
Dark Symphony Quotes

Dark Symphony by Christine Feehan

Dark Symphony Quotes
"Fog, thick and dense, blanketed the sky, muffling every sound."
"The night enfolded him, embraced him as a brother."
"Her home had been modernized many times over the centuries, but the Gothic architecture had been preserved as closely as possible to the original."
"She loved her life, blind or no. She lived it the way she wanted to live."
"Every kill brought him closer to the edge of madness. Until he found the music."
"In the darkness, his eyes glowed the fiery red of a predator on the hunt."
"The music swelled beneath her fingers, rose to a crescendo of rioting emotions."
"She presented a certain image to the world: a confident, renowned concert pianist and respected composer."
"In spite of the fact that his clothing was soaked, she burrowed close to him."
"I knew there was a bomb on the boat. I jumped into the sea as it went off."
"The beast was growing and spreading inside of me."
"They were wonderful. You rarely saw one without the other."
"I've never been able to communicate so clearly with anyone as I can with you."
"I heard my mother whisper to my father. She’d be right back, she was going to check on me."
"I knew things others didn’t. I could do things others couldn’t."
"I’m telling you I accept the inevitable and don’t want you to feel bad about it."
"I heard enough to know that those passageways are dangerous."
"I felt his call. He is a powerful dog but extremely gentle."
"I feel the cat inside of me at times. Warning me. I have an acute sense of smell. I’m blind, yet at times when the wildness inside of me is growing, I see in colors of red and yellow and white. Heat images."
"I have a good life, and I never expected to meet someone I was so attracted to."
"You have much to learn of who and what I am."
"I am your lifemate. Keeper of your heart as you are the keeper of mine."
"His words sounded foreign and even formal, but it still didn’t stop her from turning her mouth up to his."
"They simply melted together, two halves of the same whole."
"I’m just saying I didn’t expect nor want a lover for more than a short period of time."
"You can’t possibly want a long-term, permanent relationship with me. You don’t even know me."
"I am of the earth. My people have been in existence since the beginning of time, in one form or another."
"You can't make yourself sick with grief like this again, Toni."
"Why would you take the food personally to your grandfather and cousin?"
"Your truces do not last long, do they Tasha?"
"What of Enrico? Has there been any word on our missing chef?"
"You're acting like a lovesick teenager. It’s embarrassing."
"That’s so true. I’m so jealous I could tear out that man’s eyes."
"You may have had sex with me, but I was making love to you with every breath in my body."
"Pretty words aren't going to get you out of trouble."
"I am floating, gliding really. It is a pleasant sensation."
"I'm the man, / The man you can’t see, / An invisible man, you ought to fear me."
"She was thinking of the preservation of our people."
"No child can learn what they need in that short of time."
"Our males certainly do not blame our women for such a tragedy."
"Every child saved, however we can manage to save them, every lifemate found, every male saved, even at the expense of a childhood, is a step forward for our people."
"You know the path. It is the same as making love, merging minds completely. Just let it happen."
"I can hold the merge, and you will be able to see."
"It is all right, bella, I am not looking for incriminating evidence. You are in my head as well."
"I’m not going to allow a wild animal to scare me away from my chance at meeting your family."
"Scarlettis were born to be embroiled in scandals."
"You are not getting away with torturing me, Antonietta."
"Life is meant to be lived. I don’t want to sit on the sidelines and watch it go by."
"Being blind has taught me to take the opportunities I can, the moment they’re offered."
"I want to spend my life with you. So let’s get to it."
"I’m glad you caught me. I’m glad you found out the truth."
"You can’t imagine how much I’d hoped we could find a way to restore Toni’s sight."
"We all have choices, Antonietta. At some point we have to take responsibility for our own lives."
"Movement makes it more difficult. I have to look at something stationary to really see it."
"You forgive everybody, everything. That’s just how you are."
"Please make peace with Justine. I know you’re hurt by what she did, but I told her they were going to kill me."
"It’s Helena. The jaguar is Helena. She can shape-shift."
"If you want to cook, tell him to get out and leave you to it."
"Do not be late and leave me standing there looking like an idiot."
"I am grateful I am a gem-caller rather than a healer."