
Dark Destiny Quotes

Dark Destiny by Christine Feehan

Dark Destiny Quotes
"She woke to the knowledge that she was a murderess and that she would kill again."
"Pain and hunger crawled through her body endlessly, relentlessly."
"The heart of the demon. Her savior. Her mortal enemy."
"She floated out of the ground, clothing herself with the ease of long practice."
"Destiny found herself in a familiar part of the city. Her body traveled the accustomed path before she had even thought where she was going."
"She watched over them, watched over their lives, yet she was always alone, always apart."
"She stood for a long moment in silence with a terrible unfamiliar burning behind her eyes."
"Destiny leaned against the wall, tired of pain, tired of being so alone."
"Sometimes it’s the only way to survive. Whom do I tell? The police? They’d lock me up in a mental institution."
"You want something from me I can’t give you. You want me to condemn you. You’ve saved my life at least twice. I like you as a person. I know you’re troubled, but that doesn’t make you the monster you want me to name you."
"This isn’t real. You think you live in reality, but this isn’t real."
"Of course it is. It’s as real as your life has been, just completely different. You can’t go back; I can’t go back either, but we can go on."
"It isn’t going to work, you know. I know what you’re doing. Of course the idea of vampires is frightening to me. I had no idea such things existed outside of movies and books, but I’ve had two days to think about that thing. He felt evil. I’m not scared of you, but you’re deliberately trying to frighten me."
"You’re something different, Destiny. I don’t know what, but you aren’t anything like that creature who wanted my blood."
"I’m dancing with you," he answered easily, pulling her closer to him.
"I understand her, understand what she needs. And we are meant to be together. Two halves of the same whole."
"I know things about people," she whispered. "That’s how I can match people up. And that’s why I know something’s wrong."
"I am a Carpathian male, an ancient hunter very close to my time. If I am not bound to my lifemate, I must either seek the dawn or turn vampire. My choice is clear."
"You are everything I need. Everything I want."
"I will always be with you. You are hunted, Destiny. They are closing in from above and below. Come back to this time and place. Come with me now."
"Why would I fight to bring power to an evil one? My death is nothing to him. Your deaths are nothing to him. We are cannon fodder while he hides and gloats and waits for us to bring the hunters to their knees."
"You have always been my magic. I have no need of others."
"I claim you as my lifemate. I offer my life for you. I give you my protection, my allegiance, my heart, my soul and my body. I take into my keeping the same that is yours."
"She has always valued my life, and she knows our lives are intertwined. She will not willingly give up her life in a fight, and she is not careless."
"She is a fighter, Vikirnoff. If anyone can beat this, she is the one."
"I am not going to be able to stop. There was a plea for mercy in his voice."
"I see what you’re saying, Nicolae, and I know you’re right."
"He was already puffed up and smirking but I don’t think you’re the least bit sexy."
"He could take everything away from me. Everything I am, everything I’ve worked so hard to achieve, to become."
"You exist. You love me. You are beginning to surrender yourself into my keeping. It is enough."
"My clothes are killing me, Destiny. Take them off for me."
"Why do you want me? Because I’m the light that burns so brightly you will not turn?"
"She chose to walk down the street, needing the normalcy of human life."
"Deep in thought, she barely registered the change in the wind as it shifted direction, blowing away from her, stirring dirt in the street."
"Farther down the street, a second streetlight shattered as if hit by a rock, raining glass on the ground."
"Destiny observed him, the way he seemed drawn to the glittering pieces."
"The skies were darkening as gray threads spun wildly to spawn larger, more ominous clouds."
"The blanket of stars disappeared beneath the storm."
"The fog was alive with tendrils, little wormlike creatures rushing toward her, alive with teeth and seething with hatred."
"Destiny tried to gather herself to meet the attack, but her body failed her, useless without nourishment, her strength spent on the battle to drive out the poisonous virus."
"The vampire retained the body of the beast, but the crocodilian head contorted, wavered, solidified into the head of a man."
"Destiny didn’t take her gaze from Pater. A small, grim smile touched her mouth."
"Without warning his arms became hard and immovable, his teeth sank deep into her pulsing neck."
"Lightning struck, arcing and sizzling through her body, through his."
"Pain and pleasure mingled, gave way to ecstasy."
"Hard. Insistent. Thrusting deep as if he were attempting to reach her very soul."
"The pleasure was so intense, it was difficult to think straight."
"One of them had to be sane in the world of erotic pleasure."
"Her body reacted wildly to his, spiraling out of control."
"Every nerve ending was alive. Her skin was on fire."
"The release rocked them both; they allowed it to slide away."
"The terrible hardness of his arms melted away and he reluctantly released her."
"We belong together as one. Where you are, so am I."
"The rush took them both, a tremendous, mind-shattering orgasm."
"It is good to see you. Mikhail has recently learned of the continuing existence of ancients in the world and has put out the call to return and regroup if at all possible."
"I think it’s great," Savannah declared, hugging Gregori closer.
"We have much to tell," Vikirnoff hissed softly at Nicolae.
"I don’t need Nicolae to answer for me. I’m perfectly capable of speaking for myself."
"He’s all bark, no bite. I’m doing my best to convince him I would make a great hunter, but so far he’s unconvinced."
"You get used to him." Savannah ignored Gregori’s warning touch.
"I can always smell a vampire," Destiny asserted. "And they can always scent me. Blood calls to blood."
"If Savannah were infected, I would never hesitate. We are bound, two halves of the same whole. I would not have thought twice," Gregori said decisively.
"Stay right here while Gregori is working on me," Nicolae said.
"Hurry, Nicolae, before I change my mind." It was a soft whispered plea.
"You’re crazy, you know that?" She gave an exaggerated sigh as she shoved him toward Gregori.
"This place is my home and you no longer belong here. Go and leave this girl."
"It was too late," Destiny said softly. "He gave in a long time ago."
"You are terrible, Father. Would you like to come to Velda’s house with us?"
"Take me to this miracle worker, dear. If I am to survive, he will have to work some kind of magic."
"Have I told you lately that I love you? Because I do, very, very much."