
The Nanny Quotes

The Nanny by Melissa Nathan

The Nanny Quotes
"One minute ablaze with light, warmly celebrating life's journey; the next, a crumbling testament to the disappointment and guilt that life’s little highs invariably bring."
"Every morning, she would stand at the bus stop in the freezing cold dark, then squeeze onto the heaving bus into town."
"You must be exhausted. Just say good night to the children and you’re a free agent."
"If this is happiness, Shaun, I’ll kill myself now."
"It wasn’t long before the desire to be the center of attention had seamlessly transmuted into a fear of being noticed."
"One day I'm going to stick that light saber where the instructions specifically tell you not to."
"It's not easy being a landlord. Big responsibility."
"I make it possible for today's woman to fulfill her potential."
"We're gonna knee McFarleys so hard, their gonads are gonna shoot out of their mouths."
"You only notice my job when things go wrong. In fact, the better I do my job, the more invisible it becomes."
"People don’t like it when you’re brave, do they?"
"The need to know that my choices so far in life weren’t just the easiest ones."
"I spend every minute of every day working, supporting our family while Dick’s doing God knows what."
"Life doesn’t get much better when you’re twenty-five and at work, but at least they pay you and you’ve had sex."
"D’you think you’ve broken my poor little heart or something?"
"I should think I’ll be far too busy looking after all your children, including the ones that aren’t mine."
"Love your child unconditionally and they could one day leap up and ferociously attack you. Act as if you don’t really care, and they slavishly adore you."
"She felt a lot better after talking to Pippa. She realized that it was a new experience, talking openly and honestly to a friend who actively listened and who genuinely cared about making her feel better."
"Life was about nurturing the next generation, giving them a sense of values that would give their world meaning, teaching them to have confidence in themselves and love for others."
"Children could smell parental love like dogs could smell fear."
"It’s my turn to look after the children," he said firmly. "I’ll only open the shop for a few hours a day when they’re all at school. I’ll be absolutely fine."
"I don’t want to be a father, Dick, I just want to be me."
"She watched the traffic as he paced through Highgate. Weird, he thought as he neared the shop. I never noticed how popular white Clios were before."
"I love my job. Love it. I need it. Just as there are some women who feel utterly complete being mothers, I feel utterly complete having a job."
"My vision is compromised in all senses of the word."
"What’s self-preservation for you is selfishness for me and Mum."
"You’re a very clever little girl, aren’t you?"
"I just don’t understand. It all went sour again. I just don’t understand."
"It’s got sod all to do with me. I couldn’t care less what you do."
"I’m not getting drunk," said Jo. "I’m going to be good."
"He was so wonderful in the beginning. I mean wonderful."
"The predictability of sums always calmed his mind."
"Sometimes you have to think how other people feel before opening your mouth. It's called empathy."
"It's too late for a hug now. Should have had it when it was offered."
"Sweetheart, why aren't you telling all this to Josh?"
"That's why I treated them like dirt. But Josh told me it wasn't their fault."
"What are you still doing in here? I'm waiting for the ground to swallow me up."
"How can you be so hateful and so nice at the same time?"
"Why do adults lose the ability to forgive each other so easily?"
"I'm feeling particularly grown-up at the moment."