
Dragonsinger Quotes

Dragonsinger by Anne McCaffrey

Dragonsinger Quotes
"She was warm, she was comfortable; she was so tired."
"To stop each wave, her clutch to save, she ventured bravely."
"But what could a girl, even one who had taught her Hold’s youngsters their Teaching Songs and Ballads, do at a Harper Hall from which all teaching songs originated?"
"Her eyes all blue, glowed of her true, undying gratitude."
"She was seated on Monarth’s neck between his rider, T’gellan, and the Masterharper of Pern, Robinton."
"Because they thought that apprentice was a boy …"
"Strange not to have the smell of sea in her nostrils."
"Living in a cave, did T’gellan say? With every harper on Pern looking for you in holds and crafthalls."
"The tears I feel today I’ll wait to shed tomorrow."
"The mind that will not admit it has something more to learn tomorrow is in danger of stagnating."
"If you sing loud, they only hear noise, not sound or song."
"The only excuse for the existence of that odorous plant known as numbweed is to ease pain."
"The best thing possible; for Petiron had sense enough not to meddle but to wait until I could attend to your vocal education."
"The worst storm throws up some wood on the beach."
"I dare not be tear-blinded. I must be free to talk, not choked with grief, clear-minded."
"Your voice is sad and your hands are slow, and your eye meeting mine turns away."
"What appeals to me most? Why, playing like this, in a group."
"I felt as if I was ... was flying on a dragon!"
"To be sure, your modesty has done you great service."
"Just when I didn't want to be interrupted..."
"You're lanky enough to wear [trousers] well."
"You're not the youngest child in a family of an isolated Sea Hold. You're an apprentice harper."
"I had the good fortune to be his apprentice."
"You may not be proud in yourself, but you will kindly consider the change in your circumstances."
"It is never easy, sweet child, to have a real gift: something else is withheld to compensate."
"If you won't surrender the mark, you'll never be more than half-alive."
"Emotion, that's what these little beasties communicate. Emotion, like Brekke's fear t'other night."
"There's something wrong in not appreciating one's own special abilities, my girl."
"The little queen all golden flew hissing at the sea. To stop each wave her clutch to save she ventured bravely."
"Oh wide sea, oh sweet sea, forever be my lover."
"How long does this insatiable appetite continue, Menolly?"
"I'll never get that quartet ready for performance unless we have a few more good rehearsals."
"An apprenticeship served elsewhere under a competent journeyman has always been admissible."
"You copy neatly enough to please even old Arnor."
"Your songs are as important to the Craft Hall, and Pern, as my music."
"You will undoubtedly be obliged to sing it again in public; so you might just as well learn to sing it well!"
"A harper’s supposed to learn as much as he can."
"The whole point of the Harper Hall is to extend knowledge."
"I insist that we hold no one back from the rank they are entitled to by knowledge and ability, and in this case, rare talent."
"As a journeyman in blue, she had rank and status enough to fear no-one and nothing."