
A Family Affair Quotes

A Family Affair by Mary Campisi

A Family Affair Quotes
"Dreams change, Kat. So do plans. My dad's got a broken back and a business that's falling apart. He knows how to replace a circuit breaker, but a balance sheet and paying bills? Not his specialty."
"I love you too, Kat. I’ll always love you, and that’s why I have to let you go."
"The memories were too deep. The pain harsh and unforgettable."
"It’s about family and doing the right thing. I can’t ignore it or pretend I haven’t discovered the situation they’re in. I’ve got to fix this."
"That would mean they wanted to put you two in the same room and not tell either of you beforehand. Very clever."
"If you’re not looking forward to seeing her now, before the stressors and the kids and the day-to-day routines… What do you think that’s going to look like when one or two, or all of them, land on top of you?"
"A woman with a tattered soul and no direction can’t see the truth until it’s too late."
"I love you, Beckett Durrell. I want to be with you no matter where that takes us."
"What sort of role model would she be if she taught them it was okay for others to take advantage of you, mistreat you, act as though you didn’t matter?"
"Hearts don’t lie and everybody deserves a second chance."
"Sometimes the most meaningful adventures are the ones we didn't plan for."
"Cherish the moments that make your heart feel full, even if they're fleeting."
"True strength lies in the courage to confront our fears and embrace change."
"The beauty of life often lies in its unpredictability and the lessons we learn along the way."
"Finding peace within ourselves is the first step towards building a life we love."
"In the complexity of relationships lies the opportunity for growth and understanding."
"The journey towards self-discovery is never easy, but it's always worth it."
"Sometimes, letting go of the past opens the door to a brighter future."
"The most profound connections are those that touch our souls and transform us."
"Life’s greatest joys often come from the simplest things."
"I doubt these pizzelles will be my finest effort."
"Pop Benito minding his own business? Not happening."
"Nobody should be alone on Thanksgiving, even if they say they want to be. It’s not healthy."
"It's not about being good; it's about being human. Doing the right thing."
"She was so small and pitiful and he’d wished he were the one puking in the toilet."
"I knew you’d agree, because, hell, we were meant to be together."
"We don’t keep secrets; that’s a sure way to kill a relationship, but this is just a delayed surprise."
"There’s a lot more involved, but I’ll spare you the pathetic details of my bruised ego and wounded heart."
"Pride had no business in a relationship and if we couldn’t factor in trust, and I mean real trust, then we weren’t going to make it."
"It’s all about opening up and letting go of the fear."
"It took us almost losing each other to realize pride had no business in a relationship."
"You can’t imagine how delighted we were to learn you were spending time together again."
"Life is so fragile. I don’t want to spend one more minute apart."
"Hatred can only live in a person’s soul for so long before it begins to eat them up."