
Own The Wind Quotes

Own The Wind by Kristen Ashley

Own The Wind Quotes
"Life was shit. Lost my family, years later, found a new family. Then life wasn’t shit anymore."
"You eat shit until you’re done eating shit then you find a way so you don’t eat shit anymore."
"Your dad has been concerned and even more concerned lately, thinking that something else was not right with you."
"I’ll take you out for breakfast," he mostly repeated.
"I'm not sure why you're sharing this with me, Shy."
"Gotta say, baby, you're beautiful always but you're seriously fuckin' beautiful when you're takin' me."
"May feel like you're falling, Tabby, but remember, I'm at the bottom ready to catch you."
"You want my cut, vote doesn't swing my way, I'll leave it with you and you'll see the back of my bike."
"I'm puttin' my ring on her finger, I'm givin' her babies, and when she's laid to rest, that ring I give her will still be on her finger."
"She may always be your little girl in some ways, brother, but not like that."
"I do not give one fuck what you or any member decides to do to me. What I give a fuck about is that you're puttin' my woman through the fuckin' ringer."
"He only has a sister. Honest to God, is my girl gonna take that away from him now?"
"You got off the phone, you thought the day started good, I’ll give you an ending you won’t fuckin’ believe."
"I foresee my forgiveness phone call to Rush lasting all of thirty seconds."
"This was, while Rush and I hung tight and Shy gave me his support, Lan wasted no time in his approach to Mom."
"Didn’t dream it, saw it, waited my time, and then you gave it to me."
"Shy, like all the members of the Club, got a monthly cut of the profits."
"I’ll also say that I gave you the option of goin’ quiet about it this time."
"If this shit happened a coupla months ago. Now this is mine."
"She’s my daughter, but I get she’s yours in a way I don’t have anymore. Respect, but I’m askin’ you to carry the burden and let her breathe easy."
"If I had this as my legacy, I turned eighteen, I’d be workin’ toward my cut."
"Always and forever, baby, you’re stuck with me."
"I’ll forgive you sooner this time, like, say—now."
"I put the money down on the house. You vacuum and clean the toilets 'cause I hate that shit. So, baby, we already had balance before you kicked in with your cash."
"I know you’ll always love him. I know you’ll always feel his loss. I gotta live with that."
"Can’t promise I won’t do it again but I can promise to try."
"I want every time you look at your hand to remember you belong to me. I want every time I look at mine to remember I belong to you."
"It’s all good, Tabby, that’s sweet and you’re right. But when you do that, you do not have to take my shit."
"This is Club business. Just know your dad is no fool. He has it goin’ on."
"He loved me enough to want there to be only him for a lifetime 'cause that’s the way he felt about you."
"He has a piece of you I’ll never have, so let me take what I need from him."
"But that is not gonna happen again and I want a ring on your finger, my ring."
"I loved it when he held me and spoke into my hair."