
Enemy Of God Quotes

Enemy Of God by Bernard Cornwell

Enemy Of God Quotes
"Tonight the curtain that separates the dead from the living will quiver, fray, and finally vanish."
"All that we loved is broken, all that we made is pulled down and all that we sowed is reaped by the Saxons."
"I am like a man building a wall of mud and wattle to resist an imminent flood."
"The Gods hate order, order is what destroys the Gods, so they must destroy order."
"We British cling to the high western lands and talk of revenge, but there is no sword that will fight a great darkness."
"But I am still cursed by breath. I live while my friends feast."
"The dead, he says, do not have shadowbodies, nor can they cross the sword bridge."
"Life is for the taking, not for submission, and all my life, I’ve done what people told me to do."
"When everything is well ordered and disciplined then nothing is unexpected. If you understand everything, then there's no room left for magic."
"I was always obedient. I was always the obedient little girl, the dutiful daughter."
"He’s dying because he’s close to his dream and because he made his bargain with the Gods."
"If you understand everything, then there's no room left for magic."
"We could scatter it to the empty heavens, we must squander it, we must throw it away, we must sacrifice it."
"Tell him his wife will be my whore, and that when I've exhausted her she shall be the pleasure of my slaves."
"It is not good for a man to ignore his mother."
"If you try kindness he just takes advantage of it."
"You should never meet an enemy face to face, not if you know that one day you'll have to destroy him."
"The only answer is to leave Aelle strong enough to frighten Cerdic still."
"What Cerdic wants is to rule all Lloegyr. But if we let him do that then we have one terrible enemy instead of two weaker ones."
"Arthur does all the fighting, Aelle gives up most of the land, Lancelot snatches himself a much more suitable kingdom, and Cerdic doubles his own power."
"The Gods go further and further away. They grow weak and we who love them grow weak too, but it will not last."
"What is the structure of law and roads and forts but a harness?"
"I thought you hated the Romans. Me? Hate the Romans? How I do pray, Derfel, that my teachings will not be passed to posterity through the mangled sieve you choose to call a brain."
"They once walked with the Gods, we were a free people, and then we put our stupid heads into the Roman yoke and became taxpayers."
"He says they talk about religion. Or rather they argue about it."
"He spends hours with those two wretched Druids."
"He hunts girls. He doesn't treat them badly, but they don't really have much choice."
"He thinks it's enough to say prayers once a day and then he behaves as he likes thereafter."
"His palace guard, we heard, were all Saxons now."
"The virtuous life becomes easier when you're older."
"My name is Derfel Cadarn, a Lord of Dumnonia."
"I am no Christian, Bishop, but do you not preach that your Otherworld is a place of utter delights?"
"The faith of our Lord Jesus Christ is the only true faith, and that no other faith can exist in the glorious light of its truth."
"The Saxons are unfinished business, Derfel, unfinished business."
"You think, Lord Arthur, that Dumnonia will fall if you and Derfel are absent?"
"I want to find some meaning in my mother’s revelations."
"Religion! Is Dumnonia even worth fighting for?"
"I will make your manhood shrivel to the size of a dried bean."
"You think we can regain your throne without Derfel’s men?"
"I cannot free you of Mordred for my oath forbids it."
"Merlin tells me that Mordred is possessed of an evil spirit."
"I don't care that he wanted me dead, but I do care that he lost his kingdom."
"Just watch Arthur, because when you think he is doomed, he will astonish you."