
Iron Kissed Quotes

Iron Kissed by Patricia Briggs

Iron Kissed Quotes
"It could be the beginning of either a bad joke or a horror story."
"If you want a horror story, you have to start out with a werewolf, his gorgeous lover, and a walker…"
"Funny how killing them had only made the vampires more frightening."
"You expected more naked women and fewer half-clothed men, did you, Mercy?"
"No food, no drink. No favors. No thanking anyone."
"It might not keep you safe if you see too much—as our laws are clear on how to deal with mortals who stray Underhill and see more than they ought."
"He’s really in his element in front of a crowd, isn’t he?"
"I don’t think I’m supposed to be telling you about this either, but it’s important."
"I don’t go around telling people I’m a walker. Outside of my family, Kyle is the only human who knows."
"If she were a werewolf, you’d be in trouble. Never run from a predator."
"She’s not a werewolf; they’re a lot bigger and scarier, trust me."
"The only thing she can do is shift to coyote and back."
"The fae cannot lie. I don’t know why. They can do the damnedest things with the truth, but they cannot lie."
"I’m Zee’s friend. He taught me everything I know about fixing cars."
"The fae are not fond of attracting outside attention. It can be dangerous for everyone."
"Holding a fae for any time at all, if he doesn’t want to be held, is near impossible."
"He wasn’t about to let Zee’s fate depend wholly on this woman."
"I don’t like living things to suffer unnecessarily—and I have a black thumb."
"Fault doesn’t change what is. We can all feel it, the weakness in the pack."
"I think it’s because the change was so spectacular—and the rest of the magic is the pack’s business and affects no one else."
"My foster father told me once that he was always aware on some level of all the other pack members."
"I hadn’t realized that there might be more to Adam declaring me his mate than the simple act until I’d been able to help Warren control his wolf."
"I don’t blame Samuel for realizing that a shapeshifter who changed into a coyote and was not bound by the moon might be a good mate."
"I am happy with who I am. The incident with Samuel let me break with the pack and join the human world."
"I’d be a lesser person, but Samuel isn’t the kind of man to iron all the personality out of his wife."
"I could never have Samuel without giving up something I cherished about myself."
"Knowing that I could not have Samuel hurt. I think giving up Adam might just break me."
"I’m not happy with you right now—don’t push me."
"The fae don’t consider me one of them. I’ve just enough fae in me to do a little touch magic."
"I don’t leave my friends out to swing in the wind."
"Don’t make this harder on him than it already is. Don’t let this cost you your life, too."
"I wouldn’t give up on Zee, couldn’t give up on Zee."
"I know who you are, Nemane, but you don’t know who I am."
"He was forever enshrined upon my heart as Mr. Fideal."
"You keep bothering the monsters, Mercy, and someday something’s going to eat you."
"I don’t want to be eaten. I’ve been counting on the vampires to kill me first."
"Why shouldn’t we sit down and have a nice meal and a little conversation?"
"We aren’t sure that she had a copy in her house."
"I always wanted to be a private investigator."
"Sometimes I am not a nice person. Neither is Ben."
"I wonder if killing your rapist will ever become a recognized therapy practice. Worked for me."
"But I’m still mad as heck that you scared me like that."
"Being a werewolf gives you time to get over your childhood."
"Barnyard animals they give me. That the Fideal should be reduced to eating cow or pig like a dog."