
Becoming Calder Quotes

Becoming Calder by Mia Sheridan

Becoming Calder Quotes
"When you have something good, you have to make it last."
"The ways of the gods are not always clear to us—are not always predictable or easily understood. And yet, the gods always know best, do they not?"
"We can all love you, our flower, made new again with love, with family, with purpose, with belonging."
"Every time I drank it, a feeling of peace and happiness flowed through me, and I felt cleansed and strengthened."
"It was like a plot twist that showed up in a story, and it made your heart jump and you wanted to tell someone about it right away."
"But I figured when you love someone, you put up with all their faults, even the especially loud ones."
"I supposed there was no way I’d be disappointed in Elysium. After all, it was paradise."
"I realized I was still holding Maya’s and my grip had tightened so much she was staring questioningly at me."
"I love that part and it always made a chill run down my spine."
"My point is, you never know when a small piece of knowledge is going to come in handy or maybe…maybe even change your life."
"No one should ever stop you from gaining knowledge if that’s what you seek."
"But try as I might, I couldn’t bring myself to say those words."
"You’ll never belong to me and I can’t let myself want that."
"It might be Elysium to all of you, but to me, it sounds like hell."
"The irony is, I walk the outside perimeter of Acadia a hundred times a day, and I feel like a damn caged animal."
"Sacrifice is what makes us the blessed people of the gods."
"Don’t ever try to be something other than what the gods have ordained."
"I didn’t know my place, or my purpose. I didn’t know who I was or what I could be. It was freedom and fear and excitement and floundering."
"If this is the last piece of heaven I get before I’m dragged down to hell, then I’ll gladly take it."
"As long as we’re both under the same moon, we’ll always find a way to each other."
"I’d choose you, Calder. I’d sleep on a bed of nails if it meant I was touching you."
"I’m used to making do. In fact, see this, now, I have a perfect view of the moon and the city lights. I’ve never slept next to a window before."
"How could one woman’s scent convey all those commands and even more?"
"We’re going to be like fish out of water out there."
"I’d be washed away in possession of my own freedom, and Eden would be washed away with hers too."
"But even if I’m punished, it was worth it. And you were a fool long before I came along anyway."
"Don’t be concerned. The gods are protecting us. This is only a drill so we’re prepared when the floods come. Rest assured, be calm."
"You can wait here until you’re sure everyone’s gotten out safely."
"To him, she was only what he wanted her to be: a possession."
"I had believed once, hadn’t I? And now the lie felt cruel and intentional, meant to harm me and rob me of a life."
"The gods are simply testing our patience, our faith in them. Don’t fear. This is what it will be like when the great floods come! All of us together, rejoicing because we are about to be led to the most glorious place imaginable."
"I didn’t see Maya as a mistake. She was a beautiful, talented girl."
"I knew you were being strong, Morning Glory. I knew you trusted I wouldn’t be going through with any of this if it wasn’t for us."
"Then ask me, Morning Glory. All you ever have to do is ask me."
"No," he said. "I’ve never wanted anyone except you. Not for one second, not ever."
"I’m so, so sorry about Maya," I whispered, tears pricking my eyes.
"This is what you sleep in," he said. "You’re like a present I get to unwrap."
"He burns for you? He burns for you? I’ll show you how he burns for you."
"I think he simply believes we’ve caught each other’s eye, nothing more. He doesn’t know about our spring."
"As long as you’re beside me, I’m ready for anything."
"Just promise me once we get out of here, we’ll never say goodbye again."
"Whatever I have to do to keep this girl kissing me like this every day of my life, that’s what I’ll do."
"I love love. I love you. I love being yours."
"I’m not worried. I know things are going to be okay."
"Where do you find your strength? - From you."
"We’re trying to figure it out. But until we do, we’re not going to be able to work anywhere that requires identification."
"Be strong, Morning Glory. And know there’s a spring somewhere in Elysium. And I’ll be waiting for you, Eden."