
Act Of War Quotes

Act Of War by Brad Thor

Act Of War Quotes
"We should consider positioning additional bombers in the region as well," the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs added.
"The phrase we must act today in order to preserve tomorrow had become a hallmark of his speeches."
"America could no longer afford to be given half the story."
"First things first," the President replied, flipping to the page he wanted in his briefing book.
"Because I believe it is the single most important doctrine they’ve developed in the modern era."
"The first rule of unrestricted warfare is that there are no rules. Anything goes."
"Less than 5 percent of China has arable land left suitable for agriculture."
"They see it as surviving. Anything that assures China’s survival is not only acceptable, it’s imperative."
"No matter what happened, SEALs adapted and overcame. Failure in their culture was never an option."
"I’m the Angel of Death, and I’m taking you back to hell where you belong."
"Every human being is hardwired to act in their own self-interest."
"I know Deputy DCI Ryan gave you a partial briefing, but we’ve been able to gather some more details since then."
"Khuram, you have something I want. If you give it to me, I’m going to let you live. In fact, I may even set you free."
"The number listed for the economic advisor’s office rings to my cell."
"NASA? The National Aeronautics and Space Administration had sponsored the visas of six would-be Muslim terrorists?"
"You’d be surprised what kind of an arrangement might be made."
"The timing is quite coincidental, wouldn’t you say?"
"The internship program was just the means to get them their visas, get them into the country, and get them acclimated."
"The internship program was started under the previous administration and it really wasn’t an internship as much as it was a goodwill summit."
"In America, only opportunity is assured, not outcomes. Anyone who promises otherwise is acting contrary to the values upon which our Republic was founded."
"No nation can keep spending money it doesn’t have forever. But spend we do."
"We have seen the IRS, the NSA, the Attorney General’s office, and countless other federal departments and bureaucracies weaponized and turned against the American people."
"Imagine a family that is completely out of money but that keeps signing up for more credit cards."
"The Chinese do not possess any specialty that would be uniquely needed in the aftermath of a catastrophic event."
"The bigger the government, the less the respect for the rule of law."
"It is like a giant octopus with razor-sharp tentacles, which lashes out whenever it feels threatened."
"The previous administration tripled the deficit and increased the national debt by over seventy-five percent."
"You’re a pretty smug guy, aren’t you? Who do you think you are?"
"We’re going to pray that we catch a break. A big one."
"Cobbling together operations on the fly was a necessary part of fieldwork."
"The same could be said for moving too slowly. The key was striking the right balance."
"You had to be very careful about what kind of assumptions you made."
"The greatest insult that could have been paid to those who had died that day would have been to not have learned from their sacrifice."
"Life means something to us. Freedom means something to us."
"Nothing woke him up or sharpened his mind faster."
"By the time they untangled everything and figured out that I was American and not South Korean, you’d all be long gone."
"Anything's possible, but how do you transition from a live picture to a looped one without somebody noticing?"
"My guess is that it had something to do with the attack."
"I think Wazir Ibrahim is the template. He's a long-term sleeper."
"The simplest answer is that the handler just didn’t do his due diligence."
"It would have to be something that put them on a moral meathook so large that they couldn’t flop off it."
"Somali criminal enterprises... are into importing narcotics, most particularly a substance known as khat, and they also dabble in prostitution."
"The Chinese could have had a recruiter in Somalia who groomed sleepers and helped move them into the U.S. immigration pipeline."
"You see all sorts of people in the storage business. ‘Unusual’ is kind of a loose term."
"The engineering students were brought to the U.S. specifically because of their engineering expertise."
"Everything would stop. There’d be no electricity, no running water."
"If we don’t, I promise you we’re going to have trouble."
"You’re not being paid to take us fishing. You’re being paid to take us to Cuba."
"It is designed to impose a punishment worse than death."
"Our entire country would collapse within weeks."
"I was wrong when I said I thought SEALs were honorable. You are honorable."
"I know what I’m doing. This is my boat, my rules. You need to relax."
"You’re going to get to Cuba. In the meantime, we’re going to make sure we look like a fishing charter."