
Parasite Quotes

Parasite by Mira Grant

Parasite Quotes
"It is comfortable here. I am comfortable here. I do not want to leave again."
"I was just a girl who had to be reminded of her own name."
"Everything is great, and then suddenly everything goes to hell."
"I'm not Sally anymore. It's not disassociation if I say I'm not her, because I don't remember her at all."
"I am alive because of a genetically engineered tapeworm."
"You were a real bitch, Sal. I like you a lot better now."
"I lived. That made everything else possible. Everything else in the world."
"I am not afraid of teeth. I just don’t want to look at them."
"I have to remind myself of that whenever things get too ridiculous: I am alive because of a genetically engineered tapeworm."
"I’m happy with who I’ve become since the accident."
"I’m patient. I’m rarely in a hurry. And I don’t drive."
"There’s always another doctor who wants a question answered and thinks the best way to do it is to poke a stick through the bars of my metaphorical cage."
"My sister was the only one who’d been willing to speak to me candidly."
"I didn’t volunteer to be the first person whose life was saved by a tapeworm. It just happened."
"I didn’t remember ever having seen a person before. I was a blank slate."
"Extreme precautions are required when attempting to raise D. symbogenesis outside its natural human host."
"People who found MRIs claustrophobic apparently freaked out completely during gel ultrasounds."
"It's funny: for a company that made its fortune off a genetically modified tapeworm, the people at SymboGen could be awfully prudish about basic bodily functions."
"I think we have very different ideas of what makes a fun evening."
"You’re in an interesting position, Sal. I don’t envy you it at all."
"Knowing the direction doesn’t mean you have to go."
"If you ask the questions, best be sure you want to know."
"My darling boy, be careful now, and don’t go out alone."
"Oh, God, Sal, I just called Kate an 'incident.'"
"If you personalized everything, you’d never be able to save anyone."
"She was presenting with normal symptoms for the sleeping sickness."
"Beverly would need a way back into the house."
"The mouthful of eggs I’d been in the process of chewing suddenly tasted like ashes."
"Feel better, and call if there’s anything that you need."
"The broken doors are open; come and enter and be home."
"I have regrets. I would have to be a monster not to. But I am not sorry."
"I didn’t want to. I had already given up my family for this project. I wanted it to work. I wanted to make scientific history, so that when we were finally able to have this conversation—which, I admit, went a little bit differently in my head"—she looked down at her wheelchair and grimaced before looking back to Nathan—"I wanted to be able to show you that I had made a difference. That it was worth it. I went out alone, I found the broken door, and I came back with all the riches we could ever have imagined. Things just didn’t work out quite the way I’d imagined them. That’s all."
"Once a door is open, you have to live with what’s on the other side."
"We are your legal guardians. I don’t care how old you are: while you are under our roof, you will live by our rules," he said. "If you have a problem with those rules, we can discuss adjusting them after your punishment is complete."
"My darling boy, be careful now, and don’t go out alone."
"But, Sal… that’s what I’ve been doing. Haven’t you been paying attention?"
"Because starting a panic does no one any good, and we still don’t know for sure why these are the things that SymboGen is choosing to suppress—or when it started. Did the sleepwalkers begin appearing before we heard about them? Was SymboGen editing the news from the start? There’s so much we don’t know, both about the science, and about the motives of the people who stand to benefit."
"I am done asking questions. I need you to tell me, in very small, very simple words, what’s going on."
"Remember how you don’t get to say ‘just trust me’ and have it stick anymore? Well, you also don’t get to decide what’s best for me."
"You know, you’re more like your mother now than you were before the accident."
"They’re choosing who they go after. They’re choosing very carefully."
"I don’t think anyone can deny that the SymboGen Intestinal Bodyguard™ changed the face of medicine as we know it."
"You know what I find really interesting about the people who want to ask about the 'consequences' of what they consider to be me and my company playing God?"
"Nature doesn’t have to make sense. Nature just does."
"If I knew for sure that you had any information worth having, I would take that step."
"Until you stop getting yourself into situations where I have to worry about your safety, yes. It absolutely is."
"Just come and get me, Nathan. Just get me away from here before I have to figure it out."
"I am so, so sorry, Sally. This was supposed to be a place where you could always be safe, and instead, it nearly got you killed. I assure you, that won’t happen again."
"Some people won’t be happy until they prove that no one means well, no one is trying to serve the greater good, and there’s no such thing as Santa Claus."
"Certain lines can’t be uncrossed, Certain maps will get you lost, Once you’re past the border, then you’ll have to play the game. Roll the dice but count the cards, Break the glass but keep the shards. The world is out of order. It’s been broken since you came."
"The broken doors are hidden in the blood and in the bone. My darling child, be careful now, and don’t go out alone."
"All measures are justified if they allow us to guarantee the safety of our guests."
"How many people will die while we’re looking for another way?"
"I’m sorry," I whispered. "I don’t know what came over me. I didn’t mean to…"
"You’re not my daughter. My daughter never woke up. She hit that bus, and she died, and you moved into her body. You’re a stranger."
"I understand. And it’s probably a fight we needed to have a long time ago."
"Sally would have hated you, you know. You’re the sort of do-gooder she used to complain about being boring."
"I don’t mind at all, Sally. You should absolutely do what your therapist recommends."
"We are each of us the sum total of our experiences."
"No one can tell you which way the singularity can go."
"I always knew that this grand experiment would eventually reach a tipping point, a stage at which our only choices were evolve or die."
"The number of keystrokes that have been wasted discussing my relationship with Dr. Steven Banks is frankly appalling."
"I was a fool for listening to the promises he made when we weren’t in the bedroom."
"The idea that a trusted corporation responsible for the health and happiness of millions had made a huge research error, or the idea that one woman, embittered over her own relative obscurity, had done something to change that company’s good works?"
"We all want things that can never happen, and even when we know they’re not going to become reality, we keep on wanting them."
"SymboGen has never caused you to have an accident."
"I never asked for friendship with strings attached."
"We’re here to take over, and run things properly for a change."
"You can’t hide in ignorance after you’ve already admitted that you’re not that foolish, sweetheart."
"I am so much more your friend than the people who want to use you, or experiment on you."
"I had an accident, and now you’re acting like you’ve only been nice to me all this time because you thought you could use me."
"I wish all our patients could be as easy to work with as she is."
"The only way out was to keep moving forward."