
Secret Prey Quotes

Secret Prey by John Sandford

Secret Prey Quotes
"His investments division was one of the main profit centers at Polaris."
"Once, when he was nine, he’d made soup for himself and his mother out of three carefully shot blackbirds."
"If he killed a deer, he’d have to gut it. Then he’d smell bad and get blood on his clothing."
"Kresge turned the thought of the casualties in his head."
"He was tired of the cold. Move out to L.A. Buy some suits."
"When he closed his eyes, their movement sounded like a crackling of a small, intimate wood fire."
"When Lucas closed his eyes at night, he could see the two of them walking down the narrow hospital corridor toward him."
"The killer sat in the hole and strained to hear: but the only sounds were the dry leaves that still hung from the trees, shaking in the wind."
"The chairman clambered into the stand fifteen feet up the tree, and settled into the bench with his back to the oak."
"The chairman of the board spun off the bench—feeling no pain, feeling nothing at all."
"You know how long he said it would take to get to two-oh-five? A year and a half. A fuckin' year and a half, Lucas..."
"After all the bullshit, that's what it comes down to."
"Money. Yeah, you know. Money, not many people really know what it is, how it works."
"Being an American CEO is like being an old English duke or earl."
"You can spend a half-million a year and feel like your collar's a little too tight."
"He spent his life fucking people in the name of efficiency."
"I've made a pile of money, and I don't fuck people."
"From everything I can tell by watching it, this all must feel better than anything in the world..."
"Not a single person that I know. He spent his life fucking people in the name of efficiency."
"My house just blew up. It's burning, I'm at..."
"Get outside immediately. Just drop the phone and—"
"Wilson McDonald's a classic bully, with all the classic characteristics of a bully: he's a coward at heart."
"I'll tell you when you're given the job. All you have to do now is promise to do me a favor."
"I'm trying to bail this out for the two of you, and I'm bailing as hard as I can."
"Nobody else is in. I checked on McDonald, and he hasn’t been in, so as far as anybody knows, we’ve been working all night."
"If it’s not heroin or cocaine or crack or methamphetamine, it’d be much more important. With this, it’s a misdemeanor, and we simply issue a press release saying that we were unaware of any drug use on O’Dell’s part, say it may have been related to her glaucoma."
"I don’t know. Ten to one against. Hundred to one. Not enough for court, but if you come to me and say we’ve got a partial and a suspect, and we get this much... I’d say we got him."
"I don’t think so; I think he brought it with him, when he came up from the Cities."
"But by the time the newspapers find out for sure that she didn’t, nobody’ll give a shit."
"You’re asking to be hit in the mouth, Bone. I’m no damn dummy and I want an apology."
"I’m beating myself up, so you won’t have to do it."
"We’re going to have to tell Spacek at Midland."
"A real tear ran right down her cheek, and it was the cheek that was turned toward Channel Three."
"I didn’t know that sleep had come, but it must have. The clock went off: she sat up, a bit groggy, realized that the room was dark."
"A calculated risk. If anyone saw her driving without lights, they’d remember it."
"The ashes might never make it to the family farm. That they might not make it further than the nearest ditch."
"He said he’d decided this, but when his kid got out okay, it wasn’t necessary, so he let it go."
"That hair color must be a fashion out here. She looks like a pumpkin."
"Let’s go. I’m tired of this rinky-dink bullshit."
"We could bend me over the front fender right now, in front of all those people, I swear to God."
"About once a year. It cleans out the system."
"I haven’t had a man hurt that bad, except one who was in a car accident."
"The whole goddamn house was a reign of terror."
"Old George did a lot more damage than we knew about."
"I’m sorry to see you lose your precious lock."
"Whoever killed these people—Audrey—is too smart to have called attention to them."
"Remember, this is eight years ago. Audrey’d be thirty. Helen would only be in her mid-twenties... They look alike, but that woman is not twenty-six."
"You might say that . . . And she’s told me I’ve seen the last of Marcia Kresge."