
Dragon Haven Quotes

Dragon Haven by Robin Hobb

Dragon Haven Quotes
"Metaphor for my life," she muttered savagely and resolutely stepped up her pace.
"No wonder dragons think so poorly of us, if they are privy to every one of our thoughts."
"My true name is Sintara. You may as well have it; all the others know it now that Mercor has flung it to the wind."
"Nowhere for us to go, is there?" Leftrin offered.
"You look like you’ve been poisoned. Or drugged."
"I’m tired of paying you wages you scarcely earn, tired of you living off me like a leech."
"I have to do what is right," he said regretfully.
"It’s so hard to think of her as female. It makes me doubly sad that she is so ill."
"Profit was all-important. But so was loyalty. And humanity."
"Once a Chalcedean had a hold on you, he never let go."
"True leaders sometimes had to do dangerous and distasteful, even immoral, things for the sake of those who followed them."
"He knew what Tarman was, and he knew what Leftrin had found, and what he’d done with it."
"The secret should have been safe. But it wasn’t."
"The Great Blue Lake was a very large lake that swelled even larger during the rainy seasons."
"Quakes were frequent in the Rain Wilds, and for the most part, little tremors were ignored by everyone."
"If a baby is born and it’s already changed so much from pure human, then its parents don’t raise it."
"I think she may be trying to see just how much power she has over us."
"Neither light nor air will cure what ails me." - Sedric
"I think you’ll understand; well, I’ll make you understand, one way or another." - Carson
"As much as I’m ever likely to be a father to anyone!" - Carson
"You’re probably the handsomest man he’s ever seen, and the boy is infatuated." - Carson
"Once he realizes that there’s nothing here for him, he’ll get over it quick enough." - Carson
"I didn’t even see it. Even if I had, I wouldn’t take advantage of it." - Sedric
"Maybe Leftrin does, too. They might find that, if she felt free to look for it." - Carson
"I don’t think that’s any of your concern." - Sedric
"I’m as all right as I can be. I’ve counted eight dragons so far." - Alise
"Beauteous one, you must allow me to help you." - Sedric
"Less lonely. You make sense of world. Talk to me." - Relpda
"I know, my queen, my lovely one. But you must not give up." - Sedric
"Fate seems to have not only saved us, but thrown us together."
"I notice you aren't saying what you'll bring to our new partnership."
"I'm sorry. Please don't kill me. I just want to live."
"I'm not letting you go again. I don't care what anyone says."
"And it's my fault, for dragging him into this."
"The ugly reality of that question reminded him that he was a captain as well as a man."
"Her relief at being found, her joy at seeing Leftrin and knowing he was safe, had passed in a matter of heartbeats."
"Her skin felt rough and dry, her hair like a bundle of straw."
"To rot in the river, eaten by fishes? Or be devoured by me, and your memories live on in me?"
"I’m choosing to be free, Tats. To not have to choose, not now, not ever if I don’t want to."
"He hadn’t realized how much her exhaustion had been affecting him until she suddenly relaxed."
"Because I wasn’t sure if anything else would have stopped him."
"I’m not truly any of those things, I’m just out of my place right now."
"What did it matter what Carson thought of him? When had he begun to care what an ignorant Rain Wild hunter thought of him?"
"It’s going to be harder to feed everybody now. Most all our fishing gear is gone."
"In the lifetimes that our kinds have been apart, many of the Rain Wilders have taken on some of the lesser aspects of Elderlings, with few of the benefits."
"That’s exactly what I’d like to do. Leave, Tats. Thymara wants to talk with me."
"He had hoped to steal this one night from her Bingtown life and possess it as something of their own."
"How could he love such a man? What a worthless waste of your heart."
"You sound as if you are still angry." "Yes. I'm still angry. I don't hate you; I've decided that. But I'm angry in a way I've never been angry before."
"He was Hest. You’ve seen him. It was easy to fall in love with him. He’s handsome and well dressed."
"No. No, I’m fine. Everything is going to be all right."
"I’m not surprised. He has problems of his own to deal with just now. It’s best to leave him alone with them."
"It seems to agree with you." "Don’t be cheeky, girl."
"I’m a lot of things, Carson, and a lot of them aren’t nice. But I’d never betray the Rain Wilds that way."
"Once in the water he would struggle. Whether he willed it or not, he would shout for help."
"You won’t finish it that way." "It’s just busywork, anyway."
"I don’t know which would be more humiliating, really. To have your sister think I was a deceived fool, or to think I was a party to your arrangement."
"Thymara. Yes or no?" "No, Tats. It’s still no."
"No human can be around dragons for long without experiencing some changes. Accept them."
"It isn’t something you can ignore. The bond goes both ways. What affects one affects all."
"The concerns of dragons are the concerns of dragons."
"You will never take charge of my keeper. What is mine, I keep."
"It’s impossible to ignore that the barge was deliberately resisting efforts to move him."
"Dragons were not animals to him in the way that deer or birds were animals. But they weren’t humans, either."
"We were about to go the wrong way. That’s all."
"It was…delicious. No. It wasn’t a taste. It was a feeling. It was magical. It changed me."
"I am a queen! I require no help from anyone."
"He is wrong. He smells wrong. He exists wrong."
"We don’t know. Do you want to give up and go back?"
"If anything befell him, Carson would come looking for him."
"Let him go on thinking he was a good person. He knew he wasn’t, and he knew Carson deserved better."
"You can be honest with me, Sedric. I know what I am, and that’s a simple man."
"I never agreed to it, Alise. I never agreed to it, and I never planned to do it."
"This is why you wanted to come on this expedition, isn’t it? To find something like this?"
"If we keep following the current, we will find it."
"As large as the dragon’s wings had become, the skin of them remained thin and fine."
"I miss you, Rapskal. I miss having a friend."
"Keep your pity for yourself. Useless, stupid whore."
"No fight, Greft. I know you’re not a healthy man."
"I don’t understand why you like them! I spent years of my life trying to avoid getting freckles."
"She hadn’t worked for him to like her, and he’d always just assumed that she liked him."
"The boat’s gone. Well, that’s trouble avoided."
"Seems to me the Bingtown men were the foolish ones."
"I don’t want to lose you, Alise. I know that it’s probably not possible."
"You are what is wrong with me! What have you done to me?"
"To sit on a hillside, to look across a vista of sloping green meadow down to a swiftly flowing river was strange enough."
"The dragons trudged ahead of them, laboriously plodding through standing water and sticky mud."
"The deeper water may make it easier for Tarman to move. But harder for the dragons."
"The mist burned off as if it had never been. A landscape appeared around them, a place so different that at first Thymara wondered if somehow they’d made a mystical passage to another world."
"Tonight we’ll camp on dry land. And build a fire! And walk about without getting muddy!"
"I have never seen anything so beautiful as that."
"I’ve never seen anything as beautiful as she is when she’s clean. Nothing gleams like she does."
"That’s why I’ll be teaching you," Carson explained. When he spoke, Sedric felt the words thrum through his chest.
"We’re going to change everything, Alise. Everything."
"But it’s been so long since I had time with my friends, and I’ve been lonely."
"I have never seen anything so beautiful as that," she whispered, and Alise leaned closer to hug her.