
Bridge To Haven Quotes

Bridge To Haven by Francine Rivers

Bridge To Haven Quotes
"You have been with me from birth; from my mother’s womb you have cared for me." - PSALM 71:6
"Scream, sweetheart; scream as loud as you can. You hold on to life, now."
"Pure, genuine religion in the sight of God is shown by caring for widows and orphans."
"I come to the garden alone, while the dew is still on the roses."
"The Lord gave me what I had, and the Lord has taken it away. Praise the name of the Lord!" - JOB 1:21
"Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names." - JOHN F. KENNEDY
"We both liked Kent Fullerton. Remember the Adonis I told you about? He’s our star quarterback with half the girls in school pining for his attention."
"You invited your dad to your boot camp graduation ceremony. Why didn’t you invite me? I wouldn’t care if I missed church for the rest of my life!"
"I am mad at her right now, too. She already made me learn to play every hymn in the book, but that’s not good enough for her."
"She came right out on her front porch and yelled loud enough for everyone in the neighborhood to hear that I’d never get the rhythm right without her."
"Good morning," said Zeke. "Any word from that boy of yours?"
"You’re not afraid for him?" "Oh, I know fear, but every time it hits me, I pray."
"Christmas was nice. Mitzi helped with the pageant. Mr. Brubaker played piano this year."
"Joshua wrote to Abra once from Japan, where he was on R & R. It was the longest letter she had received in months."
"Tell Abra I love her. I dream about her sometimes."
"Lord, what will it take to open this child’s heart to the depth, breadth, and height of Your love for her?"
"The service was at an end. People stood and moved toward the center aisle as Abra played the postlude."
"Pray for me, Dad. I’ve seen so many die, I no longer feel anything when it happens."
"If You let him die, God, I’ll hate You forever. I swear I will."
"He wondered what war would do to Joshua. Some men survived physically, but came home soul-wounded."
"He’s been wounded. But he’s alive." Her voice broke. "I knew he’d get killed. I knew it!"
"I hope he’s wrong about that. If he isn’t, I hope the war ends before you finish training!"
"She played with more skill than Marianne ever had, but mechanical skill could not replace the outpouring of one’s spirit into the music."
"The devil tempts us not —'tis we tempt him, Beckoning his skill with opportunity."
"I love you, Dylan." "I know you do, baby. I knew the minute I saw you, we were made for each other."
"Unable to escape, Abra retreated inward, shutting down, going numb."
"Be careful what you wish for. You might just get it."
"Abra filled her lungs and breathed out all her expectations and dreams."
"Letting go isn’t giving up. It’s trusting God to do whatever He has to do."
"Stone walls do not a prison make, Nor iron bars a cage."
"For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven."
"Sometimes God has to destroy in order to save. He has to wound in order to heal."
"You don’t have any parents. I don’t have a home anymore. Wherever Dylan goes, I go."
"If you sign that contract, you’re putting yourself in my hands for a long time. And I’ll make you into someone the whole world wants."
"Dylan! My young friend. I called to thank you."
"In answer to that question, yes, she surprised me. I just signed her."
"Finis. That, my girl, was the end of a dark era. A new dawn has come."
"True." Mr. Moss’s eyes took on a hard gleam. "But he doesn’t know that’s all you did."
"You’re looking pretty good yourself. Do you want a ride?"
"I’ve always had one idea, but it just never worked out the way I dreamed."
"You knew. Your buddies teased me unmercifully until you told them to stop."
"I have no idea what kind of guy I’m looking for."
"You do know I had a gigantic crush on you from kindergarten through senior year of high school."
"We met at one of Lilith Stark’s parties in Beverly Hills."
"He will make you a star, if that’s what you want to be."
"I kept thinking about Mom and Dad and all that yelling. I didn’t think they loved each other at all."
"I’ve been waiting for a girl like you for a long time."
"God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our consciences, but shouts in our pains: it is His megaphone to rouse a deaf world."
"The world thinks it’s all glamour, but it’s hard work."
"You are who you are, my young friend. And you were already beautiful."
"You’d have to know Charles to understand. If he sees someone in trouble, he wants to help."
"We can live to please people, or we can live to please God."
"I hate pretending everything is wonderful and I’m happy."
"You can run, Susan, but you can’t hide from God."
"Had I been born a few centuries ago, maybe. We live in an age of airplanes."
"A man is only as good as his word, Mr. Cushing."
"Every decision she’d made in the last five years had brought disaster, each worse than the last."
"I should’ve warned you the guy was crazy as a loon."
"You know who I dread seeing most? Your father."
"You don’t have to listen to Joshua, you know."
"I have not given you a spirit of fear and timidity."
"I can never escape from your Spirit! I can never get away from your presence!"
"You’re an actress now, aren’t you? In movies."
"I’ve been a trial to you. I’ll go back to Haven someday."
"I'm glad you're back. Are you staying? We've got so much to talk about! I want to hear what it was like in Hollywood!"
"You’ve been crazy about that girl for as long as I can remember."
"You look like you’re here for a viewing. Now get your backside on that bench."
"I knew you’d never forget, sweetie pie. I counted on it."
"I saw you standing at the gate, night after night."