
Nice Girls Don't Live Forever Quotes

Nice Girls Don't Live Forever by Molly Harper

Nice Girls Don't Live Forever Quotes
"The worst thing you can do in a relationship, vampire or otherwise, is actually telling your partner that you don’t trust him. Even if it’s true."
"Successful relationships are about compromise. If you agree not to bring up his undead ex-girlfriends during arguments, he should agree not to seek out your old human boyfriends and kill them."
"In an undead relationship, it’s best not to focus on the 'nots.' Not being able to have children. Not being able to legally marry. Instead, focus on what you can have, true long-term commitment."
"The best way to show that you’re independent is actually to be independent. Develop outside interests, attend cultural events, anything to show your wayward vampire mate that you’re not sitting at home pining away."
"You could find anything you wanted now. Uncle Gilbert never did have a head for alphabetizing." - Emery Mueller
"I’m just reveling in knowing something you don’t. So, this is what it feels like … to be the smartest person in the room." - Zeb
"You have enough problems without giving the crazies your name." - Dick
"Well, that’s … painfully accurate. But let’s explore why I might look for problems, shall we?" - Jane
"I’m going to ignore the spanking reference." - Zeb
"This stinky-fruit drive-by is a weird thing to do to someone." - Zeb
"It’s important to temper your absorption into the vampire culture with contact with the human world." - Love Bites: A Female Vampire’s Guide to Less Destructive Relationships
"I will remember that a newly turned vampire is the same person with new needs."
"I will remember that a loved one’s being turned into a vampire does not reflect on me."
"I will remember to offer my vampire loved ones acceptance and love, while maintaining healthy boundaries."
"I will remember that vampirism is not contagious unless blood is exchanged."
"If you’re new to a relationship and your plans for the evening involve alcohol, consider this formula to determine your consumption: however many alcohol units it takes to get you to start complaining about your last boyfriend minus 100 percent."
"Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable. Sometimes we have to bare our souls to our vampire mates and say, 'Yes, I’m invincible and immortal, but you can still hurt me.'"
"The best way to get over a messy break-up is to spend time with a supportive group of friends. The best way to chase off a supportive group of friends is to talk constantly about your messy break-up."
"It’s normal to 'relapse' into old patterns. The important thing is to try to avoid hurting bystanders."
"There’s no law that says families have to be best friends. You can choose your own family, which you have."
"If you can’t take care of your own damned self, you don’t have any business trying to take care of anyone else."
"You’d think that silence would be peaceful. But really, it’s painful."
"I’ve never understood the need some people have to express their affection for their significant other in public."
"It’s hard to enjoy practical jokes when your whole life feels like one."
"Sometimes I think my head is so big because it is so full of dreams."
"Don’t waste your time with explanations. People only hear what they want to hear."
"Change is inevitable. It’s necessary for the growth of a relationship. But most of the time, it just plain sucks." — Love Bites: A Female Vampire’s Guide to Less Destructive Relationships
"Love is about facing fear. The fear of rejection, the fear of intimacy, the fear of being hurt. With vampire relationships, the fear quotient tends to be a little higher." — Love Bites: A Female Vampire’s Guide to Less Destructive Relationships