
The Last Garden In England Quotes

The Last Garden In England by Julia Kelly

The Last Garden In England Quotes
"Each new garden is like an unread book, its pages brimming with possibility."
"The sooner the architecture of the garden is in place, the sooner I'll be able to begin directing the planting."
"It was a real problem, Gilly has a shoot tomorrow, and there isn’t a single flower."
"I’m sorry to have upset Miss Grant. I will apologize."
"You have company, Miss Pedley. It’s half ten."
"We all do. Don’t believe anyone who says otherwise."
"I don’t know a thing about it, but I like walking in the fields."
"Robin is my son, and I will decide what to do about his education. He stays at home."
"For once, Cynthia was silent as Diana shut the billiards room door behind her."
"That afternoon, she made for the water garden."
"A friend. How long had it been since she’d had one of those?"
"‘The tea garden, the lovers’ garden, the children’s garden, the bridal garden,’ Emma read."
"‘Maybe Venetia was trying to flatter him into agreeing to the rest of her designs,’ she said."
"‘You don’t need a job. You have a company,’ she muttered."
"‘You should ask Henry if his grandmother did any sketches of the garden,’ said Andrew."
"‘I think I should like the pale pink color of ‘Alfred de Dalmas’ with the fullness of the blooms of ‘Gloire des Mousseux’,’ I said."
"‘I’m afraid the boys will need to be punished,’ said Mr. Evans."
"You might be able to give a general a lesson or two with that show of force, Mrs. Symonds."
"Haven't you ever wished that someone would give you permission to rest for a moment?"
"Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted."
"You are allowed to mourn your husband, Mrs. Symonds."
"Creating a fantasy of nature is part of the gardener’s role."
"You do not have to carry the burden of all of Highbury on your shoulders."
"I've desperately wanted to kiss you since I set eyes on you."
"It’s a wonder Joan’s stayed a widow for so long."
"You’re the closest thing that boy has right now."
"I know. Just like I know that your mother means well."
"You strike me as the sort of woman who does whatever she’s set her mind to without waiting for anyone else’s opinion."
"You are the most vicious of all the furniture."
"It's me who should be thanking you, Miss Smith."
"I'm glad you're here, it's just that I gave myself a knock on the coffee table."
"You may well be right about that, Mrs. Symonds, but remember that you do not have to carry the burden of all of Highbury on your shoulders."
"I promise you, Miss Smith, there is no one I would rather sit next to at the dinner than you."
"I have been studiously avoiding my diary, but I know that I must write down what happened after Mrs. Melcourt’s dinner if only so that one day I might look back at it and remember it was not a figment of my imagination."
"Yet even I couldn’t deny that when couples began to step into the swirling circle of the waltz, there was an undeniable romance in the air."
"Kissing him feels like turning my face up to the spring sun and luxuriating in the warmth spreading over my skin after months of winter."
"I knew what it was to be touched—longed for—and I ached for this long-neglected part of me."
"I sometimes wonder if I was unfair asking you to be mine."
"I’ve never been a great lover of parties and gatherings."
"I later learned that the poor man had a tin ear and couldn’t carry a tune at all, but he saw that I liked talking about it."
"If I wanted those things, there would be nothing wrong with that, but I don’t. I want other things."
"I thought it would be easier because at least I knew what it was like to be a girl."
"My dearest Graeme, Already I miss you, and I’ve only just arrived on base."
"I cannot help now but worry that you were sent to the beaches of Normandy."
"I do not expect a letter back from you. I can only hope that you are not in Normandy, but I fear from your silence that you are."
"I’m afraid forests do a lot better at regulating themselves. This is completely overgrown."
"I cannot find fault in your desire for exercise, Miss Smith."
"I thought I was going to be the one asking the questions."
"I know that what we have has not been a passing fancy for you—you took an incredible risk."
"I have a good life, Mum. One that I chose. It just looks different than the one you picked out for me."
"How do you think I have such a fabulous wardrobe when fashion is so dreary now? I only do it late at night after everyone’s gone to bed."
"I didn’t ask you to give anything up! Mum, I’m never going to be the kind of woman who goes on skiing holidays in the winter or plays golf on the weekends."
"I know that you wouldn’t condemn me to that sort of life."
"It’s hardly setting the world on fire, though, is it?"
"I will not be dictated to about how I run my household or raise my son."
"I’m afraid you must put up with all of these inconveniences until we are home."
"I wanted so badly to believe in the words he offered me, but they were just words."
"I do not truly know how Matthew feels about me."
"I don’t care what my sister and her husband would say. They have far too much hold over my life as it is."
"The moment the words were out of Beth’s mouth, she knew that was what she wanted."
"Hawaiian beaches she would never see. Mountain peaks in the Alps she would never climb."
"She wouldn’t know the feeling of sultry air on her skin in South America, nor would she experience the dry, scorching heat of the Sahara Desert."
"I’ve been so focused on my plan, so sure that this would finally free me from Highbury once and for all."
"You’re far more adventurous than I am. I didn’t know that you wanted to travel."
"You thought to go to London and become a secretary, I take it?"
"He raced down the stairs as she surged forward, all of her concerns pushed aside."