
The Tenth Insight: Holding The Vision Quotes

The Tenth Insight: Holding The Vision by James Redfield

The Tenth Insight: Holding The Vision Quotes
"We’re beginning to understand that the health of the body is determined to a great degree by our mental processes: what we think of life and especially of ourselves, at both the conscious and the unconscious levels."
"Accidents, illness, healing, they’re all more mysterious than any of us ever imagined. I believe that we have an undiscovered ability to influence what happens to us in the future, including whether we are healthy—although, again, the power has to remain with the individual patient."
"When a physician says something, patients have tended to take these opinions totally to heart. The country doctors of a hundred years ago knew this, and would use this principle to actually paint an overly optimistic picture of any health situation. If the doctor said that the patient would get better, very often the patient would internalize this idea in his or her mind and actually defy all odds to recover."
"In later years, however, ethical considerations have prevented such distortions, and the establishment has felt that the patient is entitled to a cold scientific assessment of his or her situation."
"We don’t have to be sick, and we don’t have to be the victim of so many accidents."
"The body is capable of miraculous regeneration. Body parts thought of in the past as solid forms are actually energy systems that can transform overnight."
"I believe the first step in the process is to identify the fear with which the medical problem seems to be connected; this opens up the energy block in your body to conscious healing."
"Unfortunately that’s what we’ve always thought, but pain is really a beacon."
"I believe that pain serves another function beyond just telling us that something is wrong. Perhaps it also points out exactly where the difficulty is, so that we can follow it into our bodies like a beacon and place our attention and energy in exactly the right spot."
"Real healing takes place when we can envision a new kind of future for ourselves that excites us. Inspiration is what keeps us well."
"The combination of the two set me up to look for a new paradigm in medicine: one based on the patient’s ability to take control of his or her life and to get back on the right path."
"Sexual union is a holy moment in which a part of Heaven flows into the Earth."
"When we have an intuition or a dream to pursue a particular course in our lives and we follow this guidance, certain events transpire that feel like magic coincidences. We feel more alive and excited. The events seem destined, as though they were supposed to happen."
"We’re finally becoming aware of a process that has been unconscious since human experience began. From the start, humans have perceived a Birth Vision, and then after birth have gone unconscious, aware of only the vaguest of intuitions."
"In truth, there was only one God, a God, in their view, that was still demanding and threatening and patriarchal—and still existing outside of ourselves—but for the first time, personal and responsive, and the sole creator of all humans."
"The one God was a holy spirit, a divine energy, whose existence could be felt and proven experientially."
"Coming into spiritual awareness meant more than rituals and sacrifices and public prayer. It involved a repentance of a deeper kind; a repentance that was an inner psychological shift based on the suspension of the ego’s addictions."
"The first democratic parliaments were established, and calls were issued for an end to the divine right of kings and the bloody reign of the church over spiritual and social reality."
"In spite of our rhetoric, our once-strong intuition of a spiritual source was being pushed farther into the background."
"No, they just go crazy in the Fear and make horrible mistakes. And, ultimately, they must bear the full responsibility of these mistakes."
"This idea is a metaphor, a symbolic way of warning people to look to the divine for security, not to their sometimes tragic ego urges and habits."
"Fearful people want to control others. That’s why certain groups try to pull you in and convince you to follow them, and ask you to submit to their authority, or fight you if you try to leave."
"We can learn to intervene spiritually! And that means helping to bring the whole process into consciousness, as these souls here are doing for those caught in the illusions."
"They are simply repeating the only behavior they know that will numb the mind and keep away the anxiety that comes from the lostness they feel."
"It is the action itself—the compulsive, dramatic, high-adrenaline nature of the action—that pushes the anxiety so far into the background that he can forget about it, repress it, and feel half at ease in his existence, at least for a little while."
"Business is too often labeled as the greedy villain, out of control, with no conscience."
"Productivity has steadily increased because of technological discoveries and the more expansive use of natural resources and energy."
"Doesn’t the environmental damage that economic growth is causing form a natural limit to business?"
"Our problem has been trying to depend on government to police the polluters."
"We’re already living in the information age. Everyone will have to educate themselves the best they can, become an expert in some niche."
"What can I produce that liberates and informs and makes the world a better place, yet also preserves a delicate environmental balance?"
"We have to come awake wherever we are and ask, ‘What are we creating and does it consciously serve the overall purpose?'"
"Instead of asking what product or service I can develop to make the most money, we’re beginning to ask, ‘What can I produce that liberates and informs and makes the world a better place, yet also preserves a delicate environmental balance?’"
"This is the awareness that we’re remembering together, right now— and it’s the awareness that other groups, just like us, are remembering all over the planet."
"The soul groups in the Afterlife understand the World Vision, the vision of how the physical world can evolve and the dimensions can close, but this can only be accomplished by individuals who are born into the physical, one at a time, hoping to move the consensus Earth reality in that direction."