
Dating You / Hating You Quotes

Dating You / Hating You by Christina Lauren

Dating You / Hating You Quotes
"La Cienega Boulevard is a never-ending hell of snaking concrete, but it’s a necessary evil in this town."
"To the north is the stuff most Hollywood dreams are made of, where a backdrop of steep hills seems to have erupted straight from the asphalt."
"Thank God I’m usually one of the last ones out of the office."
"I’ve traveled the world, but LA has always been—and will always be—my home."
"I work in Features, representing actors and actresses; and Amelia is the second in command in HR."
"The one with all the booze? It should be. I mean, it’s the least they can do."
"I’m thirty-three years old and at a costume party dressed as a teenage Hermione Granger."
"I’d convinced them to let me ride my bike after school to the neighborhood video rental store—yes, I am old—and then talked the crusty old manager, Larry, into letting me work there for free rentals."
"You love me because I listen to your endless movie trivia and my passivity complements your need to be in charge all the time."
"I’m ahead of my time, but also exactly where I should be."
"I'd give you my jacket if we weren't suddenly in the weirdest dating-coworker situation in the history of time."
"Despite the late nights and missed dinners, it's exactly what she meant."
"If we stay open with each other, we’ll be fine, right?"
"I’m working my way through the Post and Beam appetizer menu, so I’m doing okay."
"I can't do both things right now. And if I can't get the girl, at least I can keep the job."
"Hell no. But P&D has huge resources. I don’t want to burn any bridges until I have to."
"The difference is everything. I’m still working on being great."
"I hate how funny he is, and I hate how much I want him to keep touching me."
"People fucking love a comeback story. I can do this."
"Your competitive moon is eclipsing my happy place sun, jackhole."
"I knew something was off about that. Brad got caught calling him a no-talent hack when I was still at Alterman; it didn’t make sense that they’d suddenly decided to mend their fences."
"I am ninety-eight percent positive I could call Dan right now, find out what he’s thinking he’s going to do, and convince him to join my list."
"You’re supposed to be a badass here. Badasses don’t fidget."
"But a good agent keeps a lid on their temper unless it’s really necessary to unleash the fury."
"You think I’ve made it this far because I need you to show me how to do my job?"
"He’s right: on some of the trashier gossip sites there are archived articles with phrases like has-been and washed up and fashion feature poison."
"Oh, it’s totally funny. As parents we put our kids through the strangest things because we think it’s giving them some sort of advantage."
"The thing is, she’s smart and gorgeous and funny and amazing at her job, and it was infuriating."
"I’ve never put a guy before my career, although the impact of that decision sometimes needles my thoughts: if you always put career first, you will only have your career to put first."
"He laughs, cheeks a little pink. "Hey, Rose.""
"Carter’s smile droops. "I have two full-size beds in my room.""
"You’re an idiot." "I’m the idiot? Have you seen your hair?"
"I’m positive I’m that guy. You are a career, not just a role."
"Brad, we never get a chance to visit. Come have dinner with us."