
Nothing More Quotes

Nothing More by Anna Todd

Nothing More Quotes
"My life is pretty simple. I don’t have too many complications. I’m a happy person."
"Yes, I’m a sophomore at New York University, but my mom is one of my best friends."
"I miss home a lot. It helps to have Tessa around; she’s the closest thing to family I have out here."
"I was devastated. I still am, but I want her to be happy, even if it’s not with me."
"The city’s chilly in September, but there’s barely any rain compared to Washington State. So that’s something, at least."
"I’m putting everything in order at my station, when the bell attached to the door sounds."
"You just pour this over ice; the evening shift makes it the night before so it can get cold and not melt the ice."
"I thought I would come to New York and share an apartment with her."
"I missed hearing about her day. I wanted to listen to her brag about how well she did in class."
"She’s the kind of woman that will chew you up and spit you out, and you’ll love every minute of it."
"Not having any blue Gatorade, I try to tempt her with my favorite, the red one."
"I’ve never heard a person sigh so much in my life."
"I’m happy for the strangers who don’t have to spend their nights alone, jerking off in the shower."
"I’ve become somewhat of a coffee snob since working at Grind."
"She’s swearing a tight shirt, and even tighter leggings. I know she can feel every inch of me pressing against her."
"I feel slightly embarrassed by her attention, but at the same time, it feels really good to have my hard work noticed."
"She’s nearly a foot shorter than me, though I always liked to tease that her hair, that wild mass of curls, adds four inches onto her driver’s license stats."
"I’m trying to learn how to 'adult.' It’s getting easier each month, but sometimes I forget that instant intimacy is something only young people desire."
"Sure, not for people like Hardin and Tessa, who clearly didn’t google the SparkNotes of Dating 101 and moved in together within five months of meeting, but still."
"Sometimes I try too hard," I admit, laughing with her.
"I loved that show until the internet stole it from the actual fans and turned it into a cool, memeworthy thing that I can’t wrap my mind around."
"I don’t know yet, honestly." She grabs her cell phone from the counter and swipes her finger over the screen.
"I’ve got to get a girl to go on a date with me first, so this may take a while. Let’s just say it’s my five-year plan... Okay, ten-year plan."
"My mom didn’t want to be paid back, she wanted to see the sweet neighbor girl rise above her circumstances and make something of herself."
"Sometimes not crushing things in your way is as much kindness as you can get in this city."
"You can trust me, I want to promise her. However, chances are that if I say that, it will only raise her suspicion levels."
"My life would be so different if she hadn’t met him."
"Are you sure you said my name? Do you have our pictures out anywhere?"
"Thank you for everything, Landon. You’re always my safe place."
"I don’t deserve you, but I’ve never wanted you more."
"I could take whatever money the house is worth and get out of this shitty town."
"It’s so easy to fall back into this routine with her."
"Humans are needy creatures, and it turns out I’m very, very human."
"Sometimes it feels like you know me more than you should."
"I'm no damsel in distress, no princess. I'm a woman who is human in every sense of the word."
"I want to hold her in my arms until she believes that I’ll be here for her."
"You can talk to me. You know that, don’t you?"
"I carry too much baggage, and I’m not looking for a knight in shining armor to rescue me."
"Everyone is different, Dakota. It’s not your place to judge him. Or anyone."
"I want her to know that pain is only permanent if we allow it to be."
"I was always so lost in the sensation that I could barely form a thought."