
Sullivan's Island Quotes

Sullivan's Island by Dorothea Benton Frank

Sullivan's Island Quotes
"Everything in the Lowcountry was just a-wiggling with life and it wasn’t always a warm body."
"Feast your hungry brain with a good book. Quit wasting time! Life’s short."
"I needed a job that would let me offer my opinions because, according to everybody I knew, that was one area where I excelled."
"Suffice it to say that everything in the Lowcountry was just a-wiggling with life and it wasn’t always a warm body."
"I’m shaking in my shoes. You listen to me, and hear me good. I don’t give two shits if you’re pissed off."
"Men stink. Listen, I’ve been saying that for years, except that we love the smell."
"This whole thing is incredible. He’s been driving me crazy."
"I was sure there was a God. He was tapping me on my stubborn shoulder, telling me the scene before me was a metaphor for my own life."
"It’s just that my head was in gridlock at the thought of a new life."
"The only differences between the porch of today and the one of forty years ago were the ceiling fans."
"There's no book of instructions on how to raise a teenager, and darned little to recommend the job anyway."
"I'm glad you're here, Livvie. Thanks for the sandwiches and everything."
"Sometimes relationships run their course and lose steam."
"I could either continue to be defeated or I could get myself back together."
"We loved to indulge ourselves with a short walk through St. Mary’s Cemetery."
"Being part of this continuum was as rich a legacy as a treasure chest filled with jewels."
"God, life would be so easy if I could feel like them."
"I am proud to continue the legacy, even if only on a part-time basis."
"Fine, fine, like a freaking cow on the way to slaughter."
"I washed my hair. Amazing what a little soap and water will do."
"God, yes. Thanks. Wait, no. I have to drive and I’d better pace myself."
"You cook? Love to cook. Does that improve my résumé?"
"Every person on the planet gets at least one stab at the Knucklehead of the Year award."
"Just remember, true southern ladies do not vomit on their first dates."
"I’m not ready for anything. I’ve got my hands plenty full right now."
"Don’t cry, honey. Some lessons have to be learned the hard way."
"Humph, you's a terrible liar. You ain't fine."
"You think your grandmomma be right in the head?"
"Humph. Got a bad spirit in her. I gone fix it too."
"There, there now. It's all right, chile, just cry it all out."
"Honey chile, when you're an old woman like me, you'll be amazed at what you can know just by looking at someone."
"It don't pay to hate nobody, 'cause the only person who gets hurt is you."
"Ain't got nothing to do with you. Don't mean because they is bad that you is bad."
"They make a crazy decision and didn't expect to get caught."
"No, we can't change them, but we can move they spirit!"
"Gone clean up the spirits in this room, that's all."
"Old folks got their ways. Can't change them."
"When I was a little girl we didn't have nothing."
"The world you have when you grow up is gonna be the one you make."
"I'm fearing it's gone come this way. Hatred is a terrible thing. Like cancer. Eats you up."
"We gone fight the fight, because every back is fitted to the burden."
"I'm tired but I'm fine! Come give your momma a kiss."
"You girls are going to have to help me when I come home, you know."
"I'll tell you how I am! Them crazy Blanchard boys gone make me an old woman before my time!"
"Tipa? There ain't nothing wrong with them children, it's them grown-ups."
"Gone miss Mr. Tipa. He was a fine man, but Gawd call him and it ain't fitting for us to be asking Gawd why."
"Quit apologizing for your writing. God, all writers are the same."
"If you don't want to pray, that's all right, but sooner or later, you got to give it over to the Lawd."
"We need to plan our escape, and make sure nothing happens to mess it up."
"I don't know how I got to my bed that night until I found one of my grandmother's hairpins in my bed."
"Sometimes I feel discouraged, and think my work's in vain, but then the Holy Spirit revives my soul again."
"If you never invest that much of your heart in your marriage, you can't lose too much."
"It's the dishonest method of dealing with fear."
"If you're only half invested, you can't lose too much."
"Girls need fathers to love or it's hard as hell to love a husband."
"I couldn’t believe that anyone would ever love me after the way Daddy treated Momma."
"If I'd loved Tom with all my heart, it would've been an honest failure, if it was meant to fail."
"You ain’t got no right! I don’t know why these thing happen! They just do!"
"This is the first break I’ve ever caught! I hope the son of a bitch is writhing in hell with a branding iron up his butt."
"You gots to be a woman, not a ugly-minded, angry chile!"
"I’d rather stay home, if it’s okay with you."
"You’re a total disgusting pig! That’s about the last thing I want to see!"
"Just because somebody's grown up doesn't mean that they can't be wrong."
"Gone be all right, Susan. Everything gone be all right. Y’all gone see, by and by."
"I had every intention of standing right there and kissing that man till I wore out his lips."
"I hope she does tell Louis and then I can tell him what I know!"
"I just couldn't believe that a powerful, educated man like him would want to get mixed up with a crazy widow and her six children."
"If he was supposed to have so much money, couldn’t he have afforded his own initials?"
"If Marie Catherine says yes, I swear I’ll be the happiest man in the world!"
"By the grace of God, I was appointed as interim director of the library."
"I realized that money had been one of the things that caused so much pain over the past months."
"The people you love never leave you, and as long as you love them, they'll live."
"You should always surround yourself with people who love you."
"This was a bit like getting clobbered on the head."