
Trust Exercise Quotes

Trust Exercise by Susan Choi

Trust Exercise Quotes
"Intuition only tells them what they want, not how to achieve it, and this is intolerable."
"Their romance has started in earnest this summer, but the prologue took up the whole previous year."
"The school was meant to set apart, to break bonds that were better off broken, confined to childhood."
"At CAPA, the first-year Theatre Arts students studied Stagecraft, Shakespeare, the Sight-Reading of music, and, in their acting class, Trust Exercises."
"In the parking lot, at lunchtime, Sarah sits hunched on the hood of the Mazda with Joelle, Sarah scratching sometimes in her notebook."
"You were supposed to stay with her in that moment, with tenacity and honesty. And that’s what you did."
"Acting is: fidelity to authentic emotion, under imagined circumstances."
"In the Black Box, the boys do 'silly walks,' and then pratfalls-in-motion to show they are slain with hilarity."
"You got to know each other," he observes. She nods mutely, all fluency diverted again from her tongue to her eyes."
"I told him I don’t have the slightest control over how you spend your time, at the bakery or anywhere else."
"Your life outside school isn’t any of his goddamn business. You know that, don’t you?"
"I think you’re the nicest girl in our class, and if you were thinner, you’d be kind of pretty."
"If a boy ever looks at me for half a second the way he_’_s looking at the back of her head, I’ll die and go to God a virgin, I will not even need to be kissed."
"She’s so startled to be singled out that for a moment she doesn’t stand up."
"Feeling is the archive upon which we draw, but the archive has doors or perhaps it has drawers, it’s got storage, an index."
"Your dress is open. I’ll keep hugging until you’ve zipped it."
"In the future, David will be so changed it will be hard to give credence to the David she first knew."
"I always knew I was one of the ones who would leave."
"You probably never knew it in high school but I’m highly organized."
"Sarah was the exception to the rule, actually."
"I had gotten to school early my first day back so I could park in the front lot."
"I wasn’t a star dancer at Carnegie Mellon, but when I gave up dance I didn’t run home, I did the opposite."
"So few of their peers had succeeded, so few had found stardom."
"David, in gratitude to her, insisted she come to a fund-raising gala."
"The effort of all those months working her bakery job to earn money, the effort of totaling her mother’s car to make her mother too frightened to try and control what she did."
"The day before, the day she’d arrived in LA, Karen had gone to a drugstore."
"My mother and brother still live in LA, while I live in the city all three of us think of as home."
"You don’t have to tell me I’m an undiscovered star just because you can’t pay me."
"You had a dark energy onstage—don’t roll your eyes! I remember. You didn’t have a stupid Mentos smile."
"All of us, I think it’s fair to say, fixate on things from our past, maybe wanting them back the way they were, maybe wanting to go back and change them."
"Unlike David, I spent very little time at The Bar."
"Projection or Restraining Force: Something or Nothing. The bald lie, or the stark truth that never gets told."
"People cry, scream, grab each other’s crotches, rip their clothes off… repeating the same set of words…"
"We can’t drive without wearing a seat belt and can’t fuck unless the government says it’s okay? We know they all consented."
"I had no idea. No, I never heard from him. I was hoping I would."
"Scared," she said, in a little-girl voice, of the prospect of writing to David.
"Are you kidding? He’s so proud to be a fictional character."
"I can’t tell you how relieved I am," she said.
"You worried about that?" said Karen, in tones of amazement. "Did you really?"
"We overlap. We get tangled. You can’t help but hurt."
"Their own importance is that well-established to them."
"I have to be someplace soon actually. Thanks for listening."
"Thanks for the tape. Super mix. How’s everybody in the US of A?"
"It isn’t fancy but it’s safe and it’s clean. You don’t need a hotel."
"It wasn’t her day, but she’d gotten somewhere."
"Once you’re old enough to recognize a hole in yourself it’s too late for the hole to be filled."
"I’d started to think they had lost you," he said as he pulled the door open.
"I want to help you. But such matters can’t be discussed on school grounds."