
Throne Of The Crescent Moon Quotes

Throne Of The Crescent Moon by Saladin Ahmed

Throne Of The Crescent Moon Quotes
"For he who tires of Dhamsawaat tires of life."
"When one faces two ghuls, waste no time wishing for fewer."
"‘Khalif’s justice’? Now there are two words that refuse to share a tent!"
"The mightiest of men is but a slim splinter before the forest of God’s power."
"God helpeth most the man who helpeth himself."
"Tomorrow!? Why do we not return now? I am looking for the dog that murdered my band, you fat old fool!"
"Listen to me, Zamia Banu Laith Badawi. These are deep, dark waters we are in here."
"The war is upon us. The slaughtered calf screams."
"God is my father, the forked swords of the Order are my brothers, virtue is my son."
"The boy can cross a room in the space of a breath and—God is my witness!—I’ve even seen him kill a Cyklop!"
"One can only know as much as one has lived to know, though it is certainly possible to learn a great deal less than this."
"God speaks through these Chapters, not through the mouths of priests."
"I am not a girl, Doctor. My father did choose me for Protector of the Band, and that is what I am."
"I need no father among men, I need no brother among men, I need no son among men."
"We’ve much to do tomorrow. And as soon as we have a quarry we will begin the hunt."
"Better to have died, eh? Damn you, girl! Asking no questions and taking no coin, my friends have exhausted themselves to heal you."
"For the weary man, virtue is the strongest tonic."
"The tempting scent of frying earth-apples welcomed him to the Quarter of Stalls."
"God’s peace, Master Dervish. Well, this is an honor! One does not see many men of the Order in this city."
"But without crimson quicksilver, Zamia will die. And we will be no closer to finding the foul killers we hunt."
"You were born exactly where Almighty God decreed—now keep to your business."
"If you are here to take that which God has not given you, this will not go well for you."
"The people of Rughal-ba were less lax in such matters than the Abassenese."
"The scales of his soul weighed stolen goods against the life of an angel-touched girl."
"My claws, my fangs, the silver knives with which the Ministering Angels strike."
"With my father against my band! With my band against my tribe! With my tribe against the world!"
"There’s an old tale of a man called the ghul of ghuls—a man who was like a ghul raised by the Traitorous Angel himself."
"Every debtor imprisoned, even for a fortnight, is a recruit for that preening traitor Pharaad Az Hammaz!"
"She was the last of the Banu Laith Badawi, and she had no children. What was band now? What was tribe?"
"The Khalif will be as helpful as a hole to a pail."
"The Khalif jabbed two fingers, ablaze with huge rubies, out angrily at Dawoud."
"Look at the world around you, Doullie! Forty years you’ve spent in this hunting. All that death. Why? What has come of it? Is the world a safe place now? A happier place?"
"Why these tears, huh? Everything will be fine, God willing."
"We just want better for you. It’s all we’ve ever wanted."
"God’s truth be told, I don’t think that the gold-grubbing Khalif had ever bothered to translate it, either."
"Do you want to know the truth? Do you? Well, I will tell you."
"May God shelter your soul, you cross-eyed old rascal."
"The Heavenly Chapters say ‘O believer, thou shalt smile for God’s Providence at festival and at funeral.'"
"To break down a wall when God grants a door is the work of fools."
"With weeks of work your home will be restored."
"Perfection is the palace in which God alone lives."
"Beneficent God is the Last Breath in our Lungs!"
"We are not fighting for the strongest or for he with the most armed men on his side. We are fighting for the man with right reason on his side."
"The wind blows out of my ass, man! But unlike you, I am not deluded enough to call it perfume."
"Even if what you say is true, Uncle—and one-half my heart thinks it so—there’s no damned-by-God way you’d be able to get into the throne room without my aid."
"God hasn’t given three shits for His children in six thousand years! Do you really believe that He sits in the sky, smiling upon us?"
"This plan of yours is mad, and you are risking this city you claim to love for it."