
The Darkest Seduction Quotes

The Darkest Seduction by Gena Showalter

The Darkest Seduction Quotes
"Fury and frustration were living entities inside him."
"Desperate times call for desperate measures."
"I think, if you continue on this destructive path, you will lose everything you have come to love."
"The best revenge is to be unlike him who performed the injustice."
"I’m not asking you to willingly submit to torture."
"I will find her, and I will save her. From Cronus...from himself."
"How dare you, a slave, question me? I am your master, your owner."
"I’ve only recently begun to flash myself, and yeah, I’m damn good for a beginner—not that I need to tell you that since anyone with eyes would have noticed—but I’m still honing my amazing skills."
"Your new permanent eyeliner is very pretty. You’ll make a good-looking corpse."
"Perhaps you’ve been living in Hungary for so long you’ve forgotten English and didn’t understand what I was saying."
"If you don’t return in, say, the amount of time it takes my conditioner to penetrate my scalp, I’ll go for help."
"Before we do this, I’ve got one question for you. And you can’t lie. This is too important."
"You are a cruel, sadistic bastard. My hair needs TLC and you…you… Damn you! I’ve gutted men for less."
"Do you feel better now, my stallion? Do you feel like a big, strong male?"
"Actually, Irish, you mythological douche," Winter fired back, "they don’t, and he’s going to tirade all over your ass if you don’t shut your mouth."
"Paris? Warrior?" Zacharel said. "Are you listening to me?"
"I slept with you because I wanted to destroy you."
"You didn’t want me before, in the room. So maybe this is punishment."
"I understand the concept far better than I ever did."
"They deserved a hell of a lot worse than they got."
"I hate that it has to be this way, but I can’t change it."
"I don’t care what you’ve done, or who you’ve done it with."
"I’ve decided you’re not going near that psycho, and that’s that, so just take the knife and say thank you."
"Let me have you. One more time before we head out."
"I will take care of you. I won’t let anything happen to you."
"I'll let you do anything you want to me, but I'd like an explanation first."
"We weren’t together a few minutes ago. Which means you went after the first tail to twitch in your direction the second we were separated."
"I’m not your girlfriend, and I will never be your girlfriend, so I can’t complain, can I?"
"I would hope so. Otherwise our romance would be missing something."
"You aren’t walking out of this room until I’ve killed you!"
"You won’t ever be my girlfriend." Because you’re already my wife.
"I’m so sick of this world, the lying and the tricking and the killing."
"That woman is going to pay. Oh, she’s going to pay so bad."
"I’m going to join in and do a little killing of my own. Not through Wrath, but with my own hands."
"That bastard Cronus thinks he can manipulate me, but he can’t. I’m done with all of you!"
"And I’m not going to save you, so there! You can go to—"
"When you used your mouth on me, I wanted to have my face buried between your legs. I still do. And next time, I will."
"I wanted to calm you down, and I did. Missionary accomplished."
"I wasn’t going to sleep with the goddess," he said. "I swear to you. Never will I sleep with that female."
"Don’t do that. Don’t promise things like that. Because even as jealous as I was, and yes, I’m freely admitting to a stalkerlike rage, I would rather you slept with a thousand like her than weaken and die."
"You’re not done with me. Do you hear me? You are not done. You are mine."
"Enough about me. What happened to you in hell?"
"You think I’m in bad condition, you should see the other guy."
"You don’t hurt her," Galen said, menace a strong undercurrent. "Ever."
"We need her. No matter what, we need her. Do whatever you must to convince her to side with us. If that’s not enough, simply take her."
"I am failing you," Zacharel said, the words gritted.
"No matter what, we need her. No matter what, we need her. Do whatever you must to convince her to side with us. If that’s not enough, simply take her."
"You will not fall," the angel said, and the layer of truth in his voice was as convincing as ever.
"I want to fill you and move in you and come in you."
"You are a soul. Had you made contact with the ground, I doubt you would have burst open like a melon."
"I’m not saying I want to leave them forever. I love them. Need them."
"I could have anyone right now, and no, that isn’t ego or a front, it’s just me telling you that now that Sex knows I’m committed, he’s making me hard for every damn female in the place."
"I told you. Galen would not have wanted you otherwise."
"Hope will fight to the death to win her back."
"You’ll discover that I can hurt you in ways that will haunt you for eternity."
"I’m done. No more getting involved with my boys and their women."
"I hate apologizing, and Paris is the vengeful type."
"Whatever else came, whatever else happened, we would be together, just as I’d wanted since the beginning."