
Let It Snow Quotes

Let It Snow by Beth Moran

Let It Snow Quotes
"I'm so sick of you not taking my career seriously."
"Why can't any of you, just once, try to understand me?"
"Every time I pick up the guitar I'm thinking of you."
"I can understand that. You're very distracting."
"You have to let me repay my nine-year debt and drive you to this interview."
"I’m heading home for the holidays until the twenty-ninth, but you’ll be in Summer Collins’ capable hands until then."
"When it comes to talent, it was nothing compared to, say, someone playing an original piano piece in the key of F minor."
"I got bored of physics. I was in a meeting listening to my supervisor babbling on about gravitational waves and binary systems, and I suddenly thought, I don’t care."
"The only thing stopping me from asking you to drive me straight home is that I’m currently top of the leader board."
"You should wear your own clothes for the interview. The coolest thing you can do is be yourself."
"I love you and I want to be with you forever and I want the whole world to know about it."
"I think the coolest thing you can do is be yourself."
"Are interviews for TV jobs always like this?"
"I wanted to believe you were different."
"The only way to tackle this momentous challenge is together."
"Being true to yourself and what you believe to be important in the small things as well as the big ones."
"If you'd asked us, we could have let you know the storm would be here by noon."
"You know how you didn’t want me freezing to death?"
"I’m really sure that if we don’t, you’ll spend the rest of the day worrying about her."
"She’s more than a bit irritating. Several of her colleagues have complained that she’s unpredictable and difficult to work with."
"The thought that all that might come to an end was like a shard of ice in my chest, turning my blood cold."
"And I deserve a lot of it. Please forgive yourself."
"We’re having our first holiday in nearly ten years. Perhaps we finally got tired and fancied a break."
"It’s a good place to hide, though. Work. From irritating thoughts or interfering journalists. Keep busy enough and they might give you some peace."
"I love you, too. But don’t pretend you don’t know what I’m talking about."
"I love these people, this community I’ve helped to build."
"I want to watch the same naff pantomime every year and amble in the woods where I knew every tiny footpath and most of the people who walked them."
"You should be spending time on what you love the most."
"Trust this. Trust almost two hundred years of fierce, fearless Armstrongs. Trust your parents, what they built here, and how much this means to people. Trust yourself, and the powerful community you created."
"You don’t need to sell your soul to Baxter Bigwood. You – we – can do this without him."
"I’m so sorry,’ I wheezed. ‘I only got the notification about the meeting twenty minutes ago. I’m not due to start work until eleven-thirty so I was still on my way in."
"She’s going to be upset,’ Henry admitted, as reluctant to offer an empty platitude as always."
"If you change your mind, don’t bother getting in touch."
"He hadn’t seen that waste of space since nineteen eighty-seven."
"‘I cannot imagine what or who you’re talking about, Beatrice."
"You know how I feel about those word weevils. Constantly trying to burrow into my personal business."
"We’re going to come up with a way to save the school."
"‘No.’ I shook my head, my fringe creating static against his skin. ‘The past can’t dictate whether we stay together in the future.’"
"‘You might change your mind,’ he pleaded. ‘I’m happy to take that chance. To wait, no pressure. You’re worth waiting for, Bea.’"
"‘Me, I suppose.’ I shook my head. That wasn’t quite right. ‘Or, maybe I simply got a clearer idea of who I am and what I want.’"
"‘I cannot believe you did that.’ I gasped, while at the same time completely unsurprised."
"What if I can’t live with myself, forcing you to make that choice, when I can live without you?"
"It’s only my guts you’re ripping out here."
"I guess I’ll be making some changes to my new tattoo."
"You’ve convinced me that a revote would be a good idea."