
You Had Me At Hello Quotes

You Had Me At Hello by Mhairi McFarlane

You Had Me At Hello Quotes
"Everyone else knows this is simply what relationships are and you have unrealistic expectations."
"It’s a friendly, unassuming-looking place, I think. You could peg us as early thirty-something childless ‘professionals’ in a two-minute tour."
"Everything’s a little easier to bear on a Friday."
"Rhys works in graphic design for a marketing company. He hates it."
"I feel the storm clouds brewing and rolling, a thunderclap surely on its way."
"I realise that I’ve come to an understanding, woken up, and Rhys isn’t hearing the urgency."
"We’re about to spend thousands of pounds on the pretence, in front of all of the people who know us best, and the prospect’s making me horribly queasy."
"I’m tired, too, but not from five days of work. I’m tired of the effort of pretending."
"Maybe I’m the one sending desperate messages in code."
"I’m not sure it’s even a good idea for us to be together. We’re not happy."
"Enough was enough. There should be a TripAdvisor on dates, so you can give feedback. Nice view. Bad service. Book waaaay in advance."
"Narcissism and deception, the classic inceptors of healthy relationships."
"You have to relearn being on your own again."
"The latest revelation: you have to relearn being on your own again."
"I imagine him alone in that bed tonight and think: I’m lucky. I get a fresh start in new surroundings."
"It occurs to me that it’d be easier to get through unconscious."
"It was an intent look and gave me a sensation similar to when you think a fairground ride has come to a stop and it hasn’t, quite."
"If you hadn’t tried, you’d always wonder about him and regret it."
"Consider it what you had to do for peace of mind."
"She says instant physical attraction is a pre-requisite for any successful relationship – it’s either identifiably there, or not, from the start."
"You can’t polish a turd, but you can roll it in glitter."
"You only wasted a trip to Lloyd’s Pharmacy …"
"I feel as if I’m seducing someone by proxy, like Cyrano de Bergerac."
"This is nothing. This is a drink with an old face from university days."
"We’re not all lucky enough to be with our soul mates, but we’re not going to be celibate while we wait for them to turn up."
"You can get away with much imperfection when people are pissed."
"I can’t believe you’ve not been here for years."
"It’s either identifiably there, or not, from the start."
"It’s not so much an air of self-congratulation as a thick smog."
"Most people don’t get married to the person they love the most, they marry whoever they happen to be with when they turn thirty."
"Love at first sight and all that stuff is crap. It’s just the thrill of your imagination working on insufficient information."
"There’s a percentage of people on the planet you can be reasonably happy with. The One is in fact one of around six thousand."
"Being with the wrong person is lonelier than being on your own."
"I’m crap at knowing how I feel, it’s like I don’t even let myself in on the secret."
"If he’s feeling anything it’s nostalgia for being twenty-one."
"That’s what normal people do. They date! They don’t take advantage of drunk people who have to pay them rent."
"Life is about decisions. You either make them or they're made for you, but you can't avoid them."
"I feel like I'm a junior partner, or an apprentice. Not an equal."
"University’s like this little world, a bubble of time separate from everything before and everything after."
"Nothing will be the same as this though, is it?"
"You’re the only one who does not condone, or emulate, skirt stoats."
"You’re actually trying to make more for yourself out of this?"
"What I want is the truth about what you’ve done, but that’s too much to ask from you, isn’t it?"
"I thought you had some kind of ulterior motive in getting involved with me."
"I wanted to let you know that the champagne’s on the wane so get it while the going’s good."
"I want to tell the truth. Clean slate. I always thought you’d guessed, or someone had said something."
"It wasn’t fair. I thought about it. I couldn’t be that hard-faced."
"It’s OK, it was a long time ago. I can take it. You wanted to get back at Rhys and you knew you wouldn’t have to see me again. No harm done."
"I don’t understand you, sometimes. But I don’t think you understand me ever."
"I feel as if I’m starring in the pilot of a show called Everybody Hates Rachel, hoping it doesn’t get picked up for a series."
"Do you actually want me to answer these questions? If you keep asking me them, I will. Final warning."
"Today isn’t the easiest day for me. For the parents it was going to be a two-part thing, this was the prelude to my wedding."
"When you look sad it makes me sad, and when I get affected by something is when it officially starts mattering."
"That’s because she was ten to thirteen years younger."
"It means a complete avoidance of giving any details about an attractive woman when it’s your wife requesting them. Literally. No. Description."
"We nondescript ladies have to try to get attention somehow."
"I didn’t know if Ben had told you. I didn’t think it was my business to ask."
"Then I went for Chinatown dim sum with him and to top it all off, he’s fairly competent with chopsticks."