
Thief's Magic Quotes

Thief's Magic by Trudi Canavan

Thief's Magic Quotes
"Wrestling the object out of the dead man’s grip seemed disrespectful so Tyen worked slowly, gently lifting a hand when a blackened fingernail snagged on the covering."
"The book was magical. Though most sorcerous books used magic in minor and frivolous ways, they were so rare that the Academy would always take them for its collection."
"Tyen stared at the words. A chill ran down his spine, yet at the same time he felt a familiar thrill. Magic could sometimes be disturbing. It was often inexplicable."
"I was made by a powerful sorcerer, replied the text. He took my knowledge and flesh and transformed me."
"Yes, but only when you touch me. When not in contact with a living human, I am blind and deaf, trapped in the darkness with no sense of time passing."
"Better that than spend my existence in oblivion. Books don’t last forever, not even magical ones. Keep me. Make use of me."
"The familiarity of the saying was startling and unexpectedly reassuring. It was one that Professor Weldan liked."
"So what did this book do? Why did text only appear when it was opened? Why did it have a name?"
"The book – Vella – had already connected with his mind twice. Did she already know everything about him?"
"Though not as thrilling as air travel, railsled was still the fastest and most comfortable form of transport to be developed in the last century."
"You study history and magic. Obviously I can’t tell you about the last six hundred years because I was in the tomb, but I existed for many centuries before then."
"You’ll have to work that one out for yourself."
"I was born in the city of Ambarlin in the country of Amma in the world Ktayl."
"I once found a marvel – an object of little monetary value but great magical potential that might have benefited thousands – and they locked it away where nobody but they could see and use it."
"I do not feel in the way that I would if I had a whole body to express it with. I know that what was done was cruel and unjust."
"I feel no emotions. Therefore some things were taken away, along with the parts of the mind concerned with controlling parts of the body I no longer have."
"I know that I am not whole but I do not miss what is gone. I am not in great anguish, as you fear."
"Yes, though if you only count the time I have been conscious I have not yet lived as long as I might have as a human."
"I would, because in this form I am a servant at best, a slave at worst. I would like to feel again."
"Knowledge can be dangerous. If the wrong person gets the wrong information at the wrong time."
"I store a little magic in order to survive when the magic around me is depleted."
"People will not give up their wonderful machines willingly."
"The best beguilers always do, and smarter men than you and I have given away a little too much of far more important information for lesser reasons."
"The life of a sorcerer is often a dangerous one, and the techniques of halting ageing are not always shared freely."
"If magic from these other worlds could be tapped, the rebels’ hatred of the machines will be seen for what it is: fear of modernity and envy of the wealth earned by innovation."
"Behaving meek and afraid appealed only to those looking for an easy victim."
"Women don’t become priests. Only men approved by the Angels can."
"It was worth it. If I die now, it is still worth it."
"I am not keeping you from your work? No. I am between commissions."
"I have to be careful not to lose the advantages I have over my competitors."
"It dries slowly, allowing me to blend the colours, and I don’t have to mix up new paint constantly."
"You’re weaker than him, but you might be smarter. So think!"
"If I didn’t think I had something to learn, I wouldn’t be here."
"You are an artist, but one with a lot to learn."
"The tainted will be well away by the time the priests arrive."
"Artists are but a shade away from whores and slaves."
"The inconvenience or shame, for yourself or others, of you bearing a child is nothing compared to what they will do to you if they discover how you prevented it."
"You must be willing to ignore that, if you have come to me."
"The sooner I travel on from here the better."
"It does a little, but I look like most other young Leratian men my age. For once, having an average, unremarkable appearance is to my advantage."
"If someone is watching the station, would they recognise him?"
"We’re making an unscheduled stop at Sacal Bay."
"But surely, if you don’t have this thing, nobody can accuse you of stealing it."
"I’m looking forward to the insights you provide."
"If I’m going to do that, I may as well paint naked women. At least I’d have fun and earn money."
"I don’t want to be the reason you’re late delivering the spiritual."
"I swear it is true, I swear it on the Angels’ names."
"I have noticed it is not your habit to store questions away, unasked."
"It's a hazard of my profession. How can I convey beauty if I have not seen it?"
"You are not damaged, nor were you ever goods to be traded."
"We’re getting by. Dinni is carving again, thanks to the generosity of our latest customer."
"The wind was still at their back, driving them towards land."
"He shook his head. It was going to be close."
"It all came down to using as little magic as possible to the greatest effect."
"He looked up. The sea was a lot closer than it had been before the capsule had been damaged. Disturbingly close."
"She closed her eyes and willed herself to stop thinking and feeling."
"She resisted the urge to look back until Sa-Mica slowed to meet more priests standing at the main doors."
"She felt sticky and sore, and was already thirsty, but she did not stop."
"Good company", "approachable" and "interesting" got nowhere near the words he’d heard other men use to describe the women they were infatuated with.
"I promised I would search for a way to free her."
Abruptly, Miko’s words flashed out of his memory. "It’s like she’s your girl. Like you’re in love with her. With a book. Mad."
"And, strange as it may be, he thought, I really want to meet her. I don’t think that I am in love with her but … I want the possibility of it."
"If you change your mind it will not hurt me. What you seek to do may be impossible."
"Perhaps we’ll find the answer here in the Far South."
"She is more frightened by heights than she wants to admit."
"There might be. There is more magic here at Tyeszal than anywhere else I have been in this world and time."
"It is not the only choice open to you. Ysser will help you escape Kilraker and the Academy if you ask him.
"If you do it may be a long time before the magic you’ve used is replaced."
"They’re gone. All the people … Why? What happened?"
"No! Do not take from inside! You break our law!"
"You cannot stay here, you cannot return, you can only try to reach the next world."
"It gives me hope that you, born and raised in that terrible place, came out a better man than most."
"Rest assured, the Mountain Temple is the only appropriate place for men like him, isolated from the innocents he would harm here."
"I wouldn’t make two steps before Sa-Mica stopped me."
"I guess you’ll become the fill-in when the other women are all fat and ugly with child. That’s what they usually do with the infertile ones."
"Think about it. Why would I want to return to a remote prison up in the cold mountains if there wasn’t a payoff?"
"The tainted must be brought here and there is no point terrifying them with stories of their predecessors’ fate."
"I am more tainted than ever and I … I just killed a priest. With magic. I’ll be executed."
"Rest. Eat. You have a long journey ahead of you."
"The south is a long way to go for a second life."
"But it doesn’t make sense. Who does he need to fight? The Angels have no enemies."
"And I see nothing other than one Angel dealing with one evil and its consequences."
"Go. Find yourself somewhere quiet and live a good life."