
The Autumn Republic Quotes

The Autumn Republic by Brian McClellan

The Autumn Republic Quotes
"Death is a bloody painter and this is his canvas."
"I'm going to find my boy, and if he's not alive and well, I'm going to pull Kresimir's guts out through his ass."
"I grew up on the streets, and then in Field Marshal Tamas’s household. I have an education in strategic deduction and guessing that most Privileged never get."
"Powder mages can't see regular people in the Else. Neither can Knacked."
"But that's how you get to be better. That's how you become smarter and tougher than the people who will want to harm you."
"Don't chew on it—that just makes you bitter. Put it aside and use it as a reminder of why you never want to be helpless again."
"Take your weakness and make it your strength."
"Lying and cheating are all fair game when your life is on the line. And it always is, in a royal cabal."
"I have my weaknesses, but I make up for them with cunning."
"The Kez will only have to sit back and wait until they've destroyed each other and this whole campaign will be in ruins."
"You remember how he made you feel so helpless?"
"He's in the palm of your hand. You don't have to be awake to keep him under control?"
"Their color in the Else will be so faint that you might think you're imagining it."
"Countries rise and fall on bigger lies than that."
"I've found that a little messiness is like manure on a field when you're trying to cultivate fear."
"I'm going to drive the Kez from my country once and for all."
"I always thought you were more than a laundress."
"You're a fool. And you almost lost us this war."
"He’s tried to have you killed a dozen times, at least."
"The burden of such power is to protect your friends and countrymen."
"The seconds ticked by, then turned into minutes."
"We were attacked under a white flag of parley."
"I would die for my country. But I'd rather kill for it."
"This war has been one of defensive battles: Ned’s Creek, Shouldercrown, Surkov’s Alley, Budwiel."
"Today, my friends, my brothers and sisters, we go on the offensive."
"I’ve been a fairly reprehensible drunk since your mother died."
"If he still wants you, he’ll find you in a couple of weeks. If he doesn’t, you won’t hear from him again."
"If I wanted Mr. Tumblar dead, Adamat," Claremonte said, "then he’d be dead."
"We press on, and hope Taniel catches up to his savage Bone-eye in time."
"Then we’re all dead men anyway, and I intend on taking Ipille with me when we go."
"A lick of flame summoned from the Else, directed at that cabal camp, and all the pit would come crashing down on her head."
"Then again, that woman shouldn’t treat anyone like that."
"She’s learning how to be a real Privileged, and the insolence goes with it."
"You hold the rank of field marshal. Would you rather I call you ‘king-killer’?"
"Because if you can’t win it with the tools you have, you make new tools."
"I may be an old man, but I’m running a mighty powder trance right now and I’ll twist your balls off before you can twitch a finger."
"But if we’re lucky, he won’t suspect that we have a Privileged with us."
"It’s a match made in the pit. We’ll be back to trying to kill each other after this whole thing is over."
"If you don’t mind me saying," Olem said, "you’ve been on edge. More than just a chafed ass."
"At least you know your failings," Olem remarked.
"Really. I mean it. I’ve met dozens of officers who think their immaculate mustache can move the world. Not knowing one’s weaknesses gets people killed," Olem observed.
"Little do they know that an immaculate beard is what it takes," Nila joked.
"You’ve shown yourself to be capable," Olem acknowledged.
"The field marshal has a habit of using the hottest fire to temper soft metal," Olem said.
"I’m not sure if he should have sent you," Olem expressed doubtfully.
"You’ve been on edge. More than just a chafed ass," Olem commented.
"The entrance yawned like a mouth full of broken, black teeth."
"This battle was in motion, and for victory or ruin he could do nothing but ride forward with the tide."
"The array of colors in the Else that indicated the ancient wards holding the wall together writhed."
"Without the sorcery to protect it, the wall was but porcelain to the modern artillery."
"The sound of screaming horses mixed with the frightened yells of men, and the clash of steel on steel filled his ears."
"The whole group surged forward, slamming into the disorganized crowd of infantry."
"He felt a bayonet slash at his breastplate and turned to shoot a Kez soldier in the face with his carbine."
"The avenue behind the wall was jammed with Kez soldiers."
"The plaza was empty. Tamas called a halt, sensing a trap."
"I was always rather fond of Adom. He was the only one who ever took me seriously."
"He reached out with his senses and detonated powder among the front rank, blowing them to pieces."
"It’s magic long lost to this part of the world, older than me or Kresimir, and never really understood by any of us."
"I had other plans, in case I lost the election. Plans within plans within plans."
"I’ve used artifacts like this to kill all but two of my siblings."
"You obstinate shit, I would have had you lead my armies. What a waste."
"Your lives are nothing to me. Surrender this battle now or I will lift this entire city into the air and drop it from a hundred miles up."
"I’ve seen that look before. You look like a hare cornered by a pack of hounds."
"We’re just very, very old. We were the very first Privileged to walk this planet."
"I won’t stop you. It sounds like he deserves to die. But leave us out of your machinations. Leave Adro in peace."
"You’re a good man. A good fighter. That’s all that matters."
"You have no power to command me," Cheris said.
"We don’t have time for your shit. If you want something from us, get on with it."
"We will fight the nation’s wars. We will fight for the people’s interests. We will not be lapdogs to any single group of politicians."
"I’ll leave the offer on the table for a week," Bo said.
"I’m going now, son. Get out of here. Brude’s going to have a death rattle, and it won’t be pleasant."
"I’m tired of the blood. Tired of the fighting. Another gunshot won’t solve anything."