
Bones Are Forever Quotes

Bones Are Forever by Kathy Reichs

Bones Are Forever Quotes
"Ignoring the maggot masses, I inserted gloved fingers beneath the small torso and gently lifted one shoulder."
"How long does it take for a newborn to give up life?"
"My mind took in details. Delicate eyebrows, almost invisible on a face barely recognizable as human."
"My specialty is decomposed, burned, mummified, dismembered, and skeletal human remains."
"The dead are powerless, but those whose passing is suspected to be the result of wrongdoing by others suffer further indignities."
"I knew what lay ahead for this baby who might have been. The assault on her person had only begun."
"She would become a case number, physical evidence to be scrutinized and assessed."
"For a moment I could only stare. The wiggly-white eyes stared back, as though puzzled by their owner’s hopeless predicament."
"For her, there would be no first tooth, no junior prom, no questionable bustier."
"I knew others were speeding our way. Service de l’identité judiciaire, Division des scènes de crime, Quebec’s version of CSI."
"Three dead babies and I was worried about a missing pet. Go figure."
"I kept staring at the bags, wondering about the woman who had done this thing."
"I felt the feathery weight of my brother’s body against my chest, hear the soft cadence of his breathing, recall the perfume of little-boy sweat and baby shampoo."
"Hail, the gang’s all here. Makes my job easier in many ways, harder in some."
"I wasn’t surprised she’d failed to identify more. In a newborn, the cranial bones are unfinished and unfused."
"When we wrap this up, you know you’re going to want me."
"Good. The little punk stiffed me on her share of the last month’s rent."
"The kid was barely old enough to shave her legs. Should have been in school."
"Most of these kids end up junkies and whores, their Hollywood dreams becoming hellish realities of dealers and daily fixes and paddy wagons and pimps."
"I've had a belly full of little girls should be worrying about algebra and zits; instead, they’re off the bus and straight into the life."
"The investigation revealed that the Youngs had purposely killed 'unmarketable' babies by feeding them only molasses and water."
"Dead babies were buried on the property in small wooden grocery boxes typically used for dairy products: thus the term 'Butterbox Babies.'"
"A dripping faucet made soft thups in the stainless-steel sink."
"The beginning of the first word and the end of last word are missing."
"I tried calling out. Again and again. No sound left my throat."
"I was sitting rigid in bed, heart pounding, skin slick with perspiration."
"Morning mist thick as Gran’s fatback gravy swirled in the glow of the hotel sign."
"What the hell’s he saying?" Ollie was growing more and more vociferous.
"Holy Mother of God. Do these airlines ever take off on time?"
"Fine. You stay on the house and I’ll talk to her."
"Everyone’s heard of the Klondike gold rush. Well, Yellowknife had her own day in the sun."
"Worked fifteen years at Giant. One day they up and shut her down. ‘Sorry, buddy. You’re shitcanned.’"
"Don't you dare go all Trooper Murray on me. Someone fucking killed a woman out here! I saw her fucking brains blasted into tomorrow!"
"I was working crime scenes when you were still hoping for your big-boy shorts."
"I felt a hand on my shoulder. No matter. I was in full rant."
"The combined fucking genius of the RCMP and the SQ couldn’t find Annaliese Ruben. But I did."
"If Scar wanted to send a message saying he’s a badass, why take Ruben’s body? Why not leave her where she’ll be found?"
"You sound sleepy. Oh my God. I forgot. It’s only seven out there."
"I felt guilty over my reaction to Katy’s news."
"You’re not winning any points with the locals."
"I was worried about Katy joining the army, and Ryan’s daughter had resumed shooting poison into her veins."
"Like every father, Ryan wanted to shield his child from pain, to protect her from every evil in the world."
"The only thing Farley McLeod gave his kids was a quick shot of sperm and a worthless piece of dirt in the middle of nowhere."
"The world broke into millions of white particles. Went black."
"The only thing's going to help the caribou is a safe place to go."
"Hold it right there!" The bellowed command bounced off rock and reverberated down the shaft.
"Fast Moving. Love the double entendre, Phil."
"You learn that Farley McLeod has scored a rich kimberlite pipe."
"The plan ran off track when this Skipper dude showed up to whine to the review board."
"Blood and bone burst from Fast’s shoulder and splattered the wall at his back."
"Elemental arsenic will never degrade into harmless by-products."