
Remember When Quotes

Remember When by Judith McNaught

Remember When Quotes
"There will be a few times in your life when all your instincts will tell you to do something, something that defies logic, upsets your plans, and may even seem crazy to others. When that happens, you do it. Listen to your instincts and ignore everything else. Ignore logic, ignore the odds, ignore the complications, and just go for it."
"Just imagine—Mary was willing to toss away all the material things I can give her, all the things everyone else was so anxious to grab, because she didn’t want to fail me as a wife or you as a mother. Those are the things that are important to her."
"I think women have to stick together at times like this."
"You’re right about that, but do you really think it’s important that she also learn how to spit?"
"It’s just that I hate to break up their evening."
"No matter how much stress she was under or how long the hours she worked, she rarely passed an employee without a smile or some gesture of acknowledgment."
"I’m just the figurehead; I’m the business end, and I always feel like a complete phony when I do these shows."
"I had only one fear," she said solemnly, "but it kept me awake nights for the first two years."
"My superior knowledge of women," he said with an outrageous sense of male arrogance, "combined with excellent insight."
"What makes you so sure?" Corey asked, even though she’d felt exactly the same way earlier that day, when she first suspected how Diana really felt.
"Why, because he works in a stable?" Corey held her breath, hoping her idol wouldn’t betray the flaw of snobbery.
"He can’t be that bad," Gloria argued. "Oh, yeah?" Corbin joked. "I didn’t have a strand of gray hair two years ago, when I went to work for Cole."
"Don’t change," he said huskily. "Stay just the way you are."
"I know that," she replied, pulling off her top and tossing it behind him on the bed. "I like your husband," Cole said, trying unsuccessfully to sidestep her.
"When Cole decides to acquire something, he won’t stop until he gets it, no matter how high the cost goes."
"She swallowed. 'Reschedule it for eight A.M. tomorrow.'"
"Diana seemed to freeze; then she turned away from her desk and walked over to the glass wall that looked out across a sunny Houston skyline."
"Diana swallowed. 'Reschedule it for eight A.M. tomorrow.'"
"Diana’s voice dropped lower, but it was filled with resolution. 'Cancel it.'"
"The lack of either of these could throw her into a state of confusion and dismay like nothing else could."
"People who didn’t know Diana were normally so dazzled and disarmed by her classic features, vivid coloring, soft voice, and quiet elegance that they were misled into thinking of her as a languid young socialite who spent her days dabbling in charity work."
"However, those people who worked closely with her, as did Sally, knew that Diana was a tireless worker with seemingly endless supplies of energy and enthusiasm."
"The wide difference between the effect of stress and lack of sleep on Diana versus its effect on others almost always evoked some sort of good-natured grumbling comment from someone who’d worked late the night before."
"Diana could stand serenely in the chaos and disorder of the production department, the floors and drawing boards littered with proposed layouts and copy proofs, and make vital decisions with flawless judgment."
"She managed all that without missing a written or spoken word, but when she was ready to sign the contract and reached into her briefcase for the gold pen she kept there and couldn’t find it, she lost all concentration on everything."
"She used the controller’s pen to sign the document, but she continued to search through her briefcase and then her purse for her own pen."
"If my sister’s in the building, ask her to come here."
"The story made CBS’s and NBC’s six o’clock news."
"Our entire success has been built on our readership’s belief that the Foster way is the right way—that it brings beauty and harmony to the home and tremendous personal gratification to the women who try it."
"Diana managed a wan smile. 'That’s because he didn’t give you a choice.'"
"I wasn’t enough for him, and the crushing humiliation of it made her stomach churn."
"I should have had my hair streaked, or frosted, or maybe cropped as short as a boy’s with shaggy bangs."
"Regardless of what the Haywards may have told her about the reason for his abrupt departure from their employ, regardless of the intervening years, Diana Foster’s friendship for him was still there, unspoiled and unchanged."
"In the flesh. More accurately, in the tuxedo."
"You’ve gotten awfully finicky," he joked. "You used to kiss stray kittens and mongrel pups all the time."
