
The Calling Quotes

The Calling by James Frey

The Calling Quotes
"What Marcus wouldn’t give to take a journey of his own, to escape the oppressive heat of this dull city."
"Unlike Odysseus, war will never find Marcus."
"For once, the legends have become a beautiful reality."
"The future is unwritten, and you can make it whatever you want it to be."
"If you don’t feed anger, you won’t be angry."
"Endgame will begin if the human race has shown that it doesn’t deserve to be human."
"Life came from above, that humanity was created by gods."
"I am as you see me. I am happy and able because I allow myself to be happy."
"The world, and the life ahead, is ours for the taking."
"A taxi that hit another taxi, which plowed into a couple standing on the side of the road eating fried persimmon cakes out of a red plastic bag."
"Finally he stops. He faces a low door at the top of the Big Wild Goose Pagoda."
"Marcus is the son of Knossos. A child of the Great Goddess. A Freeborn."
"Put it on, Marcus Loxias Megalos. Time, as you understand it, is of the essence."
"There’s no telling how big it is. Or how small. It just is."
"Your legs are fine. They will work when I’ve finished."
"Endgame is the puzzle of life, the reason for death."
"If Jago has the disk, then I am going with him, Sarah decides."
"He’s let off another incendiary device. The forest starts to burn."
""It’s asking where we want to go," Sarah says."
"He’s going to go find out if Sarah is still there or already gone."
"Everything is here, Kala recalls kepler 22b saying."
"She hits the ground and it hurts, but she’s fine."
""I come in peace, as our mutual brother Christ once did.""
"He can’t feel his body. There’s no cold or heat."
"He keeps seeing her standing amidst 11 other Players."
"He wishes Sarah could see what he’s been up to."
"He takes a step forward. She takes a step back."
"He pushes his chi up from the pit of his stomach and strikes with lightning quickness."
"If he had not pulled away, his hand would have been shattered."
"For the first time since before his training began—he feels calm."
"How are you doing that? he asks, his stutter also gone."
"The past—all that he has done to get to this point—is here in the present."
"The drawing takes up the whole page. It depicts a heavily armored Chinese warrior."
"He feels young and strong and nervous. It is the best feeling he can ever remember having."
"She was asleep. Dreaming pleasant things. Green things. Laughing things."
"But I think They want you to know. For whatever reason."
"He puts it in reverse just as half a dozen guards appear at the edge of the lot. 'Buckle up.'"
"It scares him to think that there was so much he didn’t know about her."
"Her adrenaline still pumping hard, Sarah breathes a sigh of relief."
"He’s scared at how much he still loves her, no matter who she is."
"She prays for luck and deliverance. But mostly she prays for vengeance."
"She leans her head on the glass. It all passes below. She closes her eyes."
"I hate Endgame, Chiyoko. Despise it. Loathe it."
"Gobekli Tepe. That is where Kala Mozami is going. Back to a place of beginning."
"The world below is as full and beautiful as it ever was."
"The Calling, the escape from the pagoda, the Terracotta Army incident, the fact that they still have the disk, all the flying—everything—is finally catching up with them."
"If all the numbers are used, the coordinates will be accurate to the 6th or 7th decimal place."
"And though he appreciates the gesture, this makes it almost worse. To smell her, but not to be able to see her or touch her."
"She’s not sure what she’s going to find, if anything."
"She’s not proud of that, but something about it, and the fact that she was responsible for it, creates a sense of awe in her."
"The fate of the world is being played out by a group of teenagers."
"Nothing decides everything. The future is unwritten."
"I was laughing because I want to hate you, but when you act all hard, and I know you can actually back it up, it makes me like you more."
"Slow down," Eben cautions. "These are dangerous thoughts."
"True thoughts," Hilal insists. "Certainties."
"The Event is part of Endgame. The reason for it. The beginning, middle, and end!"
"Or perhaps they are testing your worthiness."
"Our very history—that we have been visited, altered, taught by the beings for millennia—would suggest that anything is possible."
"We believe that one person can make a difference."