
Everything We Didn't Say Quotes

Everything We Didn't Say by Nicole Baart

Everything We Didn't Say Quotes
"Bitter and unforgiving as deep February, when frost edged the windows like salt on the rim of a glass."
"Never answer more than asked. Never offer up unsolicited information. Never let down your guard."
"Sometimes she writes her own stuff, and this piece is building to an intense, bitter crescendo that will be hard to tune out."
"True to her word, Cora had locked the front door and left the key in the mailbox."
"It seemed fitting, then, that it was dark and profoundly cold when Juniper pulled into town."
"The night was moonless and cold, so dark that Juniper could hardly see where she was going."
"It’s impossible to separate Cal and Beth from her brother. Guilty or not, he bore the stain of accusation."
"I can pinpoint the ten people most likely to commit homicide in this town."
"Everyone is allowed a mistake from time to time."
"Just a little nod from one Tom Petty fan to another. See you around, Baker."
"I’m going to go see him tomorrow. I’ll tell him it’s time to wake up. That we all need him."
"Pneumonia is common in cases like his, but we don’t want to tempt fate unnecessarily."
"You’re cold. And I need a cup of coffee. Come on."
"Although they remained close on the surface, it had been a long time since they had confided in each other like the best friends they had been."
"Juniper realized that there was much she didn’t know about her brother."
"What have you done?" she whispered. And then, more loudly. "Hi, Jonathan. It’s me, June."
"You have to come back to us," Juniper said. "Mandy needs you. The boys need you. I need you."
"Juniper and Jonathan. When we were little it sounded like one word: juniperandjonathan. As if one couldn’t exist without the other."
"Keep talking," the nurse said. "Pull up a chair and tell him a story. Maybe today will be the day."
"We’re hoping for the best." It was such a clichéd thing to say, but all at once Juniper was tired all the way down to her bones.
"I’m so sorry you feel that way," Juniper said. And then she walked away.
"Just listen," he says. "I know you don’t trust me. I know Jonathan is warning you away."
"And all at once she wanted to be the troublemaker they all believed her to be."
"I know things that I shouldn’t know and don’t understand, and the pieces of this particular puzzle do not—cannot—form into a happy whole."
"I’m sick to death of being told that I don’t know what I’m talking about."
"One day at a time, okay? But know this, Juniper Grace: you’re mine."
"I can’t shake the feeling I’m in for a shock."
"Something about this trip hums in warning, like the charge in the air around an electric fence."
"Not now," Reb says, shutting her door just a smidge harder than necessary. "I can’t take the two of you going after each other this morning."
"I’ve betrayed Ashley in the worst possible way. It would have been one thing if I was honest with her about my surprising feelings for Sullivan. But I’m falling for him a little more every day, and she has no idea."
"You going to the barbecue later?" Ashley asks, a glint in her eye."
"We understood by that one line and the way he delivered it that Law didn’t want to be Franklin Tate."
"Everything came back to this. She had come home, and Jonathan had almost died."
"Why aren’t you answering your phone?" Cora demanded the second Juniper cracked the library door."
"In all these years, Juniper and her brother had never spoken about that night. It was scorched earth, barren and ruined."
"Scariest of all, he was a shell of the man he had once been."
"He’s awake," Law confirmed. "Kind of. But something’s off. He’s not… he’s not Jonathan."
"She was no dummy, that was for sure. And though there were things about her daughter that were wholly unknown and even a little scary, Juniper felt feverish with the desire to know her."
"I believe that when someone has hurt another person, they should be held accountable."
"Early adversity leads to an abundant harvest."
"I’m an officer doing my job. I didn’t know that Jonathan would take Diesel for an early morning walk."
"We drank, we shot trap. Jonathan was with us for a lot of the day."
"That summer. You were off to college and Jonathan was… Jonathan."
"I wasn’t leaving you. I’d never leave you or Jonathan if you needed me."
"I convinced him to go to the Pattersons’ party, but it didn’t help. He was still so angry."