
Her Daughter's Dream Quotes

Her Daughter's Dream by Francine Rivers

Her Daughter's Dream Quotes
"I’m dying, Lord, aren’t I? I haven’t enough strength to fight this disease."
"Oh, God, I love Trip so much. And Charlie and sweet little Carolyn."
"She cares enough to come and help. I didn’t think she did."
"I love you, too, Liebling. Don’t you ever forget that."
"There’s always too much to do, Mama. I wish there were more hours in a day."
"There’s no sin in taking advantage of the conveniences available."
"Your mom is a good, hard worker. You should be very proud of her."
"You’re all grown-up, Carolyn. You don’t need me."
"I’ve been thinking there might be another way to work this out."
"It’s about time you got home. It’s been lonely around here."
"Just go away, Mom. Please. Just let me go to sleep and pretend it never happened."
"War or not, the world goes on, Carolyn, and you have to make plans."
"You’re going to like living in another universe, Carolyn."
"It’s not your choice, Liebling. All you can do is live your life and let Charlie live his."
"You don’t give up just because someone says you can’t do something."
"Charlie’s face tightened. 'Do you think I don’t know that?'"
"I’m amazed Dad agreed to send you to Berkeley. It’s a hotbed of subversives!"
"I’m not planning anything. You just never know when your time will come."
"I can’t stand seeing what I’ve missed, Caro, what I’ll never have."
"You’ve been a prisoner of war, too. In your case, it’s just a different kind of war."
"Don’t leave your mother and father wondering if you’re dead or alive. That’s the cruelest kind of torment."
"It’s not about what you’ve done. It’s about what you’re going to do now."
"You make it sound like labor. I love taking care of Dawn. She’s no bother at all!"
"No one sets out to bring that kind of misery into their life, and it takes more than willpower to stop."
"The thing is, we all struggle, some harder than others. Some of us make trouble for ourselves."
"We’re out of high school. The age difference doesn’t matter anymore."
"She’s filling out, has a nice basketball growing."
"Don’t expect Dawn to adjust overnight, Carolyn."
"You can look like a Christian on the outside, but it’s the fruit that shows what you are."
"Your name is May Flower Dawn Arundel. Dawn is your middle name."
"By the time I have a place of my own, Dawn won’t be mine anymore."
"We’re not trying to punish you, Carolyn. We want to help you put your life back together."
"I’m giving you over to Satan. Let the devil sift you."
"He glared at Carolyn. "Get out of my sight!""
"Every woman wants a nice wedding and you’re going to have one."
"I’m not going to be late for the elders’ meeting."
"God has plans for us. He has a purpose for your life."
"Making things easier on your children is sometimes the worst thing you can do."
"It wouldn’t be a classic if it hadn’t won the respect and hearts of generations."
"There’s a whole universe of things to learn."
"People either weigh you down or give you wings."
"Sometimes we realize our dreams in ways we never imagined."
"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding."
"When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things."
"In Him, we live and breathe. In Him, we will one day find one another again."
"I lived and loved the best way I knew how, trusting God to keep His promise never to lose one of His own."
"Pain builds character, and they didn’t cause it. We did that to ourselves."
"I watched him sobbing one night. A few days later, he put his fist through the wall."
"I think they spent everything they have to put on this dinner."
"He has to make decisions about his future. He’s weighing all his options."
"You’ll be on the edge again, not really part of anything anymore."
"It took me a long time to get over you, Dawn."
"My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness."
"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can't change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."
"God didn’t bring you home to let you down, honey."
"I’m begging you. Don’t tell him! He worries about me and the baby enough already."
"I’m only interested in one natural wonder. You."
"We’re reading Nehemiah. Thought it appropriate."
"You’re never alone, Dawn. You’re never alone. God is with you."
"Love the two of them the way Jesus loves you."
"Life didn't always work out the way you wished."
"I know how Abraham felt when he placed Isaac on the altar."
"We try to do a little better than the previous generation and find out in the end we’ve made the same mistakes without intending."
"God won’t take you where His love won’t protect you."
"I didn’t want to go back and visit that time."
"I forgot to call Mitch. My cell phone won’t work out here."