
The Next Best Thing Quotes

The Next Best Thing by Kristan Higgins

The Next Best Thing Quotes
"She’s warm and precious, and my eyes fill with tears. 'Hi there,' I whisper. 'I’m your auntie.'"
"The whisker was a fluke. I’m not menopausal. I can’t be."
"Bread-baking is a Zenlike art, not fully grasped by much of the world."
"I’m thirty years old, Rose. I’m still young. Fairly ripe."
"I grew up without a dad, and I wouldn’t willingly take on single motherhood."
"It’s just that I’ll never love anyone the way I loved Jimmy. That’s the truth."
"Finding another husband…it’s a good idea. Sure it is."
"‘That sounds great,’ she’d mimic. 'Lang, you’re such a stupid little goody-good.'"
"Despite one errant whisker, most of the evidence still indicates that I’m still young."
"It’s time to move on. Finding another husband…it’s a good idea. Sure it is."
"I wonder for a minute if, now that he’s in Mackerly all the time now, Parker and he will get together."
"You can’t have everything, okay? So back off."
"I’m not asking for everything! I just want you to…to be my friend."
"You’re a wonderful girl. You’ll always be like a daughter to us."
"It's just...we just don't want to stay around anymore."
"You shouldn’t spend money if you aren’t going to wear them."
"Granted, Number Four on my color-coded list is Not Too Attractive so as to discourage lust, which is part of chemistry of course, and can lead to infatuation and even love...but Fred is pushing the envelope here."
"I should be able to say these things without crying by now."
"I don’t have to go in the cemetery. No one will know. Nice Fred won’t mind, I can already tell."
"You’re telling me," I say, forcing a smile. Truthfully I’m stunned at how badly I played."
"Maybe I’m not ready. Maybe it’s my destiny to be a Black Widow, have Grinelda do my whiskers and channel my dead husband."
"But the night Jimmy died, you see, I’d baked a beautiful dessert in my newlywed fervor."
"She’s so warm and cozy against me, her slight weight more precious than anything I could imagine."
"What if he died? What if I really am a Black Widow and I kill another Mirabelli boy, huh?"
""She’s sleeping. I tuck the blanket under her chin. Corinne starts to advise me on how not to breathe on the baby, but then she spies Christopher snagging a mozzarella and tomato appetizer from a passing waiter. "Chris! Do you know the cholesterol count on those?" she bleats, practically slapping it out of his hand."
"It’s a self-defense mechanism," I acknowledge."
""I’m fine, honey," he says. "You holding up okay?" At those words, I look down at Emma to hide the fact that actually, no, I’m not."
"His presence would cushion me from the shallow Debbie Keatings and the dopey Cousin Stevies of the world."
"It’s the widow’s burden and blessing, too. For the rest of my life, I’ll picture Jimmy everywhere."
"Emotions churn in my heart, good, bad, ugly, and I need a little space."
"Well, funny you should ask, Debbie. My husband died five years ago."
"It’s just that…here it comes, the inevitable comparison."
"I miss the everyday stuff. The not-perfect stuff."
"You’re the love of my life, and I’m just not interested in dating or getting married again."
"I’m fairly helpless where you’re concerned, Lucy."
"Something that was gone has come back, something that was part of my daily life for a long, long time, something I’ve missed so much."
"Everything’s gonna be all right, everything’s gonna be all right…Everything’s gonna be all right..."
"I try to imagine how it would be if my soul had to watch Jimmy struggle through life without me."
"I’m great," I answer, determined to make it true."
""Want me to drive you home?" "I’d kind of like to walk," I say honestly."
""See you later, alligator," I say, turning to head for solid ground."
""You don’t need to remind me that he was here first, Lucy.""
""I missed you," I whisper again. It’s the best I can do for now."
""You’re getting gum on your pants," I say distantly."
"Ethan tumbles through the air like a rag doll."
"Leave her alone, you ass," my mother snaps. "Her husband died in a car accident, she just watched her boyfriend get hit by a car and she fainted. She'll be fine."
"Hey," he says, making a move to sit up. The doctor tuts and pushes him gently back on the bed.
"Ethan, I'm so sorry," I whisper, my eyes filling.
"I think you're one lucky bastard," Dr. Pierce says cheerfully.
"Stuffie and I have never gotten along," Ethan says. "He's a big meanie."
"You're not going to work tomorrow," she says. "Jorge and I will take care of the bread."
"Life's going to be a lot less complicated if you stay alone."
"If there's anything I can do, say the word. Matt DeSalvo."