
Succubus Dreams Quotes

Succubus Dreams by Richelle Mead

"Like all great heroines, Georgina Kincaid is an intriguing blend of contradictions; sexy but sweet, an immortal who remembers her humanity, and a girl who knows exactly what she wants in a man and a drink, but who can still lose herself to both."
"Mead has a real gift for character-driven storytelling, for subtle shading and for creating a uniquely believable story world."
"I wished the guy on top of me would hurry up because I was getting bored."
"The sex itself had been mediocre, but the rush afterward…the feel of his life and his soul pouring into me…yeah. That was pretty amazing."
"I promised to call him—having no intention of doing so—and slipped out of the room as he lapsed into unconsciousness."
"My moments of speechlessness were few, but they did happen."
""Touch me, and I’ll break your fucking neck.""
""She’s not really into nice guys," Carter said. "Usually. You won’t have a problem.""
""You’re pretty cute, but no, I’m not worried. I’m already in love with someone.""
"What kind of sick and twisted world is this when an asshole like me is the one to notice heartache in the masses?"
"You talk and move around each other in a way you’re probably not even aware of. It’s like how lovers usually interact…but it’s something more too."
"I see people like Miss Kincaid who stay young and beautiful forever. It makes me feel as though no time has passed."
"I’m going to be fucking to sustain my existence for the rest of eternity! Get off your high horse."
"We stayed together a while longer that night, but I knew he wanted to go home and work at his own place."
"I sighed loudly and put the apple in my purse."
"I could have landed a dozen if I’d wanted to tonight. At the same time."
"I don’t think there’s anything wrong with what you’re saying…what you want…"
"Everyone’s entitled to do what’s sexy to them."
"Because they are. What’d you expect, porn star couples coming in off the streets?"
"This is real. That’s what gives it its edge."
"For someone allegedly so evil, you sure are good."
"I’m not that good. I’m thinking some very bad thoughts right now."
"If our thoughts condemn us, I think I’m headed straight for Hell."
"I know dreams. I know spells. And I know what could help you."
"You’ve spent centuries wishing you could get knocked up."
"It’s an auction. For a children’s charity. You don’t hate kids, do you?"
"You’re like my fairy godmother. But I’m still a pumpkin."
"You’re the reason women have such horrible self-esteem issues. You tear them apart."
"This cop was outside a convenience store and claims someone was inside shooting his partner. So, he ran in, gun in hand, and started shooting. He ended up killing his partner himself."
"I pray for your physical and spiritual health. I pray you will sin no more. I pray you will find some man you can marry and have children with."
"You are my great temptation, and you know it. I’d like to be free of that as well."
"Why does a succubus always have to take away someone’s life when she’s with them? Why can’t you have the choice? And why can’t Yasmine make love? Why can’t she be in love?"
"Because that’s the way it is. The way the system works. The way it’s always worked."
"Why does there have to be a catch? You should be excited about this. We’re doing you a favor."
"You’re getting a succubus charity case. I’m the one doing you a favor."
"I want to drink her in. I could have watched her forever, taking in those long-lashed eyes and wispy curls."
"I haven’t really been around many kids. It’s not that I don’t like them…just that it’s always kind of weird."
"This is a stupid argument," said Brandy. "Unicorns aren’t real."
"I want to be a real estate mongrel when I grow up."
"The Industrial Revolution was an important period in Western Civilization. The developments in production and manufacturing forever changed the face of our culture and socioeconomic status."
"Are they under your bed?" I was pretty sure that’s where most monsters lived.
"No. They’re monsters. They swoop in the air and go in people’s dreams."
"I don’t know that it’s really related to this."
"Beats me. I don’t suppose you’re here to give me the best night of my life?"
"A beautiful woman who uses the words ‘ancient and medieval epidemics’ on the first date? I would have bid more."
"Misery loves company. You aren’t exactly all that chipper yourself."
"Salt and lime juice were proof of God’s existence. And tequila was proof of Satan’s."
"There’s no reason you can’t do those things. You’re smart and capable, and I think you’re braver than you give yourself credit for."
"Trade secret. Everyone’s self-conscious. Act like you aren’t, and you’ll be a superstar."
"Sometimes I think his writing will always be his first love."
"No one’s perfect, but we like to play that we are."
"A long life means nothing if it’s empty and has no purpose. Better to live a short one filled with the things that are important to you."
"It’s a basic human instinct to protect the ones you love. Even if they’re immortal."
"Wanting and needing are two different things."
"It’s what you need instead of what you want."
"Are you going to die without having lived? Without having tasted everything that’s out there?"
"What comes will come. None of us can change God’s will."
"God is always testing us. It makes us stronger."
"For the last time! Forget the good ones. You can't afford to be choosy."
"In another century or so, you'll find you do everything."
"Love isn't always about grand forces of the universe keeping us apart."
"I don’t want to talk about this anymore. It isn’t relevant."
"I don’t expect you to turn this water into wine. At least not until I’m done."
"Sometimes we make deals, and they seem airtight, but something goes wrong."
"I knew I was evil—it was kind of the definition of a Hellish servant."
"You’re wonderful and capable. But you can’t do everything."
"You think that’d stop Nyx?"
"No. But it’d be cool."
"Heavenly," he countered, licking off the cream.
"Protecting me doesn’t matter."
"Damn it, it does!"
"God only gives us tasks he knows we can handle."
"If one more person lives because of me, then that’s very good."
"God loves you and knows that no tragedy you face is ever too much for you to bear. You are strong. You will endure."
"I couldn’t help a smile. Of course I was. Other lovers didn’t steal his soul—at least not literally."
"Come on," he said, taking my hands and helping me up.
"I didn’t question it. This apparently was the season for exhibitionism."
"I felt like fire in human—or rather, succubus—form and writhed against the wall, against him."
"The burning spot he’d brought to life between my legs grew and grew, expanding beyond where his tongue touched, beyond my thighs."
"At last the core within me exploded, the fire turning to pure light, pure bliss."
"I couldn’t stay in my bedroom after that, not after seeing two angels die—one physically and one spiritually."
"But that’s the thing…angels don’t think about themselves, right? They’re selfless."
"You were destined for heartache. And are going to repeat that forever. You aren’t learning. You aren’t changing."
"A new year has all sorts of possibilities, Georgina."
"Relationships are symbiotic. Takes two to make them work, two to make them fall apart."
"I like happy endings. I like helping make them happen."
"Once she’s spent enough time shunned by other angels and denied the face of the divine…well, she’ll want to fight against Heaven."
"Canadian Satanists? You’re sending me to a group of Canadian Satanists?"
"You have no right to question this, not as much as you’ve pissed me off lately. Now go pack your things and brush up on the metric system."