
A Perfect Blood Quotes

A Perfect Blood by Kim Harrison

A Perfect Blood Quotes
"I am a person, and I need a new driver’s license and my car registered!"
"You’re listed as dead. You’re not dead, are you?"
"Demons were legal nonentities on this side of the ley lines."
"No one messes with a civil servant. Not even a demon."
"I’d devoted my life to fighting injustice, and being jerked around like this wasn’t fair!"
"I was a demon, damn it! I could flatten this place with one curse."
"It’s a big city. Do you realize how many witches are in Cincinnati?"
"HAPA has been using magic for the last two years."
"A cooperative venture between the I.S. and the FIB to take down a hate group is better than a decade of your fake peace."
"You sure know how to attract the powerful dead, Rachel."
"I’m the one who makes bad life choices, not you."
"The highs let you touch the sky, and the lows give you no way out."
"I hadn’t noticed. Where else am I going to get them? Wally World?"
"I’m good with Ivy dating Glenn, biting Glenn, whatever with Glenn."
"I didn’t want to get one only to have it vanish after some stupid demon transformation curse."
"Because she’s making this one piece all she’ll ever need to show the world who she is."
"If I had really wanted to get away, I would have."
"Pain is apparently part of the mystique. That’s why vampires don’t get tattoos."
"You’re vulnerable without all your magic. One man with a van and another with a wad of ether, and you’re gone."
"Weres wouldn’t ink vampires since vampires turned pain into pleasure."
"Every so often, a vampire would start a parlor to give tattoos to their kin."
"The old ones didn’t like scars on their chosen that they didn’t give them."
"It used to hold Mr. Fish, my betta, but had since been relegated to imprisoning the blue chrysalis that Al gave me on New Year’s."
"Ivy knew I didn’t care how or when she took care of business."
"The nymph was probably used to threesomes, being a nymph."
"Threesomes were common in vamp society where a savage vampire might use another person to help even things out."
"I’ll arrange a private tour for you if you like, and if you still feel the same way, I’ll be very much surprised."
"There’s nothing down there," Mr. Calaway exclaimed, but my amulet said differently.
"The information might help me figure out how."
"Borrowing Nina this long isn’t healthy. I’m feeling a great lack in myself, a longing."
"I’ve had to almost double my blood consumption to combat it."
"But it’s not for blood. I want to feel the sun on my face, not feel it through Nina."
"You’re going in angry, and you shouldn’t be going in at all."
"We’re going to find out. I promise you that."
"Get the bug," I heard the blond woman say matter-of-factly.
"Sons of bitches!" Jenks shrilled. "You friggin’ sons of bitches!"
"I had no magic. I was down. Despite all my preparations, I was helpless."
"Suck it up, Gerald! I’m not going to sit in the back with that animal!" the woman said.
"Over here!" I shouted, squirming. "We’re over here!"
"She should be dead," Jennifer said when she looked up.
"I’m Rachel," I said to the lump in the corner.
"I don’t think Morgan’s blood is going to be any different from any other corrs we’ve taken," she said, and I became more uneasy.
"I thought the whining and crying was bad, but this is worse."
"Bloody waste of time. We should have just darted them."
"You are all going to rot in hell, even if I have to carry you there on my back," I breathed.
"You’re not going to survive this," I said, shaking. I meant it to the bottom of my soul.
"Let’s go," she said, and my anger turned to hope when Eloy stood up from the monitors.
"My God, doesn’t she ever shut up?" Getting to her feet, she went to stir the soup.
"That makes two of us," I snarled, and Chris chuckled as she popped in a new vial and hit the go button.
"I have been inching forward forever," she said as she stood over Winona.
"I don’t care!" she shouted. "If I say we do it now, we do it now!"
"If it should come down to it," Chris said, her words crisp and mocking, "your surly nature might outweigh your blood, and we’ll take Winona instead."
"It’s evidence," I slurred. "Get it right . . . bitch."
"I’ll be right back," I whispered to Winona, knowing she couldn’t hear me.
"I can hear everything," she said, her voice louder than a whisper.
"I’m not going to pick her up and carry her screaming to the basement."
"I am standing beside you to get you out. Whatever it takes."
"Trust is going to keep him calm long enough to listen."
"I don’t really have a plan, but hiding in a spell-proof room surrounded by an arsenal isn’t going to help."
"I’ve never said that before. Spaced out. But that’s exactly what you did."
"Tell me how you plan on staying alive long enough to bargain with him if you don’t use what I’ve prepared."
"I have a room set up. Lots of circles, protection."
"You’re all about my taking responsibility, well, this is my decision. I have to do it my way."
"I promised Al that I wouldn’t ever summon him into a circle."
"Trust me? He might kill you. I'm not saying he won't. But if you raise one charm in anything other than defense, I will spell you down myself."
"Ivy and Jenks were moving on without me, and that was good."
"Is it going to hurt?" "No." His word crisp and short.
"Why am I even here if you won't let me do anything?"
"Sha na tay, sha na tay," he intoned. "Tunney metso, eva na calipto, ta sowen."
"You’re alive! Al bellowed in anger, and I winced, my bravado vanishing."
"A year of hell is worth three minutes in heaven. Or so they say."
"And exhale on the downstroke, baby. Nice and slow."
"If they make a try for me, they'll be in for a surprise."
"If I'm not there," I said loudly, "they'll get away. I know it!"
"I'm good," I said, my thoughts on my closet, not the questionable smarts about going after a militant hate group again.
"We played chicken with his bullets, and I won."
"You’re a good person. Don’t change because I’m a bastard."
"It’s better than studying portfolios with Quen."
"I think I shall take you anyway. Such beautiful hair you have."
"We don’t have to tell the FIB or the I.S. We can take care of this ourselves."
"They will know that we are no longer going to sit and hide, but that the animals that have enslaved and murdered us will again be hunted and slaughtered."
"I’m finding it very hard to believe that there’s been a group of humans policing HAPA and Inderland without my knowledge."