
Wolf By Wolf Quotes

Wolf By Wolf by Ryan Graudin

Wolf By Wolf Quotes
"There were five thousand souls stuffed into the train cars—thick and deep like cattle."
"No room to sit, no air to breathe, no food to eat."
"You won’t have to stand much longer. We’re almost there," Yael’s mother kept saying as she smoothed her daughter’s hair.
"One day rolled into two, into three. Endless hours of swaying kilometers and slats of sunlight that cut like knives."
"Far below the tracks, a slow, shuddering groan whispered her name, over and over: yah-ell, yah-ell, yah-ell."
"They never called Yael by her name. She was always subject."
"Yael held up a hand to acknowledge him but did not turn. She was done with soldiers and strays."
"You need to come home. Before something worse happens."
"Sometimes people have to die to make things better."
"Everything was so heavy: her muscles, hope, the slash through Shiina Hiraku’s name."
"But we’re going to have to wait for the maintenance van."
"The desert’s heat was building, layer by cruel layer."
"You don’t just get up from something like that."
"I’ve been trying to hold them together. But I can’t."
"The world is wrong. I’m just doing my part to fix it."
"What’s going on is I’m trying to win this race. And I can’t do it with you clinging to my tailpipes."
"There is iron in our blood, and it binds us together. We are Wolfes. We are stronger than this."
"You’re a dangerous breed, Adele Wolfe. But I’m always up for a challenge."
"I’m sorry for stealing your bike. And… doing that."
"The world is wrong. We’ve known it our whole lives, haven’t we? But we never say anything because it’s easier not to, because someone might be listening."
"The past was always there: running the trail beside her, ringing through her gunshots, searing through her skinshifts."
"Because I woke up one morning and realized I’d become a man who wouldn’t walk into rooms with mirrors."
"The only effective weapon she had was the truth."
"We have two hours before the Axis Tour’s supply vans complete their detour and realize the racers are missing."
"I can save them all, Yael thought back. Against herself."
"The enormity of Yael’s words filled the room, pressing into every corner."
"It wasn’t just becoming strong. It was about becoming not weak."
"The river swallowed Katsuo: hungry water, greedy currents."
"But the ferryman knew his craft, knew the waters, knew how to make peace between these things."
"Floundering in all the constraints of his riding gear."
"You think there was any way I was letting Luka Löwe get on this raft with you?"
"What did it matter, anyway? Yael was at the front of the pack again. Poised to win."
"I’m a pseudoscience experiment gone wrong who kidnapped your sister, skinshifted into her face, and killed the Führer while wearing it."
"Yael couldn’t help but let her thoughts turn to what would happen next."
"Katsuo’s headlamp broke over the horizon, carving out their silhouettes."
"She could only imagine how well that would go over, given Felix’s record."
"The world around Yael was pitch-black and shaking."
"The sea grew worse, its waters writhing, bucking, lashing every which way."
"The road’s dirt changed to asphalt, and their Rikuos made even better time, ripping away from the orange haze sunset, into the nightrise."
"Felix watched pointedly as she gave up and attacked the wrapper with her teeth."
"The room was so quiet, so ready, that they could hear the breath the announcer took before his next brazen words."
"The fuse had been lit. And there was no extinguishing it."
"The laws of physics took over. Gravity, momentum, force… boy and bike meeting ground."