
Tempt Me At Twilight Quotes

Tempt Me At Twilight by Lisa Kleypas

Tempt Me At Twilight Quotes
"Her chances of a decent marriage were about to be dashed—and all because of a ferret."
"Unfortunately Poppy Hathaway had pursued Dodger halfway through the Rutledge Hotel before she recalled an important fact: to a ferret, a straight line included six zigs and seven zags."
"You’re still going to die," she told him, approaching him in as unthreatening a manner as possible. "Give me the letter, Dodger."
"This, she muttered beneath her breath, "is what happens when you’re a Hathaway. Misadventures . . . wild animals . . . house fires . . . curses . . . scandals . . ."
"It’s not safe for a young woman to wander alone through the hotel. Don’t take such a foolish risk again."
"Someone with whom I could share a quiet, ordinary life."
"Because it is a well-known fact that monkeys are nearly as greedy as people."
"You have no bloody idea how to make her happy."
"You should never cry over a man. No one is worth your tears."
"The fox has many tricks, the hedgehog only one. But it's a good one."
"Perhaps. But you're also making certain that whatever anyone says about you, you've already admitted it. Now you've made all criticism of you ineffectual."
"Everyone in my family loves novels. We gather in the parlor nearly every evening, and one of us reads aloud. Win is the best at it—she invents a different voice for each character."
"You’re not here to question how much any of this costs. Your only task is to choose what you like."
"I always thought Poppy was too sensible to make this kind of mistake."
"You’ve managed to acquire Poppy, but you don’t have what it takes to keep her."
"I won’t change my mind, Win. I promised Harry that I would marry him, and so I shall. He has been kind to me."
"But she’s also lonely. And Rutledge took advantage of that."
"To marry a villain, or never to marry at all."
"It’s doubtful he ever would have offered for you. He deceived you, and himself."
"I’m the same man who kissed you on the terrace. You liked it well enough then."
"Don’t wake Mrs. Rutledge," he told the maid. "She needs to rest this morning."
"We haven’t even gotten a first opinion yet," Poppy protested. "And you’re making far too much of this. It’s just a minor sprain, and . . . what are you doing?"
"You always have at least ten things planned."
"He drinks, gambles, and squanders money. And the devil knows how many bawdy-house diseases he’s caught by now."
"I don’t have the patience to tutor you tonight."
"You can’t make me stay if I don’t want to," she said. "And I won’t compromise on this, Harry. You will do as I ask, or I will leave."
"I’ve never wanted to be loved. And God knows no one’s done it yet."
"Poppy, don’t you remember that special talk we had before your wedding night?"
"We aristocrats always try to get someone else to do something before we have to do it ourselves."
"I can’t think of a single day of my life that wouldn’t have been improved with you in it."
"Because people in love know that time should never be wasted."
"I’ve just returned from a meeting at the War Office, where I told Sir Gerald and Mr. Kinloch that I’ve decided not to work on the new gun design."
"You’re right. I can’t think of a single day of my life that wouldn’t have been improved with you in it."
"How do you know he hasn’t decided to spend the evening with some lightskirt?"