
I Liked My Life Quotes

I Liked My Life by Abby Fabiaschi

I Liked My Life Quotes
"Under my tutelage he learned that kale lowers cholesterol, a little girl wanting to marry her daddy is normal, and no matter how many times you look up at the road, emailing while driving is no safer than drinking and driving."
"These insights were valuable at the time, but useless given our present circumstance."
"I focused on elementary teachers, knowing it takes the unique combination of enthusiasm and patience to choose a profession where you spend most of the day reasoning with six-year-olds."
"I do sense there’s more to the spiritual world than my current purview detects but see no path to get there."
"Brady recovered more gracefully, laughing off her drama."
"I won’t find peace until I make things right for my family."
"My husband has never been one to catch the subtleties of a situation."
"If you don’t mind, I want to know how you plan to handle this."
"You can take this as whatever you want, sir, but there’s no evidence to suggest anyone was with her, certainly no signs of a struggle, and no reason for her to go out on the roof in the first place."
"I have no idea where to start, How to repair a broken heart?"
"There are so many things I dare not say I have quietly stopped being me."
"If we’ve reached a verdict, I need to hop back into this meeting."
"Everything will be okay in the end. If it isn’t okay, it isn’t the end."
"Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage."
"God will not forgive you if you get some poor girl pregnant."
"It’s hard for kids to see their parents moving on, but as you get out more, she’ll come around."
"If you can’t articulate what’s different since your wife passed, how about telling me what’s stayed the same?"
"If we could learn to learn from pain even as it grasps us."
"People are, by nature, resourceful and resilient."
"I find that arrogant, Maddy. Everyone is replaceable. People are, by nature, resourceful and resilient."
"I’d rather slit my wrist than have to tell you I want a card on my birthday."
"There’s always a first; one moment where the line of what’s acceptable is crossed, motivated by trauma or boredom or both."
"You have to take everything you read in that journal in the context of the moment she wrote it."
"The power of suggestion is real, and I’m becoming a master at leveraging it."
"Nothing cures a chip on the shoulder like giving back goodness."
"We all have to forge our own path in dealing with your mother’s death."
"Every single day, it’s there, and it hurts, but it does become... I don’t know... familiar."
"She was an adult who spoke her mind. When things got pushed too far, when she felt squeezed or unappreciated, I guarantee she spoke up to your father."
"Living doesn’t mean you’re over it or selfish or cold; it just means you’re still here, and she’s not."
"Make the trip about you. If an hour passes where you don’t think of Her, that’s okay."
"We’re given the gift of life with the consequence of death."
"The most important approval to earn in this life is your own."
"Make room for who you are by knowing who you’re not."
"It’s good to have one friend who still smokes a lot of pot."
"Never become a prize, possession, puppet, or toy—it’s no fun hanging on someone’s wall for any substantial amount of time."
"If you don’t know what to say, say, 'I don’t know what to say.'"
"Every once in a while, you’ll probably believe your own bullshit."