
Almost Perfect Quotes

Almost Perfect by Susan Mallery

Almost Perfect Quotes
"Liz Sutton had always known the past would come back and bite her in the butt—she just hadn’t known it was going to happen today."
"When the writing was slow, even a death threat was more thrilling than the current work in progress."
"Her son was the brightest and best part of her life, she thought as she stared into his dark brown eyes."
"The ability to plan and deal with problems was part of the reason she enjoyed writing her detective mystery series."
"They’re kids, by themselves, and they’re family. I have to do something."
"She’d done everything she could think of to break the cycle of neglect."
"He had dozens of friends, an easygoing disposition and plans to be an architect when he grew up."
"Modern life as she knew it had been restored."
"She was here to help Roy’s girls and get out as quickly as possible. Nothing else."
"An admirable sentiment, if slightly impractical when the alternative was starving."
"A good contractor could have this place fixed in a few weeks."
"It wasn’t as if she was settling here permanently."
"She’d been determined to be a warm, loving mother, to offer her child a safe haven."
"She’d learned her lesson. Fool me once and all that."
"The very tops seemed to almost brush the twinkling stars."
"How could an adult simply walk away from two girls like that?"
"She’d given herself to him on a starry night, by the lake."
"For six years, she’d waited, hoping he would come get her and take her away."
"The sound of the movie carried to her, a safe sound."
"Everything was different now and he was good with that."
"You stole eleven years from me, Liz. Stole time and memories I can never get back."
"If he’d known about Tyler, he would have been there from the beginning. Been a father."
"You played God with my life and my son’s life. I hope there’s a special place in hell for you."
"The ability to hurt someone is usually in direct proportion to how much that person cares about you."
"You have a second chance, Ethan. How often does that happen?"
"You write a great book and everyone wants to hear about a hometown girl doing well. You’re famous here."
"I’ve never heard of the Fool’s Gold Mountaineers," Tyler told Ethan as they found their seats.
"Mom tries, but she throws like a girl." His eyes twinkled. "Although I’m not 'posed to say that. She gets mad."
"You’d take them?" She nodded slowly, thinking if there wasn’t anyone else, she didn’t have much choice.
"You look good," he told her, pulling out one of the chairs and sitting down. "I’ve read your books. You’re famous now, aren’t you?"
"I got no one, Lizzy. Those girls? They’re all I have."
"Maybe San Francisco would be better for my girls."
"You’re their father. They need to know you’re all right."
"We have to work together. If we don’t, the person who gets hurt the most is Tyler."
"I did come back. Pretty much as soon as I found out I was pregnant."
"Don’t worry. Liz doesn’t matter to me at all. There’s nothing between us."
"No matter what, we'll be together. Your dad being in prison isn’t about you. It’s about him. If he wasn’t there, he’d still be here."
"Either way the money will go into trust for both of you. For when you’re older. This isn’t about taking anything from you and I think you know that."
"I want you to keep in touch with your friends. We’ll work on that. Okay?"
"We slept together, Ethan. We didn’t plan it, but it happened. We have a child together. You can’t say we’re on the same team to my face, then undermine me every chance you get."
"You’re taking my kid away from me, Liz. I don’t want any surprises."
"Some of us do the right thing because it’s what we’ve been taught, while others do it because it’s who they are."
"I want this to work. But it’s going to have to happen with him living in San Francisco."
"I want you to have a relationship with Tyler. Why can’t you believe that?"
"I ran after you told all your friends I was some cheap whore you’d never bother with. The night before you’d promised to love me forever."
"I’m disappointed, which is different. I understand why you took the money, but that doesn’t make it right."
"I’m not going to walk away from you and Abby. I know it’s going to take time, but it would nice if you started to believe me."
"You can’t say we’re on the same team to my face, then undermine me every chance you get."
"I hate it here. Everyone is very comfortable getting in my face about my past and they don’t know what they’re talking about."
"I didn’t know how else to stop you from taking Tyler away."
"You were going to leave. You didn’t give me a choice in the matter."
"You think I haven’t spent the last eleven years lying awake at night, worrying about him, doing what I think is best?"
"Tyler is my son," he said, releasing her. "I’ve already lost most of his childhood. I’m not willing to lose any more. I protect what’s mine."
"You’ll protect what’s yours selectively. Let’s not forget that."
"You’re beyond stupid," she said. "You know that, right?"
"Doing what’s right isn’t supposed to hurt someone you care about."
"You remember her in your heart," Liz said. "That’s what’s important."
"There are more important things than the family name and reputation. There are the people we love. There’s doing what your heart tells you is right."
"We have cookies," she announced, releasing the girls. "I’m going to need some help sampling. Any volunteers?"
"Being young doesn’t make the love any less real."
"I wasn’t ready," he said slowly. "Not to be what Liz needed."
"You don’t get it and because of that, you’re going to lose."
"Sometimes you remind me so much of your father. He was an idiot, too."
"It was nice not to be completely by myself. I saw a doctor, got the right kind of food and vitamins."
"I wish we’d known," Denise offered. "I wish you’d come to me."
"We can make this work," she reiterated. "I want you and Tyler to spend as much time together as possible."
"You might be able to make us move, but I’ll never forgive you," Melissa announced. "I’ll hate you forever."
"Something we’ll both have to live with," Liz told her.
"The light brush of his fingers against her skin made her warm inside and a little stronger."
"I guess I should be nice more often so you get used to it."
"Sometimes you have to accept how things are. You can make it easy on yourself, or you can make it hard. The choice is yours."
"Sometimes, being angry doesn’t mean you stop wanting."
"I know some. I know this is hard. I know you’re about the bravest person I know."
"We’re close but because we’re interested in different things, we don’t have the same friends, hang out at the same places."
"I was on bed rest for nearly four months with you three. I can do anything I want."
"It’s almost enough to make me grateful for my inattentive mother."
"You’ll say you’re sorry and then you’ll start over."
"I don’t have a plan. I don’t have anything. What if I mess up?"
"You’re doing great. Just keep with the plan."
"All because someone believed something that wasn’t true."
"But the most amazing part of her journey is that it had to happen somewhere else. Not here, in the town we love so much."
"Fifty dollars can’t change a life, but when everyone gives a little, we can change the world."
"I wanted to see you. To talk to you. I would have waited forever."
"Girls don’t have goals? Since when? I know he got that from you."
"The biggest problems we have in this world are because of what we assume about each other."
"People make decisions based on appearance or gender or race, without getting to know anyone in that group."
"I’ve never had anyone come after me like that. Some of my fans are intense, but they’re not scary. A lot of them are cops."
"What caught her attention was his intense gaze. He stared at her with a focused expression that made her uncomfortable."
"I did okay. I wanted to check on them a few times in the night, just to make sure no one was having nightmares."
"Everyone slept fine," she relayed as she collected her purse.
"After church I plan to doze in my chair. It will be good practice for when I’m old."
"Easy for you to say," she murmured. "You’re not the one who’s naked."
"After what you’d been through, you needed a break. I’m happy I could help."
"You’re right," she said again softly. "I did keep you from him. That wasn’t my intent. I didn’t mean to hurt either of you, but that’s what happened and I’m sorry."
"That’s not good enough." A tear slipped down his cheek.
"I can’t change the past," she stated, feeling sick to her stomach.
"We belong together. We’ve always belonged together."
"I know," she whispered, then had to wipe away several tears. "I keep telling myself it’s not about me. He’s angry about his dad and Ethan is new and exciting."
"I missed you," he said softly. "Not just now, but always."
"I’m not trying to hurt you. I never talked to Tyler about coming to live with me."