
Holy Smokes Quotes

Holy Smokes by Katie MacAlister

Holy Smokes Quotes
"I'm not going to freak out. Not yet, anyway."
"I'm a demon lord, a prince of Abaddon, which is more or less Hell."
"It's not a horribly romantic way to end a wedding, but I'll try to get the appointment for tomorrow afternoon."
"It's like my hands are possessed or something!"
"Sometimes things get so overwhelming, and only when you're around do I feel better."
"You do not have the look of a bride, you have the look of one carrying the load of many burdens upon her shoulders."
"What is it you are worrying about? The wedding, or the red dragons?"
"We're not going to play 'I'll ignore your questions but you must answer mine' unless I get to be the ignorer."
"No one can see us, there is only you and me."
"You have much more circumspection than your niece."
"You are my mate. The sept needs to hear you speak."
"I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this any more!"
"It's impossible to see anything beyond the columns, although I knew that at the far end of the room, a scarlet fainting couch resided."
"You're not in the least bit shy, which means you're teasing me."
"The only sound was of me in the water, and yet I knew Drake was here."
"Before I could back up more than a few feet, it launched itself into the air."
"Enough of the funny animals. When does the sexy, naked dragon show up?"
"In glorious Technicolor. You OK? You were yelling in your sleep."
"I opened my eyes to find Jim peering down at me."
"There’s something really important I have to do, and I’d like to get cracking on it as soon as possible."
"We’re all here in one piece, and considering the red dragons are watching every normal portal channel, that means we’re one step ahead of the game."
"I understand Tibet in winter is a bit nippy."
"I feel like I’ve just participated in a Star Trek episode."
"Kostya’s existence means the end of the silver dragons."
"It is arranged. Two o’clock, at the Wyvern’s Nest in Soho."
"You could be so much, and yet you simply allow others to walk over you as though you did not matter."
"As god is my witness, I’ll never go hungry again!"
"Tell them I intend to overthrow Bael and take control of Abaddon myself."
"This is insane, you know that, right? I think the dark power has warped your sense of what’s smart and what’s incredibly stupid."
"I do not tolerate abuse of women, in any form."
"It’s a weak man who has to prey on those weaker than himself."
"I am the wyvern here, and you will show respect to me at all times! Kneel before me, Aisling Grey."
"As mate to the wyvern of the blue dragons, I formally recognize you as wyvern, welcome you to the position, offer my good wishes for a lifetime of peace and prosperity, and am confident the members of the sept will do the same."
"By the laws governing the illustrious sept of the blue dragons, I, Bastiano de Girardin Blu, wyvern by right of tanistry, do hereby issue a formal challenge of transcendence to Sfiatatoio del Fuoco Blu."
"I’m afraid this is going to have to wait for another time. Aisling is not herself at the moment."
"It’s only eleven," I told Bael. "Our appointment was for twelve."
"You interrupted my wedding!" I said, squaring my shoulders as I met the gaze of the demon lord.
"I believe it’s fluoride you’re thinking of, dear, not chlorine," David said thoughtfully.
"What?" Paula said, her voice rising in a shriek. "Hell? We’re in Hell?"
"I’m not likely to do anything stupid. Not now when I’m poised on the brink of impending non-proscription."
"I am always dominant. I am wyvern. You are my mate. It is the natural order of things."
"I am not a person," I told Jim. "If you don’t want me to singe off a few whiskers, you’ll pipe down."
"You are my life, Aisling. I knew that the first moment you strolled into the G&T."
"You have never needed me," he said, cutting off my objections with a kiss so hot, it set the water ablaze.
"I thought this was supposed to be all about you," I murmured into his ear, giving his earlobe a little nibble just to show it I loved it.
"I don’t think anyone is confused about what you were doing," I said, leaning against Drake.
"What you need is a Taser. Those things pack a hell of a kick."
"You are nothing," she told me, her voice light with mockery.