for the night; it’s because I’m with him."
"I’m not going to mope around anymore. I’ve a party to plan."
"Sophie Darling didn’t walk out on me. She gave me a chance."
"I’m replete and sweating in a tangle of Sophie’s curvy little body and the sheets that have long since pulled from the bed."
"I’ve lived my whole life denying myself what I truly want. And yet I cannot turn from you."
"I think last night made it clear that I love you touching me."
"I wouldn’t change a thing, however. Not when the end result is Sophie being well and truly mine."
"Do I care for public displays? No. Can I keep my hands, my mouth off Sophie? Hell no."
"I’d say you’re extremely stressed and overworked. Have you been sleeping well?"
"You need to grow the hell up and take responsibility when things go into the shitter."