
Two By Two Quotes

Two By Two by Nicholas Sparks

Two By Two Quotes
"Sometimes, in recalling events of that day, she and I are of slightly differing opinions."
"I wasn’t quite thirty years old and the pressure I felt to provide for my family over the next few years required sacrifice on a scale that even I hadn’t expected, and if that isn’t being a grown-up, I don’t know what is."
"I’ve reached the point where I’ve stopped trying to figure it out: The only thing that really matters now is learning enough to avoid making the same mistakes again."
"Nor am I sure when her room and toys and games changed."
"Our conversations since I’d started my business had been superficial."
"I was planning to use some of the money from our investments."
"I’ve been me for more than a third of a century, and half the time, I still don’t understand myself."
"Even so, what I remember most about that evening was that Vivian looked even more stunning than usual."
"I knew she’d been putting out feelers about finding some part-time work."
"Because the cancer takes your breath, and then it takes the rest of you."
"Remember that family—unlike most of those people you might meet in life—will always be around."
"Love your grandchildren. Do the right thing."
"You always know just what to say to make a guy feel great."
"Shopping less is not equivalent to suffering."
"I don’t want her to worry. I figure I’ll talk to her when there’s something good to tell her."
"You're trying to get me to apologize, but I didn’t do anything wrong."
"Maybe one day you'll love your mom enough to sweep the back porch."
"No one likes personal injury attorneys until they really need one, and then all of a sudden, I'm their best friend and their savior."
"My mom felt no guilt whatsoever about using guilt as a tool to control us."
"Consultations are free and there's no cost until I get you the money that you deserve."
"Our community. Our friends and families and coworkers and neighbors who make this place feel like home."
"I’m Joey Taglieri, and if you’ve been injured and need some help, give me a call. After all, we’re neighbors."
"You want a lawyer with experience. You want someone who’s won millions of dollars for his clients. You want Joey Taglieri."
"It forces you to remember it because it makes you think."
"I’ve been in advertising for thirteen years."
"She’s keeping Bodhi busy and happy, which makes my life easy."
"She let me have marshmallow fluff on my peanut butter sandwich."
"It’s not like I’m getting deployed overseas for six months at a stretch. Lots of couples have to deal with commuting between cities."
"It’s not secret, Russ. She told you about it."
"I don’t think it’s a good idea for me stay in a hotel."
"I just want to spend a lot of time doing what she wants to do."
"It’s been said that parents always screw up their kids and since I’d been a people pleaser for as long as I can remember, it logically flowed that it was all my parents’ fault."
"I wished I could be another person. Or, better yet, I wished I could be a stronger version of me."
"What I said was that it doesn’t matter how I feel about her. The only thing that really matters is how you feel about her."
"She was already backing away. ‘We had a terrific time. I’ll call you tomorrow to let you know what time you should come over to the house.’"
"My dad took a sip of his beer. ‘It doesn’t matter what I think.’"
"‘You’re missing the point,’ Vivian said, raising her chin. ‘If she wants a bigger role the next time they have a show, she can’t miss classes. You’re setting her up to be disappointed again.’"
"It’s not my intent to make anything worse between you and Vivian."
"Friendship isn’t about how long you know someone. It’s about who walks into your life, says ‘I’m here for you,’ and then proves it."
"Your real problem is that you’re too damn nice for your own good."
"When a friend says he has to hide, my door is open."
"Maybe, I thought to myself, spending the day at the pet store hadn’t been such a good idea."
"If it comes, let it come. If it stays, let it stay. If it goes, let it go."
"The quickest way to get over someone is to get over someone else."
"I can't imagine London not wanting Bodhi to be there, which means that Emily will probably make an appearance at the party as well."
"Right now, I think it would be best if we start discussing treatment options."
"Tell me if you’re still feeling that way around the eight-month mark."
"I thought you were smarter than that! You don’t see me insisting that London hang out with Walter and me, do you?"
"You might not believe it, but you’ve been doing that for me."
"Why are you dragging London along when you go out with your girlfriend?"
"You better eat a decent dinner tonight, or I’m going to get seriously angry with you."
"I’m glad you came by. I wanted to talk to you."
"I’ll talk to London about me, okay? So don’t worry about that. It’s something I’ve been wanting to do."
"You and Liz are my heroes and my muses, because your love for each other has always made room for your differences and celebrated everything you had in common."
"Thank you for showing me what it means to truly love, and be loved, in return."
"I’m not ready to say goodbye to you just yet."
"This much I know: Marge would have loved it."