"I forgot that this is a gathering of the rich and useless, who would never believe you’d switch from one of their own to an ordinary, common man—"
"I said," she clarified, "that it was hideous."
"Because I don’t break my word when I give it."
"In the eyes of everyone," he continued, his low voice gaining force, "you will appear to be my cherished wife, and during the year we’re married, you will be that."
"By tomorrow, all your worries and all of mine can be over. All you have to do is say you agree, and I’ll have my plane ready to take off for Nevada in an hour."
"All you have to do is give me your word that for a period of one year, you will do exactly what I’m offering to do—which is to give a convincing performance for all the world to see that we are truly and happily married."
"Because it is simple. All we have to do is maintain a spirit of friendly collaboration."
"You decided you’ll marry me in Nevada tonight."
"Despite your lofty social status, you also knew me when I was paid to muck out horse stalls, and you don’t seem to find that repellent."
"Diana has always been thoughtful and kind, but the truth is, she had a crush on you!"
"We live in a time when Americans are feeling more and more rootless and more separated from each other and their natural surroundings."
"The public associates the four of you mostly with The Foster Way, but they associate me almost exclusively with the magazine, and no matter how you look at it, the theme behind every article in Foster’s Beautiful Living magazine, and every one of Corey’s wonderful photographs in it, is always the same: domestic beauty and harmony."
"I’m amazed that at twenty-two you could talk a bank into investing in your scheme, let alone round up individual investors."
"Then stop blaming yourself for not being psychic and give yourself credit for overcoming hundreds of hurdles all by yourself—hurdles that would eliminate all but the most gifted and flexible entrepreneurs!"
"Oh, that," she said with a rueful laugh. "I packed up my briefcase with official business plans and projections and called on my father’s friends."
"Who do you think started the rumors? And guess who is said to own the independent testing facility that Cushman used to test their chip?"
"Based on everything I’ve read and heard, I can tell you that the man you’re rhapsodizing about is probably the most unfeeling son of a bitch you’ve ever encountered, as well as being the most ruthless entrepreneur of this decade."
"Besides being handsome and sexy, Cole’s a billionaire, and he’s been seen with lots of beautiful women. Believe me, Spence, Cole didn’t have to go to all that trouble last night, just to get a beautiful wife."
"Whatever Harrison does, he always has some sort of intricate hidden agenda in mind."
"It’s as absurd as a guppy trying to merge with a shark!"
"I am your friend. Now, do this for me—get rid of that sonofabitch!"
"You wanted to know and now you’re going to know all of it. Do you remember my beautiful little daughter? Do you?" he demanded with a shake.
"You cannot have an iron-clad verbal agreement. It's a complete contradiction in terms."
"Praying is the last resort of fools—dreamers who won’t face the fact that they cannot have something."
"This is my house," Cal explained, ushering her in the front door and insisting that she sit on his chair because it was the most comfortable.
"I trust it," he said with a smile. "Yes, but would you fly in it?"
"That is what I think of it," she informed him, daintily dusting off her hands after having thrown a pitch that would have done credit to Sandy Koufax.
"I’ll go with you. I’d love to see it." "No!" he said so sharply that Diana paused as she put the plate in front of him.
"Don’t go playing around with his heart, girl. Either take all of it or leave it alone."
"And now for business news. The stock market closed up today, with mixed trading on a volume of..." 9179812
"Content to stay there, she rubbed her cheek against his hard chest. 'I love you.'"
"Yes. And because back then we all had bets about who would get you to kiss them."
"The world doesn’t need another computer-chip provider."
"An ultra-long-life battery that would power laptop computers and cellular phones for days instead of hours."
"His lawyers had already told him to expect to be charged with fraud and to stand trial."
"That was a miracle. She had come to be with him when everything she heard and saw should have made her run like hell."
"Your husband is not a patient man. He is a man of vision, though."
"I am a creative genius, and they put me in a testing lab."
"I want to see your face on the pillow beside mine when I go to sleep and when I wake up."
"And that is what happens when nobodies from nowhere make it into the major leagues."
"A creation is like a puzzle. He just needed a couple more from my patents."