
Blade Of Secrets Quotes

Blade Of Secrets by Tricia Levenseller

Blade Of Secrets Quotes
"I prefer metal to people, which is why the forge is my safe space."
"My customers know that when they commission a Zivan blade, it will be one of a kind."
"I pride myself on making each of my weapons unique."
"I’ve always been a naturally anxious person, but being around people makes it so much worse."
"I want to make the world a safer place. My weapons are supposed to do that."
"I’m happy. I have everything I need. You and my forge."
"I can build the fiercest weapons the world has ever seen, but force me to talk about something other than weaponry with people I don’t know, and I won’t survive."
"You can’t just walk up to someone like that, Ziva. We need to wait for the right moment."
"Of course it works, but I’m not about to slice you open."
"I’ve never seen anyone wrestle a wolf like that."
"There’s no point in lying. She’d see the truth anyway."
"I don’t want to be hidden. I want to feel safe."
"That’s incredible. What you can do is incredible."
"I’m not impressed by him. And his lips are stupid."
"I am not impressed by superficial surface looks that are completely out of your control."
"I’ll be at the Dancing Kiwi until it’s ready."
"I am relieved to hear he was safe and had a family of his own, but I am grieved to hear of his passing."
"Thank you for saving us. That was quick thinking about the torch."
"By the Twins, I’d rather be anywhere else right now."
"Ebanarra made the stars, while Tasminya formed the moons."
"Ebanarra was always careful and meticulous with her creations, nurturing them, guiding them, watching them grow."
"We should show care and love for this world and the people in it."
"Pray for those who wrong you. Ask the Sisters to help change their hearts."
"Do these things and there will be a place reserved in the Sisters’ heavens for you."
"Our own city had the worst of it. Here in Thersa, there was one born with the ability to control the minds of others."
"I'm stuck staring at the little girl. She has golden-red hair the exact same shade as Kellyn's."
"You are not responsible for any of this. You were doing your job. Something you do very well."
"You forged an air-sucking mace during one of your attacks."
"The sword is not evil in and of itself. In the hands of a just ruler, it could protect a whole kingdom."
"Only someone worthy can pull the sword out of its iron casing."
"Someone told you this? The sword did. When you cut yourself on it. I heard your thoughts. It revealed your secrets to me."
"I've protected it from you. Only someone worthy can pull the sword out of its iron casing."
"I don’t know why I was given this ability. Whether it was a gift from the Sisters or some curse of my birth."
"I’ve spent my life trying to make the world a safer place with my creations."
"When your mother denied me, I didn’t know there were two little girls sleeping upstairs."
"Your little book is of no consequence compared to what I’ve been working on for decades."
"You can’t beat me. You’re only prolonging the inevitable."
"I thought this journey would be a nice time for us to finally spend some quality time together."
"Enough. You do as you wish, but if you come between me and the smithy again, I will not be so lenient."
"I’ve always forged my own weapons. I enjoy the process of creating something out of nothing."
"The fact that you’re my son is the only reason I haven’t skinned you alive yet."
"I don’t care. I’m still asking. Let them go. Let this go."
"I killed people yesterday. Kymora hurt my sister. I hurt inside."