
Until I Die Quotes

Until I Die by Amy Plum

Until I Die Quotes
"Sweat dripped into my eye, blinding me for one stinging second before my reflexes took over and forced me into motion."
"Don’t be such a sore loser, Kate," chided Vincent.
"You would deserve a bite for beating me again."
"You definitely have natural talent," he continued.
"Um, yeah. I guess lying around reading books all day doesn’t do much for physical endurance."
"I don’t mind taking all the glory, but I think the fact that your volant spirit was possessing me had just a tiny bit to do with it."
"Incredible, I thought for the thousandth time, as I considered this parallel world I was moving in."
"Kate, I’ve spent a lifetime waiting for you. Before I saw you, I hadn’t cared for anyone for … well, for the good part of a century, and it felt like my heart had been permanently disconnected."
"Now that you are here—now that we’re together—I can’t imagine going back to the life I had before. I don’t know what I’d do if I lost you now. I love you too much."
"Woe to the human who encounters a revenant. For he has danced with death, being either delivered from or into its cold embrace."
"Although I allow that humans have interacted with us throughout history, except for the rarest of cases, like our own Geneviève’s marriage, serious interaction with humans has always been on an employer-employee basis."
"Of course, you are totally kick-ass. But you are still made of flesh and blood. Non-reanimating flesh, that is."
"Your grandfather’s family made me feel like that in the beginning. It was a case of his parents’ old money versus my family’s new money, and they made me feel like an arriviste."
"And he will possess preternatural powers of endurance, persuasion, strength, and communication."
"I’ve never seen him fight except in training, so I wouldn’t know."
"In our days, there was open communication between the numa and bardia."
"From his family will come the one to see the victor."
"Someone who didn’t want the healer to be found."
"But if there was someone who could help me and Vincent, I wouldn’t stop until I found him."
"No wonder I had spent my every free moment as a child up here."
"I would never get used to letting someone get that near my mouth before having the chance to brush my teeth."
"But a lot of important things in this world don’t."
"And then, when you show up with the answer to all his immortal problems, you’ll knock that dead boy right off his feet."
"I Métro’d over to the Marais and walked down the tiny street called rue des Rosiers."
"My senses were all on the alert: My fingers tingled and the scent of Mamie’s flowers on my nightstand suddenly seemed overpoweringly heady."
"I hope he doesn’t mind hanging out in my room."
"I felt like I was a tiny gold figure inside a Fabergé egg, with my entire world encrusted in jewels."
"I guess that’s one part of our basic humanity that remains with us after death. The need to love and be loved."
"He’s just not very demonstrative with his affections."
"But you see, we don’t want you. Not this time."
"Starting here and now, all rules are forgotten. On behalf of your kind, you just declared war."
"We will be seeing you again. Au revoir, Kate Mercier."
"You are my solace, Kate. Just knowing that you are in this world, everything makes sense."
"I would trade this one second with you for a thousand years without you."
"If he is captured, the one who destroys him will receive his power. As you can imagine, the results would be disastrous."
"I’ve talked about it with other revenants. We all feel like in our human life there was something inside us that was almost suicidally philanthropic."
"Revenant," Vincent said, looking Papy straight in the eyes.
"Kate, you may think you love him. But he’s not even human."
"Kate, your grandfather’s right. My presence in your life has put you in danger."
"Out of my granddaughter’s life. How dare you expose Kate to mortal danger."
"You may think you love him. But he’s not even human."
"There are strange, mystical things occurring in our world that very few people know about."
"I hate to make you unhappy. But I would rather see you depressed than dead."
"I’ve seen the way you look at Arthur. Did you think you could steal my partner?"
"Your parents would have expected me to protect you."
"You are seventeen and still under my guardianship."