
Prophecy Of The Sisters Quotes

Prophecy Of The Sisters by Michelle Zink

Prophecy Of The Sisters Quotes
"I don’t notice the rain. It falls in sheets, a blanket of silvery thread rushing to the hard almost-winter ground."
"Aunt Virginia leans in to speak to us over the drumming rain. 'Children, we must be going.'"
"I see the loss of Father in the dark circles under my brother’s eyes."
"I am not surprised that James knows what I mean to do, though I don’t say it aloud."
"I cannot say how long we have been standing at the mound of dirt where my father’s body lay."
"I am sitting on the bed, brushing my hair to a shine, when a knock stops me midstroke."
"It is only the shadow of a warning. I ignore it, reveling in the utter abandon of my journey."
"The souls can be free of the body for only so long before the astral cord, the thread connecting body and soul, is severed."
"The Souls are helpless without Samael. They have been amassing an army for centuries, but the prophecy dictates that they can do nothing to bring about the Doom of Gods without the leadership of Samael, the Beast. And there is only one who can summon him. Only one who will carry the singular mark of that authority."
"Because you are the oldest, Lia. It is always the oldest."
"Sometimes you cannot see the forest for the trees."
"I have the book. Without it, Alice may not know the breadth of the prophecy. She may well be as confused in her role as I am in mine. If I can keep the book from her, perhaps it will buy us enough time to find the keys and figure out how to use them."
"I am most sorry. The prophecy is a burden for the most educated and prepared in the Sisterhood. For one so adrift as you… for one with your role… well, it must be quite overwhelming."
"I should like to say that I stop her at once, but I am so shocked that I have no idea how many seconds pass before I am spurred to action."
"And if I am the Gate, should I not fear finding the keys even more than Alice finding them? Perhaps it is I who might use them for harm instead of good."
"It is a wonder they did not take him sooner. To resist them for so long… well, he must have been a very strong man and quite determined to protect you."
"Even with all I’ve learned, the mystery has only deepened."
"The answer you seek, my dear, lies not in the carefully catalogued books within the library but in those cast aside, hidden in shame behind it."
"These are the books the town does not want sitting in full view beside the more… traditional offerings."
"Because these are the books about things people do not understand, things you and I know are as real as the world in which we stand this very minute."
"I cannot keep the amazement from my voice, but there is sadness, too."
"Then I’m quite sure I would have been very fond of your father, dear girl."
"The small protection you have is to shun the medallion, avoid wearing it, though even this may not be enough."
"Once here the Beast and his Army may change into any form they desire."
"I sometimes feel a connection to the medallion. I sometimes feel the call of it."
"The Seven Plagues are a sign of the end in the Bible."
"The Seven Plagues will begin, causing great torment and destruction before an end that is nothing more than that. The end."
"I do not have time to speak, to thank her or worry for her safety."
"You must learn the ways of the Otherworlds before you travel, Lia."
"The circle is an ancient symbol of protection, Lia."
"I didn’t know I was traveling then. I thought they were giving chase through the skies of my dream."
"My dear Lia, it is difficult to know where to begin."
"I am weak. I know you shall think me a coward."
"You will never be able to cross into the final world. Never."
"Father’s list of names. It was on his night table behind the photo of Mother."
"I shake my head, studying the fine needlework strewn across the coverlet on my bed."
"When she leans in to whisper in Aunt Virginia’s ear, I know they think me so close to madness that they fear sending me around the bend completely when, in fact, I feel nothing at all."
"I cannot break the spell of the quiet room. This room where I have lain since Alice and I were moved from the nursery so long ago."
"I try not to think. I do not want to think of my mother. I do not want to think of Alice, of the terrible combination of greed and love at the bank of the river."
"It is not such an awful place to die, and in a morbid moment of clarity I have some small understanding of why my mother chose it."
"The wind dies, not a little at a time, but all at once. The only sound is the gasp of my own labored breathing."
"Despite my exhaustion, it is impossible to sleep the night of Henry’s funeral. But it is not my grief that keeps me awake."
"You must trust me if you have ever trusted me, if you have ever loved me."
"It is all I can do to travel forward into my future, that dark and shapeless shadow that lies in wait."