
Love Only Once Quotes

Love Only Once by Johanna Lindsey

Love Only Once Quotes
"You do go on and on, don’t you? The only thing that will come of this is my getting a tongue lashing from a furious woman I’ve never laid eyes on before."
"If you start screaming or do anything else foolish, Tyndale will be forced to put a stop to it."
"I’m devastated, if you must know. I don’t want you to be an innocent. I want you to know exactly what I mean when I tell you I want to make love to you, Regina."
"I am just now wondering if I have in fact made a mistake at all. You don’t look like a mistake. You look very much like something I did right for a change."
"You will weather it, with the support of your family. He will pay the price for besmirching your good name."
"You see, my dear, I may be many reprehensible things, but no one has ever said of me that I was not a gentleman."
"That’s absurd, he protested. "I can think of a dozen off hand who would do very well."
"I’ll have you know they now call me the ‘cold fish.’"
"I was, in fact, leaving town, and my old friend George hailed me to give me warning that the cat was out of the bag."
"He doesn’t keep tabs on you when you’re in wicked old London? Oh, but he does."
"Any woman who became his wife would suffer the stigma of his bastardy."
"I am near to exploding now, yet I must go slowly."
"It’s all I can seem to think about. I am found guilty, yet I have not been permitted to enjoy my crime."
"I don’t think you frighten him at all. He’ll be spitting in your eye next."
"I just needed to lie down for a few moments."
"Is that why we couldn’t find her? Of course, Anthony isn’t one to give up easily."
"I could tell you I had kidnapped your dear wife, which is quite true, as a matter of fact."
"I don’t blush, madame, because I feel no shame."
"I thought just maybe you were brazen enough to bring your ship into harbor here."
"You don’t mind being buried out here in the country? I would perish within a week."
"Of course, your dear family," he sneered. "Well, your family is a long way from here, madame, and I thank God for that. You won’t be running back to them again."
"I did my best to prevent your marrying a bastard."
"I hate to disappoint you, but it was business that took me away from my bride. An emergency on an island property that couldn’t wait."
"She’s a wise not to tell you what she thinks of me. She knows you have a soft spot for me."
"I am no fool, madame. She may have told everyone the child is mine, but what else can she say?"
"I am through being only half a wife. I refuse to live another day with such a churlish boor."
"But now he’s back, love. What are we going to do?" Reggie sighed.
"Nicholas, you don’t know just how brilliant my guest list really is," she laughed. "I have a wonderful surprise for you. You see, your real mother is here! Isn’t that marvelous?"
"You have to understand Miriam, Nicky. She never forgave me for loving Charles, and you were a constant reminder that she’d failed with him."
"You lived here then? Yes. You were conceived here."
"Charles wanted you. He was willing to destroy his marriage to have you."
"We were sisters, remember. That did count for something."
"Her deepest bitterness was that I’d been able to give Charles the son he wanted."
"How she hated me from that day on! And she hated Charles, too, never forgiving him."
"Good evening, Harris. Meg has been asking after you, Harris."
"Is love blooming there, too? You know about Ellie and Lord Barrett, I assume?"
"I had decided to tell you everything, explain why I behaved as I did."
"I always hated it here at Silverley. I only stayed to keep you away."
"I have you to thank, you know, for my childhood dreams coming true."
"I was a bloody fool, I admit it. But I knew Miriam wouldn’t keep her mouth shut."
"You will make it up to her?" she asked him urgently.
"And you can be sure it won’t be a cottage I’ll find, but a mansion!"
"I love you, love you, love you, love you. Is that enough or do you want more?"