
Dark Guardian Quotes

Dark Guardian by Christine Feehan

Dark Guardian Quotes
"You’re the one leading the party, honey, and we’re all following you."
"I want all of you to pull back and out. Signal when clear."
"You idiot, it’s loaded with enough chemicals to blow up the building with you in it. Now get the hell out of there."
"I’m tired, Barry. I’ve been tired for a very long time. Someone else can save everybody now."
"I am your lifemate, young one. You have no idea what that means, and you are not Carpathian, so I expect a certain amount of resistance from you."
"You are just as capable of speaking to me in the same way, honey."
"You are far more adept than you realize, honey. Merging my mind with yours gave you more information than I had planned."
"He was justice for his people, the executor of their law."
"I have no other choice. It is my way of life, Jaxon. I cannot change that. I would not want to change it."
"You know I am not. I have forced your compliance only on the occasions when I was healing you, binding you to me, and when you needed sleep."
"I have been in your mind many times, Jaxon. How could I not know you? You have already captured my heart."
"My soul is stained so black, my love, there is no real way to ever redeem it. I am a dark angel of death."
"You are my life, my only reason for existence, my heart and my soul, the very air I breathe."
"You are my lifemate, bound to me for all eternity and always in my care."
"I have lived without joy for nearly two thousand years, and in the short time we have been together, you have made every one of those dark, endless minutes worth it."
"I am not just anyone, Jaxon, and I am more than grateful that you do not ‘sleep around.’"
"What do you think a lifemate is? We are married in the way of the Carpathian people. We are bound for all eternity, one to the other, body and soul."
"I have held out against the darkness for more centuries than I can say, but if something happened to you, I would truly become a monster."
"You are the only thing in this world that matters to me."
"I need you completely, Jaxon, for all time. I need you safe and protected so that I never wake again with the knowledge that you have placed your life in danger."
"You are my life, my miracle. I feared for you, and I did not care for the feeling. I have never known fear. I know it now, and I do not like it."
"You were created for me, the other half of my soul."
"She was hot, flowing honey, so soft he wanted to crawl inside her."
"Her tongue stroked across his chest, closing the tiny pinpricks."
"I am not certain this rising will be long enough to sate my hunger."
"Lucian paused in the act of working on the computer."
"I am with you, angel. We can face anything together."
"Drake is responsible for these crimes, not you."
"You cannot leave me alone to live in an empty world with no light or laughter."
"I can underestimate him easily enough without being less powerful."
"It is my duty to destroy him, and I will do so."
"I have great control, tremendous discipline, and I have learned what others have not."
"I would no longer ask for your presence in my life, I would demand it."
"You are fire right now, my little love, and you are ice when you are under fire."
"You are my lifemate, not a cop. When we hunt, we hunt together, but you will follow my lead."
"Sleep well, angel. Take me with you deep into your dreams."
"Perhaps she has good reason to fear the human."
"You will have no fear of the earth and its welcoming arms."
"She had proven to him time and time again that she always did the unexpected."
"Jaxon was strong and intelligent, a force to be reckoned with."
"She thought only good of him; she didn’t have the sense to be afraid."
"It was hot beneath the earth, but her mind was still and calm."
"He was tranquil in the midst of extreme danger."
"I can take care of these evil ones with no problem."
"I can do no other than ask that you no longer walk this land with her."
"Let’s have more hot, crazy sex, then. It works for me."
"Fast. Furious. Hard, hot sex. Just what she wanted, what he wanted."