
Multipliers: How The Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter Quotes

Multipliers: How The Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter by Liz Wiseman

Multipliers: How The Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter Quotes
"It isn't how much you know that matters. What matters is how much access you have to what other people know."
"People love to contribute their genius. If they put in the effort to figure out someone’s genius, they have opened a pathway for that person to contribute."
"A native genius is something that people do, not only exceptionally well, but absolutely naturally."
"Nothing grows under a banyan tree. It provides shade and is comfortable, but it allows no sun in for growth."
"Talent exists everywhere and can be used at its highest if we identify the genius in people."
"Diminishers think people need to report to them to get anything done."
"Empire Builders focus on acquiring resources and slotting them into structures where they are clearly under their command."
"Talent Magnets go beyond attracting smart people. They draw out that talent by connecting people with opportunities."
"A players delivering A work, exhausted but ready to do it again: This is the way of the Talent Magnet."
"Develops the talent of the team was among the lowest three skills of the Diminisher."
"When leaders play the role of the Empire Builder, they bring in great resources, but fundamentally undervalue them."
"Removing a highly intelligent employee or leader can be difficult, but it can have huge payoffs."
"Talent Magnets encourage people to grow and leave. They celebrate their departures and shout their success to everyone."
"Liberators create an environment where the best ideas surface and where people do their best work."
"Multipliers create a vacuum that draws people into the challenge."
"By setting the bar high, he gave people permission to rethink the business."
"Multipliers achieve this energizing stretch in three ways."
"By asking them to create their personal Mission Impossible, he allowed them to embrace and step into the challenge themselves."
"The most powerful leaders are those who not only have mental horsepower themselves, but also know how to multiply it by accessing and stretching other people’s intelligence."
"Multipliers make decisions by first engaging people in debate."
"It isn’t just benevolence. They invest, and they expect results."
"People don't give a little more—they give a lot more. They give all of their discretionary effort and mental energy."
"The assumptions we hold shape our views, our practices, and in the end have a powerful effect on the outcomes, often forming a self-fulfilling prophecy."
"Multipliers invest in others in a way that builds independence to allow others to apply their full intelligence to the work at hand, and also to expand their scope and influence."
"When we let nature take its course and allow people to experience the natural consequences of their actions, they learn most rapidly and most profoundly."
"The more important something is, the more likely a lazy man's approach will work best."
"The assumptions of a Multiplier are the head pin to becoming one. Because behavior follows assumptions, you can knock out a whole set of behaviors by adopting the right belief."
"Resource leverage has the power of relevancy. It is timely. But it is also timeless."
"In down markets or growth markets, leading like a Multiplier matters to the organization you work for."
"Leading like a Multiplier matters to the world at large."
"A single Accidental Diminisher turned Multiplier could have a profound and far-reaching impact in a world where the challenges are so great and our full intelligence underutilized."