
Becoming A Vincent Quotes

Becoming A Vincent by C.M. Owens

"You only have two legs. Animals with sharp claws and teeth have four. Never get caught in the woods without your gun."
"Fun fact: most animals are faster than humans. Much faster. Like, you can’t possibly outrun most four-legged creatures no matter what the movies try to tell you."
"Personally, if you’re running regularly, I assume you’re hiding something nefarious and practicing your getaway for whatever is coming after you. And I don’t want to be your friend, because I hate running."
"Women cook. Men bring home the bacon. Yada yada yada."
"Never trust a Wild One unless you’re a fan of reckless endangerment."
"Always bring backup and snacks. Never know when you’ll need snacks."
"Just realizing I’ve never seen you with a woman."
"I’m reacting more to him than I did the pretty boy. Surely I’m not being conditioned to overlook the unruly beard. Is this brainwash or something?"
"Welcome to Tomahawk, the land of a hundred unruly beards, and everyone’s own individual brand of crazy."
"I’m not sure why he’s playing this game, but I still feel like I should be on his side of it."
"You decided to get revenge dressed like that?" He gestures to…all of me. "Easier to run in," I lie.
"Thanks for the protection." "You'll owe me after this is all over. They're pissed now, but wait until tomorrow."
"Wild Ones Tip #327: Always watch your back. Or at least have someone crazy enough to watch it for you."
"You have no idea what you're doing, do you?" Benson grumbles.
"What's wrong with what I'm wearing? He's in his typical jeans and tee. I'm in pajamas. Who cares? It's Tomahawk."
"Fear the beard" starts to take on new meaning.
"Wild Ones Tip #469: You have to be crazy as hell if you think you can hang with the Wild Ones. It’s rare we ever do anything the easy way."
"Next time, I may just go through with pulling them to the side and fucking her until she realizes she's been mine for three fucking years, even if neither of us realized it then."
"Wild Ones Tip #129: A surprised Wild One is always a wildcard. Carry a helmet and condom just in case—you never know which one you'll need."
"Know the brand of crazy you're dealing with. It could save your balls. Or your vagina lips."
"You’re the one who was over there with them. I always hang out in this exact spot."
"Do not leave me alone with them," Benson says quietly as I lower my hand, and I hear Liam start to laugh.
"I kind of miss my beard right now," Benson grumbles when Lindy starts walking our way.
"Lilah always helps. She’s at all these gatherings. Thought maybe some of you new girls could pull your weight for the night," Aunt Penny, the most awesome woman in the universe, says.
"One of the girls here asked him for a three-way. He’s trying to avoid her," I deadpan.
"All the buzz over my beard being gone is getting annoying," Benson says close to my ear.
"You can still kick their asses, right?" I ask as Benson tugs me to his boat, helping me off the dock.
"Wild Ones Tip #413: If a squirrel has firecrackers, run for your damn life."
"Because he doesn’t have a beard," he says hesitantly.
"Wild Ones Tip #227: Never listen to drunk confessions, or you might become an accomplice after the fact."
"Wild Ones Tip #645: Mean what you say. Or keep your mouth shut. And don’t get upset when we put words in your mouth if you plead silence."
"You scared the entire forest! We weren’t eavesdropping! Hell, we had pillows over our ears when you were making those nightmarish sounds that will forever haunt us!" Hale barks.
"Wild Ones Tip #23: If a Wild One is screaming, just walk away. Trust me, we’re not dying."
"Wild Ones Tip #369: A Wild One is always right. Unless they’re wrong."
"It was better to be a mystery than an open book."
"The secret to being a bore is to tell someone everything."
"We’re fucking crazy. Your crazy will never beat our crazy, because we’re competitive."
"It’s rare we have feelings. Don’t fuck with them when we do."
"Wild Ones don’t always think things through, and we like to act before you can speak."
"Wild Ones Tip #584: To piss off a Wild One, you have to really fuck up. Then learn how to hide."
"Wild Women are worse than Wild Men. Because we’ll kill any fucker that puts their hands on a woman, which means they constantly have the upper hand."
"If your ass catches on fire, jump in the lake. That’s what it’s there for."
"You think you could get them out tomorrow? Me? No. Delaney can though, as long as I explain that there’s a really good reason for all this."
"Whatever happens…no matter what is said…do not tell Lilah my true last name."
"Don’t try to understand why we are the way we are. You’ll just get a headache and no answers."
"The first rule of family: brothers don’t hit sisters. They take their beatings, because sisters only beat them when they deserve it."
"You can’t tame a Wild One. You just have to go wild."
"That’s Tomahawk. It draws you in with its craziness, and once you start rolling with it, you find it impossible to leave."
"We usually like blowing things up. Or hunting, because we’re the best shots on the lake. Or fighting, because that’s our favorite form of communication."
"There’s only one way to win back the heart of a Wild One. You have to prove you’re crazy enough to deserve it."
"We’re a crazy, somewhat bizarre, certainly wacky town that makes life work and lives it to the fullest."
"Wild Ones Tip #293: Watch for Wild Ones. Shit usually blows up in our wake."
"Damn Vincents. If I hadn’t loved their Momma and Daddy so much, I’d kick their asses all day every day for the rest of my life."
"Don’t get arrested. They’re not as lenient as we are around here."
"Wild Ones are always wild, so lock your doors and sleep in body armor."
"You’re a confusing little specimen, Kylie Malone."
"I’m not going around the Vincents," he growls. "Not after they just blew up my dock."
"Thank you so much for reading the first book of the Wild Ones. This was a side project I wanted to do because I needed something light and fun to break up the more serious or darker books I’d been writing."